all right guys so before we get started I have a bunch of orders that are going out they're not going out packaged like this I'm just using this to transport them into my truck I will safely seat belt them in I got to take them to the office because half and half a lot of these orders have like stuff that's at the office but yeah tons of stuff going out so thank you guys for all the orders uh hopefully you guys enjoyed that sale we did that $100 off any $400 order so what 25% off and a lot of people very much optimized and they used some of the cheaper items to hit right at $400 flat so um really appreciate all y'all and um yeah let's Dive Right into today's video all right what is up ladies and gentlemen so finally now we can sit here and talk about the new motherboard that's going to be going into the test rig at the house so previously I had this MSI b550 I used it to test and check out ryzen CPUs because I do get ryzen CPUs in from time to time um for example I just got in another 5600 G so um you know every now and then just have to uh actually go back over here there we go uh have to test them out make sure they're good all that kind of stuff uh but Max voltage twisted my arm and was just like hey man I need I need a motherboard am4 and I need a processor like stat and it needs to be a good deal so definitely hooked them up just like anybody else if you need anything reach out to me I do have stuff that's not in my inventory that I have at my house so regardless uh we hooked up Max and he is now getting this MSI b550 that is pre-loved because I loved it um and we're going to be putting a 5700 g in them but that's not what we're talking about today we are talking about the new motherboard let me get it out for you all right and there she is in all her glory so this is a so um and I started carrying these and I had them on my website for a while but um the supplier had some issues with shipping anyway I got two orders that got kicked back to me um or kicked back to them from Customs so I quit ordering them and um I decided to go ahead and try to order a single one again um a few weeks ago these take Le take around 3 weeks to get in so whenever I sell them I try to you know order a few in but I figured you know what let let me order one in for myself I never really ran these things very much um and I figured why why not just try to use one as my own like you know personal machine here at my house as a little test bench so it's a nothing special b450 board am4 two sticks of ram um what else do we have going on here we have a little pcie 1X spot a bog standard like nothing glaringly jumps out uh it does have display out so I do believe it is compatible with some of the G Series processors um I don't know exactly which ones or which which ones it's not but we're going to try to put a um 5600 G in here actually I have a 1600x yeah let's see here we'll we'll try the uh I don't know maybe the 5600 G we we'll see I'll um nah we'll do the 1600 X that's cheaper uh in the meantime when I'm not going to be using this for testing purposes which is like 99% of the time I will be using this to run a 3060 doing some uh some AI mining so uh that way you know no free rides around here everybody's got to work but let's get this bad boy plugged in and see how it does how it does and if I like them I may put them back on the website I don't know um I've thought about pairing these with CPUs so that way I can go ahead and pre-install am4 CPUs and ship them um but the only issue is this is a single four pin plug so these motherboards are not going to be happy with the bigger boy processors so this is probably going to be like a ryzen 7 and down situation if not ryzen 5 and down situation no way I would put a ryen n in these and expect it to get full power through one four pin um but yeah so let's do it all right there she is in all her glory um I am going to actually list the 5600 G for sale on the website doesn't make sense to keep that um for a AI rig and I'm going to put the 1600 in here so that way I got a little six core um and not a more expensive six score but yeah Max here's your motherboard you're welcome sending this MSI out the door you know bent my arm backwards to have this bad boy just kidding um all right all right and there she is in all her glory I just have this cooler sitting on top there with a little bit of thermal paste in between uh because that cooler is going to be going into a different system don't need that thing in here it's a little Overkill as well um as for Ram we we have two sticks of Corsair uh 32x 32 so we have 64 gigs I'm actually doing a little bit of a test on this system to see if giving a 3060 12 gig 64 gigs of vram uh or S sorry 64 gigs of uh ddr4 um help it get bigger container load jobs I'm not sure because the vram on this card is still only 12 GB um as for storage we have a 256 gig um m.2 SSD not a uh in vme but um I've been I had the 32 gigs of RAM on here and I was getting a solid solid 100% of the time um like $180 to $185 container workloads um on salad so we'll just take that with a grain of salt now we will go ahead and power this bad boy up did I turn the oh right um yeah turned the power supply off that's lovely uh normally normally that is the power switch oh okay there it goes that took some coaxing it might be the the coding on the end of that screwdriver might not be very conductive metally conductive um so we got her plugged into display see if we get her to boot up um I'm going to play with this motherboard a little bit and see if I can't get a container workload on it uh before I call this video a wrap for tonight and um I may go ahead and put in a larger order and put these on the website um Coss is bad bio setting new CPU installed press y to reset bit uh if you have bit Locker encryption press in to keep previous FTM record um all right so let's power this down and I forgot these don't ship with a Coss bag battery and I had one laying around here oh there it is so let's plop that bad boy into there so we got us a battery now and I need to get a keyboard and reset some settings in BIOS the main thing is you do have to have um Hardware uh virtualization on which I think it's on default for most motherboards for AMD I believe I don't think that's an issue on AMD side uh but anyway I'm going to get this thing up and running and then I'll be right back all right so as you can see the soyo boards right here I put on another board this is another test board this is actually an Intel board because all of a sudden it turned off and it wouldn't power back on so then I plugged in this Intel board um and it won't turn on so I'm like no way my EVGA 700 W power supply just let go right it's not possible I mean it is possible um I have more power supplies at the office but I don't have any more here so I guess this video is now a waste of time dang well um in an effort to hit my daily video goal uh and then also provide some sort of substance let me flip this around I do apologize we will continue back with this at another time and um to make it up to you guys uh I don't know if you guys are familiar in the crypto space or crypto scene uh but there's a token that just launched and it's called cats of crypto a lot of the a lot of the community's been playing with it that kind of thing but I was actually given some to give away so uh this is your consolation prize for my video being garbage tonight um I would like anybody that is interested to message me on Discord I will be looking at my message requests until tomorrow and um the first five people to message me I will be sending ,000 cats of crypto or COC just say that out loud um but yeah anyway guys um with that being said I will see y'all another night and if you're interested in cats crypto or you don't know how to receive it all that kind of stuff I'm going to put a link down to their Discord down below and you can ask what the wallet is and all that kind of stuff uh and don't freak out 50,000 cats of crypto is not anything crazy I think it's like I don't know maybe 10 bucks but um I'm I'm doing that to five people so it's like 50 bucks right there but I guess not one person could get 50 bucks unless they made 10 fake YouTube 10 fake or five fake YouTubes five fake discords and then five wallets which is possible it is possible unlikely but possible I'll do some vetting anyway y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one adios
I Broke a EVGA gold PSU ?