I crypto mined $2124 USD in 1 month with this DOGE miner.

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day in this video I want to update you guys on the ant Miner L9 which I've been mining for a month and I want to tell you guys how much I've earned exactly over the course of the month since December 4th okay we're going to go through all the transactions and I also want to show you guys how much I have converted into usdt over the past month okay so I haven't been doing it every day but uh we're going to go through some stuff here in this video hopefully you guys enjoy okay so we'll do that right after a word from today's video sponsor cryptominer bros.com since 2018 Crypt Miner Bros has been the go-to source for all the top crypto miners trusted by miners worldwide the prices you see on their website includes shipping and DDP to your door so there are no surprises at checkout they ship to over a 100 countries and even offer lower invoicing to help you save on customs fees pay with direct bank transfer or crypto pay payments such as Bitcoin usdt or Caspa ready to save even more use code red panda at checkout for $70 off each Asic ordered join tens of thousands of satisfied customers who trust Crypt Miner Bros for their successful Hardware fulfillment transparent pricing and worldclass service visit cryptominer bros.com today link down below okay so about a month ago I received the ant Miner L9 and we decided to to do the mine and sell test okay not mine and hoddle but mine and sell every day or so I haven't been selling every day but I've been generally selling into usdt okay so I want to see how long it takes to actually get the theoretical $155,000 back okay for someone who have may have bought a November batch or I guess December batch December beginning of December is when I received it of the at Miner L9 16 gigahash version which I am mining to mining Dutch and it autoc converts into Dogecoin okay so I want to show you guys my actual day daily earnings and all that kind of stuff with the L9 and such okay but just going through you know how much it makes a day right now also talking about dogecoins price action over the course of the past month it's been you know quite volatile but also kind of kind of steady but that's also going to coincide with my you know cost basis you know was it better for me to just huddle do coin or sell Dogecoin but of course I think just to disclaimer I'm going to have to say probably I should have held the Dogecoin or I know that I should hold the Dogecoin for further price appreciation as we go on hopefully into this bll run here into 2025 but I want to do a different test okay I want to see Mining and selling every day if I'm going to be able to get my money back within a certain time frame so it's been 1 month okay exactly 1 month month I started this test uh mining since December 4th okay it's January 6th as of recording so maybe a month in two days roughly but generally a month okay so right now I have about uh if I didn't sell all my Doge okay I'd have about 5,493 Doge over the course of the past month okay since December 4th so right now the value of that if I held all that Doge would be $2,141 you us but since I told you guys I am selling okay I converted it all into uh usdt okay I haven't been doing it every day but just to show you guys here I've been doing it through my tangum app but total usdt I have right now is 2,1 23.62 in usdt Tron okay I guess $1 backed $1 usdt so just to show you guys here I haven't been you know I haven't been selling every day but uh every I don't know every every couple days and then I went on holidays like December 20th I didn't come back until you know a couple days ago so I did a massive sell just recently for I think 23 24 2500 Doge that I accumulated over the past maybe two weeks or so that turned into 1,39 uh usdt so the total usdt I have right now as of January 6th oh it just went up here so it's $2,124 us DT okay so it looks like because I have you know sold that maybe in opportune times okay as the market goes down you know I so maybe sold some down here actually no I didn't but uh maybe sold some over here when you know times are lower or something like that looks like I would be up if I held all that Doge right now okay so this is a great test you know just to show mining versus holding and then mining versus selling it's great that I can actually show two different I guess metrics here two different scenario two different strategies for someone who may have bought one of these L9 and are deciding to if they want to mine or sell but of course hindsight 2020 depending on which strategy you're doing you don't exactly know which you know method or strategy is going to do well I I don't know which one's going to do well I know in the past Mining and holding which I've done on many different ASC miners in the past was always better to do mine and hle okay but this time I've never done a mine and cell test so that's why I want to see if that's going to work out or not and I am mining to a tangum wallet okay these three tangum cards here if you guys are interested go check out red panda.

