Is Pepe coin going to zero should you Sell your bag welcome back to 99 YouTube Channel I am your host Newar con and Today we're talking about Pepe down 0.5% On the day in terms of the week we are Down 6% and on the month we are actually Up 2.4% it is the time to sell your Pepe Coin or to start loading up the bag guys Before we jump into the video I want to Ask if you haven't already do make sure You smash that subscribe button down Below as is totally free will help with The channel tremendously and hopefully Help you reach your crypto goals at a Faster Pace let me know how your markets Are doing in the comment section below How are you doing how are you trading Let's jump right into it and then okay We got an update looks like Pep's Actually down 12% on the month I don't Know what the heck's going on my Computer's been acting up lately but I I Believe it is true it is definitely in The red and there might be some Opportunity here to buy not necessarily Sell in terms of top cryptocurrency guys Pepe is still holding its place at Number three with a $3 billion market Cap D almost double the market cap of Dog withf hat but almost half or or more Than half or less than half of Sheba enu I don't know we're going to ever flip Sheba you know at this current Pace but Again that still possible and if that

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Happens I'll be absolutely massive Overall crypto Market looking really Poopy we're currently at 34 in terms of Fear and green index which is not great Literally almost like a 60-day low if I'm not mistaken we're down about 0.5% In the market today Bitcoin $57,000 big Uh eth below $2,500 what the heck is Going on hopefully we see a recovery Here soon as again we are seeing Basically red all across the boards Which is obviously having a bearish Sentiment even the stock market's down Up if I'm not mistaken about $1 trillion As covered in earlier in the Bitcoin Video today so again a lot of this Market behavior is trickling over uh but Today we're talking about Pepe and I Want to take a second to talk about Pepe Unchain Pepe unchain is a meme coin Project not directly affiliated with Pepe coin but just took Pepe coin as Inspiration and try to make it better Now we love pre projects on this channel For one specific reason is that because You could buy in early before any price Fluctuate it goes live in pumps and you Can sell your bag or you wait for an Exchange listing a decentralized Exchange listing or centralized exchange Listing caus the pump even more a great And a safe way to invest this Pur has Raised almost $12 million in a pre-sale Loan and the pre-sale is not over just

Yet in 1 day and 14 hour 1 day and 47 Minutes they're raising their price so Again if you want to buy at the absolute Low price now is your time to buy you Buy e USD card B&B this is Pep and chain Your early to the party buy now on stake During pre-sale to max out on the Rewards before the price skyrockets the Aps are 170% which you're not seeing That everywhere else better speeds Better gains same delicious pep a flavor This pep me coin is going absolutely Ballistic you may want to load up a bag Again not Financial advice but I'm going To link this in the description below Okay pep price prediction for 2024 2023 Is Pepe mcoin set for blast in 2024 uh Pepe coin price uh could reach a maximum Of this at the end of 2024 with a Potential search of Pepe Pepe may go as High as this price in the end of 2030s With a massive Bull Run mid 2024 the Pullback phase in Pepe price um with the With the entire mcoin segment under Pressure as The Bull Run in altcoin Markets takes a hit the Pepe price Struggles to resurface to above this Mark so are you considering Pepe Investment all right and it goes on a Deep dive uh talking about the price Action but the main point is we are Seeing Pepe to promp pump in 2024 the 500% year-to-date growth supports the Possibility of an uptrend in 2025 we're

Also expecting a raise as well so Looking pretty bullish in terms of the Numbers now we take a look at the Technical reports and Technical reports Are looking pretty bullish as well ERS Are in buy moving Aver are in strong Sell give us T sell but it's nice to see The ERS are in buy which is one step in The right direction a lots of Pepe news As well Pepe is being covered like crazy Which goes to show that there is Something going on we can see people are Also rushing to Pepe and chain literally The P I just talked about as well as a Great potential here I mean they raised $12 million and again Pepe being a Strong mem coin we anticipate that this Is going to help pump that as well That's something we definitely like to See now we go over to Twitter guys with Over 600,000 followers they haven't been As active lately haven't posted a single Post in September at all last we see was This uh features uh Futures ad that they Were posting when they got list like Kraken Pro hopefully more news will help This pump we're seeing even in in uh the New side of things Bitcoin is trending On Twitter again which is great because The more crypto pumps the better it will Be for the market as for Pepe guys play Little thumbil should you sell your Pepe Honestly in my personal opinion I would Not sell pep Pepe it actually Tak the

Opportunity to buy some buy at low Prices we look at the onee guys and it's Basically at the price before it even Fully pumped in 2024 being a solid ENT Entry point espe for the fact that we Haven't seen a full effect of the B Bitcoin uh the Bull Run is a great Opportunity to make some money on this Mcoin but again none of this is Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos Recover on this channel but let me know In the comment section below are you Bullish for Pepe are you bearish I want To hear it all that ws the video and Next time is your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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