hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I have the new gold shell AE box this is the first generation Alo Asic Miner and I want to start off this video first with talking about the risks and like disclaimers and you know if people are interested in buying one of these things I know it looks profitable now but don't be persuaded this thing is going to drop in profitability extremely fast so I have the first batch AE box and thank you to coining central.com for sending this to me to just openly talk with you guys about this and we're going to going to turn it on see how much power it takes and of course I'm going to do a 24-hour hash rate giveaway of this thing okay so I think as a recording makes like 25 bucks a day currently okay as of today so just comment down below your thoughts on the gold shell AE box and like this video and I'll choose the winner in about 24 hours as this video is uploaded so good luck my friends good luck just give me your thoughts about the AE box here so with that this is a 37 Mega hash or I believe the hash rate or what they call it is uh M proofs for this because it's actually not technically mining it's something involving ZK proofs I'm not too knowledgeable about it but I'll put the definition up on the screen here so this is the first model from gold shell there's also the AE box Pro which was announced from gold shell but that one is a little bit less efficient than the AE box here which I found kind of strange on the screen here I can just show you the efficiency compared to the ice River uh ae0 which I think is slated to come out next month so that's another big risk to understand okay regarding if you're interested in buying one of these things there are newer models more efficient models that are going to be coming out now this thing has two six pin looks like pcie plugs as well as an Ethernet looks like they got the indicator ports for power system and IP report button right here typical little gold shell box here but then on the back it also has WiFi it's got a reset button it seems like right here and looks like a little SD card here for firmware updating okay so typic you know mini Doge box looking type of Miner here from gold shell now this doesn't have like the integrated power supply like we've seen on some of their newer models like the gold shell mini Doge 3 plus you know their plus models so I'm going to require a power supply to turn this on 750 wat and two six pin to uh six pin pcie cables okay so let me plug all this in so while I'm just plugging this in I just wanted to like talk about how you know these gold shell models here or gold shell has always been like one of the first companies to come out with like a new Asic Miner for for like a new algorithm and there's been many examples I can probably say off the top of my head right now like where the first batch you know miners that come out like from gold Shell let's say from like you know alium for example alium which gold shell came out with their Al box first gen I think last year and I got the first batch on one of those and I decided to do the whole mine and huddle test so it's been almost more than a year right and I've been keeping track of all the alium that I've been mining on the first generation uh Al box and so in total I've mined 1,678 alium over the course of the past year with this thing I've been doing the whole mine and huddle test with it and so at that time the AL box cost about I think $9,000 initially so have I theoretically gotten my initial investment back no definitely not so it doesn't help as well as that you know aum's price has been depressing over the past I don't know couple months and so whether or not that's also because of the big boy a3s that have come out which I don't know if we're going to pinpoint the reason why Al's price been going down is it because since the a3s came out and doubled the network hash rate is there a lot of sell pressure that's been happening or is it because of you know bitcoin's been kind of going down and bringing down the rest of the market I don't know so the current price of this AE box okay is priced at around I think $24 or $2,500 and currently with ao's price as of recording I think it's 46 the current profitability is that this thing makes about 25 bucks a day now also looking at the network hash rate for Alo it has been kind of going down so I believe gold shell is probably turning these things off and like delivering them to you know all the people that maybe you know pre-ordered this thing which I don't really don't think a lot of people have ordered this because people are burnt out people are honestly sick of gold shell and I guess their practices of selling these types of miners at very high you know initial cost basis which miners will then never get their initial investment back so just you know speaking from experience and from you know all the different Asic I've tested over the past I don't know couple years I don't think anyone's gotten their money back from buying a gold shell Miner even like Caspa miners like the KA boxes or k Ka box 2os I think when those first came out I don't think people have gotten their initial investment back on those yet so it is very concerning especially in the state of the market