Today we're unboxing the brand new Ledger Flex this device is absolutely Awesome and here's why you need one Yourself let's get right into the Unboxing let's open this bad boy up I've Been so excited for this you're going to Absolutely love this let's take a look At the first look Ledger Flex the most Secure crypto wallet absolute clean Packaging as well this is so solid the Most secure crypto wallet we see Bitcoin Ethereum Salon xrp a very clean user Interface which will open up very soon Secure your digital assets protect Crypto with a uh certified secure Element and verified transaction on Ledger trusted e-link display manage With confidence um anywhere use your BTC Eat salana uh nfts and most coins with The Ledger Live app via Bluetooth or USBC uh the box contains one Hardware Wallet USBC to USBC cable the use of the Product requires an ISO or Android Smartphone or Windows Mac's Linux Computer let's go ahead and unbox this Bad boy that's information we got in the Back of the box let's go see what's Inside so we just going to rip this tab Over over here okay and rip this tab Over here and then we should be able to Slide this out there we go ooh this is So clean so little so portable Welcome To The Ledger okay that's so clean okay Let's just grab the device
First wow look how small this Ledger is It's absolutely beautiful has like the Metal has a very good high quality glass As well trust yourself clean logo clean Marketing that looks so beautiful and Again guys this is absolutely brand new This is some of the newest Ledger Tech We're getting in the market right now This solid uh metal framing we see nice Clean USB port inside nice B the side Very resembling Apple esque okay a nice Little sound effect too you heard that Okay so the most secure uh trusted uh Security for your digital assets and we Can see H give need a little bit of Glare okay uh tap to continue okay your Crypto and other digital assets are Stored on the blockchain to only to Manage these assets you need a private Key link to them all right The Ledger The Ledger Flex generates and protects Your private Keys use The Ledger Flex Securely review and sign transactions Okay to buy send swap or state crypto Managing using your Ledger uh your Ledger Flex Ledger Live app okay that's Awesome and then we can see we can Either set up with the app or mobile Very clean guys very Kindle esque as Well which is which is nice I imagine This would have a very very long um Battery life okay so we can set up with The website wow the sound effects are so Clean it makes me feel like I'm in the
Freaking future so you can see my pin is Set up next I get to choose how I want To use the app so let's set up a new one I'm setting up my seat phrase over here Okay so now I've successfully uh created My secret recovery phase so cool let's Actually just peel this off let's do a Satisfying Peel this is so clean guys it's Literally so clean it's literally like The Kindle Style okay so there we go so It's telling me not to share my seed Phrase not to lose my seed phrase and Now I'm in control there we go and very Very clean UI guys you can see like you Can my name my I can change my lock Screen the sound effects auto lock Everything all the tech is on here this A small little device Lally pocket size You know you take it wherever you go or Store it in a safe without taking up a Lot of space and again it it shows your Battery life on the screen it tells you To connect it to the app this is very Very cool now we're going to put the Actual device aside and go ahead and Look at what's inside of the Box all Right so we have the device over here And then it says uh Recover your recovery sheet so I guess This might be to actually write down Your seed phrase yeah there we go so Again just cards to actually write down Your seed phrase or seed phrase as it
Gave us a couple of cards it's pretty Clean a great way to store it same thing Guys again cuz you don't want to keep Your seat phrase stored digitally on Your phone and your notes you want to be On physical paper and then throw it into Your safe afterwards that's the best way To keep your assets secure so you have a Ledger you have your your your phrase And and then we see some more documents Inside the Box amazing 10 out 10 Packaging experience guys like they went Above and beyond with using the right Colors the right details like they Whoever their their graphic team is is Absolutely awesome so use care and a Little quick guide on what's inside and Some regulatory statements uh and all The goodies that you want to read so Let's go ahead and put the documents Aside for now and let's open up what Else is in the box we have another tab Here which I'm imagining is the cables All right so open open and so far Amazing unboxing experience if I don't Say so myself okay and we have a solid Highquality USBC cable as well and it's Just USBC to USBC and this would be for Either a charging your Ledger connecting It to your phone as well and a bunch of Other cool little Nifty features that Was a whole unboxing guide uh that was a Whole unboxing guide guys it's Absolutely beautiful I'm absolutely
Fasinating with this device with one the High quality feel but two the the the Decision they chose on the actual screen Because this is a Kindle style screen The white and black paperback style Which again I'm hey I'm I'm a fan of Right we lock screen password protected And it's interesting too because they Shuffled around the keyboard which again It's it's pretty cool right uh clean Design I love it I love a packet size I Love the actual logo on the back it Looks clean it looks like a like a baby Smartphone right if we compare this to a Fullsize cell phone guys that's the Difference in Size like that's freaking awesome this This is a great way to keep your crypto Access secure guys I'm going to go ahead And Link this in the description below If you want to go ahead and grab your Very own Ledger Flex this device is Absolutely beautiful and you may want to Grab one yourself so if you want to grab One Link in the description below and That wraps the video make sure you smash That subscribe button down below to see More crypto Style videos more Ledger Reviews and everything in the crypto Tech space that ws the video until next Time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]