Institutions Are Driving Crypto! When Retail Gets Involved This Token Will SOAR!

The cryptocurrency space is full of Nothing but good news right now and I Know prices might be pulling back just Slightly today but in this video we're Going to be going over some of the Headlines because you can see here Institutions are getting in and they're Getting in and a big way after we go Over these headlines I want to talk About retail because you can come out Here to Google Trends and you can see Exactly the I guess what's going on in Terms of retail investors and oh my Goodness this this pre-sale Has me the most excited about a pre-sale That I have ever been '90s Nostalgia Mixed with that dog meme oh my goodness This is going to be a good one let's Talk about all of it if it sounds like Something you're interested in let's get Started what's up everybody I'm clay bro And we're going to be talking about play Doge in a second here but man you have Got to see the news dictating the Cryptocurrency market today look at These headlines PayPal makes retail Stable coin play with py USD on salana PayPal stable coin now available on Salana blockchain providing fast blah Blah blah PayPal USD to go live on the Salana blockchain and even the worst of The worst news gets even better listen To this winlos crypto firm customers are Going to get back triple the value of

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Their Assets Now guys I was a part of Voyager couple of years ago and that was An absolute mess we got back about a Third of our value in that bankruptcy There wink lost twins they own the the Gemini exchange and customers getting Back triple their value absolutely Insane so even the worst of the crypto News is very very good right now and Overall you can see one major Trend Happening institutions are getting Involved institutions are driving the Price of Bitcoin higher institutions are Driving the price of ethereum higher Institutions are driving the crypto Space and institutions outweigh retail In terms of money but when retail gets Involved that's when the little guys Soore now if you're wondering whether or Not retail is involved right now you can Pick any cryptocurrency related search Term go out to trends. to see How well it's doing and as you can see Here crypto is down at a level of 15 Which means that roughly 15% of the People are interested in crypto right Now that were interested back during the Peak of 2021 now that indicates to me as a glass Half full type of a guy that we have a Long way to go before the retail fomo Really kicks in and when that retail Fomo kicks in you better believe that Meme coins are going to sore now that

Brings me to play Doge play doge is on The screen right now and if you guys Feel like buying it at any given time Make sure you utilize the affiliate link That's in the description below it's Going to pull you up to the correct Website you guys are going to be able to Go out there grab as much playd Doge as You want and after going through this Website here you're going to see that This is really going to hit home with Kind of cryptocurrency's core audience Now I don't know if you guys grew up in The 90s I don't know if you grew up in The 80s whatever but you're going to Have a very very kind of hitome feeling With play Doge now if you find yourself Interested in buying you click connect Your wallet and I like to use wallet Connect but you guys can go through with Uh sort of any one that you want to There and after your wallet's connected This is going to launch on the BNB or The binance smart chain on the binance Blockchain there so if you're interested And you want to buy 10 BNB worth you're Going to be walking away with 1,1 164,384 very nice right now nearly 1,000% you guys are going to be earning 8 198% on an annualized basis if you Decide to stake now this reward rate is Dynamic that means that more people that Decide to stake the the more pieces this Pie has to be cut into and the more

Pieces the pie is cut into the smaller Your piece is going to be so if you do Want to stake I guess decide to stake Earlier rather than later so you can Earn as much do or play Doge as possible Here now going through to see what these Guys are building they're building a Play to earn game a a simple tamagachi Style game where you can raise your Doge And of course after raising him you can Pet him you can feed him you can Entertain him all of that good stuff but You're going to be earning playd Doge by Doing so now this app is going to become Underdevelopment and you're also going To have these retro arcade style games Which I know a lot of people are going To have fun with and you know what the Simpler the game the easier it is to Play on your phone I'm not a huge gamer Myself but but a lot of this stuff it it Brings back memories and I think a lot Of people are simply going to buy in Because of the memories because of the Nostalgia and that is what's going to Drive this price higher so you can see That the app is going to start Development as the pre-sale is ending And then in phase three when they start To go after centralized exchanges that's When you can see the app in beta form You're going to be able to test it out You're going to be able to play the game All of that good stuff and and of course

As they get the larger centralized Exchanges out there they're going to be Doing community airdrops miname launches And you're going to have the play Doge App released so what is the play token The play token is the play to earn token For the game that we just went over There and the tokenomics are broken down As follows you guys got 4.7 billion set Aside for the pre-sale Community rewards 750 million of the or 75 million sorry Liquidity pool 1 1.08 billion 1.1 Marketing 1.1 billion going towards Marketing project funds 1.1 and staking Rewards 564 million Playdoh in staking rewards If you guys need a walkthrough tutorial On how to buy you can simply come down Here and go through it but it is fairly Straightforward on how to connect your Wallet to the widget at the top of the Screen and make that purchase there Frequently asked questions and just to Show you guys it is going to be claiming Or claiming is going to be live on the BNB blockchain so if you guys have a lot Of BNB or if you want to move your your Ethereum over to BNB absolutely check Out play do now guys here's why I'm so Excited about it as you can see from Their website it combines The n90 Nostalgia it it combines the best of Kind of the the play to earn gaming Sector it is that Meme status with this

Little Doge here and the the Doge name And all of that and staking rewards are Excellent right now one of the things That you need to pay attention to how Fast these pre-sales sell out guys They're up about $150,000 just since yesterday and in the Last basically 36 hours they have done $340,000 in sales doing like $10,000 an Hour at this point and these guys are Showing no signs of slowing down but in Fact they're speeding up so I am in play Doge I'm excited about play Doge I want To know if you guys are buying into play Doge down in the comments below and Until the next time hope to each and Every one of you have an awesome day

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