right now where altcoins have been suppressing I mean if you believe in AO and you believe AO is going to go to you know higher highs again then that's the risk you're going to take am I going to take that risk hell no definitely not so I'm going to turn on this thing okay let's turn it on make sure there's no smoke by the way I'm using the veteran Miner PCI cables if you guys are interested in custommade thick gauge six pin PCI cables go check out the veteran minor.com he's got the best PCI cables around or go visit GP Q cables.com I have a link down below if you guys are interested okay it is turning on so let's go on the computer and see what the web [ __ ] looks like okay I am in the computer I got the IP address of it already and it's already mining looks like it says 36 to almost 37 megahash on this AE box and I'm going to change this to English and I'm going to unlock it because we are going to uh obviously change the wallet here uh to you guys and my password's wrong I one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is the default okay it says I'm wrong I forgot the nine okay 1 through nine is the password so it's just starting up and at the wall it shows about 333 Watts but let's go scroll down here looks like we got only obviously one hash board okay and let's go to Miner okay so looks like we have the mining pool that it's mining to DX pool right now so DX pool the pool of choice I believe for gold sh looks like there's been massive spikes down down so whether or not that's gold shell turning all these off shipping them out I mean that makes sense because this is the week that you know I received it and a bunch of other people are getting them right now for those that ordered it I don't think many people ordered it so looks like there's hash rate mode Idol mode okay so there's no like lower power mode I guess 360 watts is already you know pretty low algorithm plan it says ZK snark Alo okay system looks like we have the Wi-Fi settings and uh yeah that's it so I can join the Wi-Fi on this thing okay pretty standard gold webgui okay I want to talk to you guys regarding just you know if you're thinking about buying one of these things honestly it's not going to take much you know to raise the network hash rate for Alo So currently looks like uh looks like the Alo Network hash rate has been kind of dropping over the past I don't know a couple of months and initially it was GPU mined okay a lot of GPU miners were mining this I me included I GPU mined over I think 3,000 Lao and I've been holding that now whether or not you know bitmain's going to come out with their big boy la Asic I don't know but looking at the chart of a Leo I mean when you see a coin that does from this down to this it's usually not very good so just looking at the efficiency of this minor currently it does about 37 mahash at about 360 Watts right so the wat per hash here is 9.7 then they have the a box Pro that was just announced and that does 10.4 wat per hash that's worse efficiency than the AE box so I don't think anyone's going to buy this one but the looming fact and risk involved here for anyone that's buying these things is that the iover ae0 is going to come out soon and potentially bitm right bitm did announce they announced something I think two years ago or a year ago that they were going to come out with an AO Asic so recently I think when the gold shell Miner was announced here I mean we did have a little bump in price here but is it going to sustain I don't know okay and so I'm going to make another video but I wanted to get your guys's thoughts on if I should be mining and hodling or Mining and selling every day okay so that'll be for another video but let me just do some quick math here okay the current Network hash rate for Alo is about let's just say 200 uh G proofs or 200 gigahash I think uh mining pool stats does gigahash here so in megahash the AE box does 37 right megahash so that's going to be about 0.037 of a gigahash if I did you know 0.037 of a g proof or gigahash times this by let's say 500 of these AE boxes okay that's going to give us 18.5 gigahash so if you're tacking on another 18 gigahash on a 200 gash network is that going to affect it much at the current price well which is you know the biggest Factor the price of Alo could just tank at any point in time here over the past month it's been you know quite fluctuating here but overall over the past year it's just been going like straight down but just doing that you know quick math 18 gigahash if they added like if gold shell sold 500 of these that would add 18 gigahash so I did like 18.5 uh divided I don't know 204 of the network hash rate that would be about a 9% increase of the network hash rate on a Lao okay if they made you know 500 of them but what if gold shell made you know like 2,000 of them okay which I did see on coin mining Central they have a February batch uh the inst stock batch February batch and March batch so I don't know how many gold shell can manufacture here uh including including right ice River okay ice river is also a bigger manufacturer now of these miners they can easily make you know a couple thousand of these so let's do let you know let's say you know I server next month they they release the 50 megahash