Tm.com use code RPM for 10% off if you're interested in tangum cards it's a cold storage wallet highly recommend these tangum cards for Cold Storage so now let's go through just how much Doge I've been mining roughly every day okay so I am mining to mining D Dutch right now and if we were to just go let's just see how much this thing is making uh or was making every day and we can see here okay so in Doge looks like I mined about 133 Doge that day on let's just January 4th and that's worth about uh$ 52.6 okay I know recently uh mining Dutch just added I think shik or Sheba enu coin and it's another merge mine coin along with Litecoin so I think that's why it's earning a a bit more than what's projected on let's say mining now.com projected I think is around $50 a day on an L9 if you had free Power of course if you had uh let's just say you know 10 cents electric then you earn about $37 after electric and I forgot to equate here okay I I'm going to equate you know all the electric that I've been using okay so if we just did a quick calculation here okay so if I've made you know my cost basis I made over $2,000 over the past month here okay how much electricity have I used okay so my electricity rate that I'm I have this minor at is at 8 cents right now so if I did uh this minor uses about let's see n minor L9 16 GH about 3360 I'm going to say say 3,400 Watts okay 3,400 Watts all right so if I did 3.4 kilowatt uh times my 8 cents all right this is this would be per hour so 27 per hour time 24 hours that would be $652 cents a day okay so if I times that by the past 30 days I've used about 200 bucks worth of electric over the past month okay 200 bucks so I've made you know 1,800 bucks roughly over the past month with this L9 okay so is that going to keep going over the next month well I'll let you guys know we're I'm I'm using coin Le here okay this is the TX software that I use uh to you know import all my crypto that I've been mining over the course of the Year everything I use this for my taxes and yeah just to show you guys here you know this is this is the you know the first transaction I got in uh of course it looks like 785 Doge that's because mining Dutch I did start I think December 1st or so so I'm just starting this is the first payout I got to my tangum okay so yeah just recording all the transactions here so not lying to you guys any or anything so yeah all right I'm going to keep documenting this and we're going to see exactly when I'm going to get my you know theoretical $155,000 back this is I know I got this from Crypt Miner Bros thank you to Crypt Miner Bros I'm doing this test because for someone else that may have bought this for 15 grand okay back in you know November batch just to see which scenario how long it's going to take for me to actually get you know that $115,000 back so the coin Le account here I'm going to keep track of this and this is a great way to see my cost basis also a great way to see the the value the market value so we're going to see what the ROI was going to be uh what the you know unrealized gains are going to be or losses okay I'm not saying I mean it could that Dogecoin could just go down from here okay I I don't know all right Doge could just Plum it down to 10 cents again or whatever it was before 7 cents okay I'm not saying that's going to happen but that's why I'm doing this Mining and selling test okay rather than the mine and hoddle because at least I can then see if I were to huddle I can actually see it through coin Le here okay then if I were to sell every day which I am doing okay like I like I showed you guys through the tangum wallet here I am uh selling the uh into usdt okay like actually swapping it in my tangent wallet okay into usdt uh we're going to see you know which scenario is going to play out faster is it going to be mine and hoddle or is it going to be simply mine and cell so over the next 5 months you know I'm I'm expecting or yeah I I'm expecting Maybe I could get my initial investment back in theory in about let's say seven I'm going to say a year I I'm I'm going to say less than a year we're going to see that $15,000 Mark and I guess we have to equate the electric so I'm yeah I'm going to say a year okay let me know what you guys think how long do you guys think that we're going to get our initial investment back uh with this L9 by mine and sell but as well maybe if Doge decides to you know 3x from here or 2x from here I will be able to see that you know versus my cost basis all right the market value of the mine total okay all right I'll be able to record all the transactions here in coly see how much we could in theory if we mind and held all right all the way up until maybe further price appreciation so this is a really good test to see which one is going to do better was it mine and sell or mine and hold all right so that's that this is why I'm doing this this is a actually the first test I've been doing for mine and cell so I think uh this is really cool so let me know what you guys think and yeah that's it that's all I wanted to do let me know your thoughts I'll update you guys on the second month okay we're going to do this every single month and we'll see when we get our money back all right I'll see you on the next one have a good one peace out

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