I was gone

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hey guys Aram here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I am actually leaving tomorrow as you guys are watching this video I'm actually going on a trip for about 2 weeks and by the time you guys actually see this video I will be back so funny to think about and you guys will be like what red panda how did you still release a video on the weekdays well that's because I pre-recorded like 10 or 12 videos before I left on my trip which I'm honestly I'm like I'm pretty tired and I've had a lot of coffee and I've been editing and vlogging and making videos about a lot of stuff that I've had you know in boxes and such but besides the point I want to talk to you all regarding if I should leave everything on or off while I'm gone for 2 weeks for some people that are crypto mining at home have you guys left your GPU mining rigs on have you guys left your as6 on I'm running over 15 16,000 watts of as6 in this side right now and then on my GPU side here I am almost taking I think 18 or 19,000 watts and that's because recently I just plugged in uh this gold shell e- d1m a jazz minor x4q and then I have the bit main ks5 Pro here on this side because I don't have enough power capacity on my as6 side but yeah everything is on and just to show you my power consumption here I'm about 4,000 on this one 2,000 Watts on okay so that one's actually pretty low uh I am about almost 5,800 Watts on that one okay I got to distribute the power a bit better and this one's at like 17,700 Watts okay I still wait that means the dg1 m is not on because I just put it on that pdu why is this one why is this one not mining what the hell anyways I'll come back to that so A couple of things here I have sensors everywhere okay I have these ubiquity sensors on each of my racks on each of the rooms essentially and that's just monitoring the temperatures it's winter right now so you know the temperatures in my area are are really not that hot right now and I also do have these like sensor push sensors on you know every room every rack as well so I have a lot of like redundancy sensors that will tell me you know when it's overheating you know it'll send it to my phone so that'll definitely be good when I'm out and about I also have security cameras so I can look at my rigs or my house that way as well so as I'm deciding here I'm thinking that it will probably be fine I I say probably you know because as I've been having my rigs here and my as6 you know on that side over the past what year now I've had you know these setups now and you know I've had mining in my basement now for a very long time so over the past couple months you know i' I haven't really had any issues like no power issues or anything like that in these areas right so while I'm gone 2 weeks really shouldn't be much of a problem for me because I I really haven't had to come down here or fix anything I would say over the past month or two you know maybe a rig went down maybe an Asic went down but that's okay but I haven't had like you know surges or power outages or anything like that I'm going to have to knock on a lot of wood because I feel like what is it Murphy's Law or something when I go next day everything just turns off or something just decides to go up in Flames that that would not be good I I I definitely I definitely don't want that to happen so I just want to get your thoughts from you guys would you keep your gpus on would you keep all the as6 on for the amount of power that I'm drawing almost like 40,000 uh kilow uh 40,000 Watts I'd say in total would you guys keep everything on and I think just recently for me I added the EVAP cooler on this side it's actually helped quite a bit I am going to look at getting a filter uh for this thing I did see some like Amazon things that you know I could actually attach on the back here before the water goes in so that would be that'll definitely be good but yeah this actually keeps my area cool right now you guys can see it's about 75 fah 41 humidity over here it's 75 47 it's it's pretty much winter time for me where I am you know it's getting really cool outside now so just looking at my intakes on my garage window there you know cool air is coming through there while I have the evab cooler also cooling the general area here and uh also my as6 kind of a lot of air is actually flowing through there as well so yeah I got an exhaust fan there and an exhaust fan right there if if you guys uh whoever's been stumbling upon this video but yeah my as6 otherwise they've I've really had no issues this this area where I ran three 240 volt 30 amp circuits it's been no issue and did I just see my is that is that fire alarm just went yellow that means the battery's going I just saw it flash or I'm going crazy anyways my Asic area has been just fine and I haven't had to come down here or fix anything for a really long time I also do have my uh Emporia system that are hooked up onto the hots I guess just see how much power I'm drawing so at least I can monitor it that way and I I can get notifications that way as well so I got a lot of I guess digital systems that can tell me you know temperatures or you know if I'm going over certain power as well well actually not really I still have to log into hios to see my uh GPU mining rigs which I think they have like a telegram bot I should really set up but I'm actually going to be trying like hion Enterprise where I'm going to literally put everything on on to hion Enterprise my as6 my gpus just everything and it's going to manage all of my all of my rigs in my house I can see everything in one goey one web gooey one web interface and that's what I really need because I manage so much stuff and you guys saw recently I just set up this Apollo 2 from future bit this thing is awesome it's it's it's still sinking because I just recorded the video today you guys will see that video oh you guys saw the video already but yeah this thing is really cool I'm going to be solo mining all of my Bitcoin miners that I have in this house to this because it has its own Bitcoin node and also its own Bitcoin stratum solo pool stratum that I can point all my like little bit axes and whatnot heck or even you know big s19 or s19 k to this and try to get a Bitcoin block some people may be asking red panda why did you move it here well I wanted it directly into my router as uh I just I didn't want to have it going through I don't know multiple ways or Wi-Fi I didn't want to have any latency because if I'm going to be solo Mining and I have my own node I want to make sure I have the fastest connection possible to I guess the outside world and uh yeah that's why uh maybe it's maybe it's like milliseconds difference but hey every second counts right so yeah for Bitcoin mining yeah this is what I I I really I truly do love this thing it's so beautiful and I can participate in Bitcoin and fundamentally I can support the Bitcoin network with one of these right I have a Bitcoin node now all right finally yeah I do have all of my like AI rigs up as well these aren't going to turn off I'm just going to keep everything on honestly like I I I'm just going to keep everything on and I can remote into these if I have issues with salad right these are all on salad which has been pretty decent but recently you guys may have saw the Chlor Fleet video where I have been earning almost double with Chlor Fleet so I actually have all of my GPU miners uh all my all these octo miners on chor fleet people have been renting my rigs and I've been earning more than if I were to mine you know something like zealous or Alo even so that's been really good for me so far and I'd like to know if you guys have been on that or not anyways guys that's it for this video let me know your thoughts and uh I'll probably see you in a live stream tomorrow I should be back so this is like going to be like you guys are going to be like wow red panda was gone for 2 weeks but then I'll be back uh tomorrow I guess by the time you guys see this video but I actually recorded this video 2 weeks prior so I thought that was uh pretty fun that was pretty fun all right I'll see you on the next one have a good one peace out peace out this is still melting that's funny that it's still holding up until it falls over

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