Latest Crypto News Reveals Major Opportunity In Top Meme Coins!

The cryptocurrency market has been Undergoing some wild volatility over the Last 24 to 48 hours this weekend was a Brutal downside swing but we may be Recovering Bitcoin has hit lows around 49,000 ethereum tapped lows around 2100 Shib enu coin hit lows around 1,000 Points per coin and everything is up Nearly 10 20 some coins even 30% from Those recent lows but we're going to be Taking a look at the over all Cryptocurrency news in this video Because you guys can see that people are Talking and it's not just the Cryptocurrency industry that is getting Hit as hard as it is stocks across the Globe are bracing for a recession so We're going to go over what's happening The finance space we're also going to be Talking about Pepe Unchained in this Video because when retail finally Realizes where the opportunity lies and They flow back into meme coins this bad Boy right here could soar higher let's Discuss it if it sounds like something Interested in let's get started what's Up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can See we've got Pepe Unchained on the Screen right now and if at any time During this video you find yourself Interested in buying you want to take Advantage of this dip you want to get in On the ground floor make sure you click That link in the description or the

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Pinned comment down below we're going to Go through the rest of it in a second Here but first of all read these Headlines Bitcoin plung plunges and Ethereum has the worst drop since 2021 As crypto sinks first mover Americas Bitcoin crashes to $50,000 as the Perfect storm hits crypto Bitcoin Plunges ethereum sinks crypto selloff Wipes out $367 billion in wealth think About that guys $367 billion in Wealth disappeared in a matter of hours It's insane to think how that happens There now the good news is Justin's son Is denying liquidation rumors and in Fact he's announcing a$1 billion fund Amid the market crash but I want to Focus on this article real quick before We jump back into the Pepe pre-sale There and show you why it might be the Opportune time to jump in it says first Moover America's Bitcoin crashes the $50,000 as the perfect storm hits crypto So let's try to figure out what's going On of cryptocurrency space cryptos Crashed as riskof sentiment permeated Global markets Bitcoin tumbled below $6,000 at the start of the weekend and Then nose dive to $49,000 during Monday's Asian morning Session as investors fled risk on assets Bitcoin is down nearly 15% over the last 24 hours recovering to around 52,000 and At the time I'm recording this video

About $54,000 ethereum fell to 22% to $2,100 Recording its biggest one-day fall since 2021 guys over a 21% decline in the price of ethereum in A matter of one day the altcoin heavy Broad Market Benchmark uh coin uh Coindesk 20 index or the CD 20 slid Nearly 20% with crypto major salana and Near protocol dropping 20 to 25% said it feels like we've been hit by The Perfect Storm this qcp analyst said In a market update we started with Sentiment shift on Friday as US economic And data and jobs data ignited recession Fears coupled with Rising tensions in The Middle East the Japanese Yen spiked Against the US dollar leading to an Unwind of Trades across the asset Classes with Asian Equity index is Suffering record routes on Monday the Taiwanese index for example had its Worst day in over 57 years and the Japanese stock market closed its worst Trading Day Ever qcp also pointed a Crypto trading giant or trading giant Jump selling off assets exacerbating the Decline there's a lot going on in the Cryptocurrency space right now we may Have bottomed as prices have already Begun to rise today but it might just be One of one of those dead cat bounces Where we have a nice little rebound as People buy the dip but unfortunately the

Bails the Bears Prevail we're gonna have To see how that plays out but guys if we Truly are on the brink of the bottom Right in terms of total fear in terms of Total losses and so on retail investors Are going to return and they return to Meme coins they return to meme coins Because they could take their $100 and Turn it into $5,000 if they buy Bitcoin their $100 Could eventually become $120 they understand that which is why Pepe Unchained building a layer 2 Blockchain specifically for meme coins Could do the best during the upcoming be Or upcoming bull market now if you guys Are interested it's very easy to click Connect wallet I use wallet connect and Scan this QR code that pops up you guys Can connect however you want from there You just simply determine how much you Want to buy if you want to buy five Ethereum worth you're going to be Walking away with 1,358 247 Pepe Unchained and I'm going to let You guys do the math 1.3 million imagine What happens when it reaches a cent 5 Cents 10 cents a dollar the upcoming Bull market is going to be wild and we Know that retail investors because they Go for meme coins Pepe Unchained could Be setting itself up to be the greatest Meme coin in the upcoming bull market Guys if you're here for the longterm and

You want to check out their staking Rewards they currently offer 265 annualized passive income by staking And they can afford to do so because 30% Of the entire Supply is dedicated to Those staking rewards 20% is set aside For the pre-sale and 30% set aside for Those staking rewards guys Pepe Unchained and let's just go to the about Section real quick so you can see that You can also earn these insane rewards But it is the future of meme coins it's A layer 2 blockchain Built For Speed Security low fees and of course memes Pepe being one of the largest and one of The greatest meme coins to to to ever be Released I mean you got to look at shib Inu coin and Dogecoin sure but Pepe Being released in 2023 doing nearly a Billion dollars a day in volume it is One of the biggest meme coins in the World if Pepe unchain captures just a Fraction of that interest it is going to Be one of the best layer 2 blockchains Out there I want to know what you guys Think about it down in the comments Below and until the next time hope to Each and every one of you have an Awesome day

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