ae0 right uh so that does 0.05 of a gigahash so let's go back here okay let's go the calculat let's go 0.05 times I don't know 3,000 of these okay let's say 3,000 people bought one of these so that would tack on pretty much another 150 gigahash to the network So currently it's 204 all right and so if ice server uh you know adds on another uh adds on another two uh 150 plus 150 okay I'm not saying gigahash so about 354 gigahash right so that would be an increase of uh divided by 204 that would be an increase of 73% okay that that's if okay that's if you know I server you know made 3,000 of them including we're not even including you know the 500 or th000 or 2,000 AE boxes okay so let's just say the network cash rate doubled okay it doubled let's let's just say it just doubled to 400 gigahash then the daily revenue or income would then just you just split this in half this would just be $12.50 or so so there would have to be a couple thousand of these units okay in order to be sold on the network to really you know hamper the profitability of this but what we've seen and like I talked about regarding you know alium okay different coin Alum when a lot of those as6 started coming out the price of of alium started to you know depress here and when the AL three came out it started to even depress even more okay so whether or not that's because of sell pressure so this is where you know it comes in the question when okay it's just a matter of when not if but when is bitm going to come out with their big boy you know Asic Miner and think about it if this thing is 18 could be you know 1,800 M proofs or uh let's see or I I believe it that would be what 18 gigahash let's see 1800 if 1.8 of a gigahash you know if they just made like 200 of these you know Big B Asic miners let's just say times 200 I mean that would tack on another 360 gigahash on the network currently where it's at 24 so imagine all the people that you know if anyone which again I don't really recommend anyone buying these things but like you know if the amount of people that are going to be you know buying these things and are expecting this profitability just understand things are very quick in the crypto mining realm and these models can come out extremely fast I mean ice river is going to be coming up with this next month okay so your I or your break even on you know breaking even on you know three or $2,500 for this minor it's going to look further and further out so this is where I'm going to be you know I'm going to see how long it takes to break even on 2400 bucks here I'm going to sell the Alo every day some of you guys may not like that idea but honestly I think at this time where it's nice I'm going to do the opposite of what I did with the AL box which was Harding the alium and in reality I should have sold it because I would have made a lot more I think at one point it was worth like $40 or $4,000 and now the bag is worth like $800 which is terrible so anyways let's go back out here okay there's the power consumption 346 WS there's my ambient temperature around 66 fenhe it's pretty cool in here this thing is not loud at all so obviously I think what what gold shell really you know advertises their models at all their miners is that it's quiet and uh meant for like you know a table heater or a little tiny room heater okay so really that's the selling point regarding these so there it is guys I think throughout the whole video I just talked about you know the risks regarding this you know I don't want people to burn their money it happens time and time again and I'm just going to say at the very end here you know like I don't know if Alo is going to go up higher in price okay so for people that are actually wanting to buy one of these things and actually risk the money that they are going to spend on one of these things and hope that they will get the initial investment back just understand the risks are very high okay very very high and so yeah you know you could break even within you know half a year maybe a year maybe 3 years maybe never a lot of variables at stake here regarding the new miners the price of AO yeah it's just you know how many people are going to buy these things and raise the network hash rate maybe nobody buys this and if I'm doing this test which I thought would be a funny thing to talk about is like if nobody buys one of these and the network hash rate doesn't go up so I have one and I'm trying to set mine and sell every day maybe I'll be able to break even on this within I don't know 100 days just like gold shell set on their Twitter that would be actually hilarious but probably won't happen because there's going to be people out there obviously that are not watching this video not understanding the risks involved buying one of these things and also the history regarding the uh you know gold shell first generation Asic miners okay guys that's it don't forget to comment down below your thoughts on the AE box and I'll choose the winner after 24 hours after this video is upload I'll choose a winner for 24-Hour hash rate of this minor okay so good luck my friends thank you all for watching let me know your thoughts have a good one peace out peace out
HUGE Risks of Cryptocurrency Mining ALEO with this miner…


