hey guys so what is up my pen mining here how and hope you’re all doing really well and have a really great day in this video we’re going to be testing out a no3d i chill x3 rtx 3080 ti and yeah this graphics card is quite interesting and anyways in this video we’re gonna be trying out the ethereum hash rate ravencoin and ergo and we’re gonna see how it’s gonna fare in terms of power consumption and uh yeah all that stuff i have a separate power supply to see how much the gpu is taking so we’re going to see how that all goes within this video hopefully you guys enjoy and i’ll also update the hash rate spreadsheet that i have on google docs so link down below you guys may have saw the video where i already tested out a 3080ti founders edition and so i got a bunch of those hashrates already thank you to techshinji he is another youtuber who let me remote in to test that 3080ti so link down below to tech shinji’s channel thank you so much man but anyways guys in this video i received this i chill x3 3080 ti from mineshop.eu and it looks like they got a couple of gpus for sale on their website as we speak looks like they have a 30 80 amp holo for sale i’m not quite sure if that’s lhr or non-lhr but guys go check them out link down below mineshop.eu thank you so much all right so before i plug in the gpu i just want to show you guys something when i unboxed it the no3d they said here the product is not designed for crypto mining we reserve the right to void the warranty if there’s any damage associated with this application no3d so i found that to be pretty funny it was the anti-static bag around this card and i just had to laugh and i posted it on instagram and a bunch of you guys laughed as well but anyways let me just flip it around here so you guys can see what else is going on with this graphics card it’s just it’s quite interesting there’s a lot going on and uh i’ll show you something in a sec here but i’m just showing you the back side of it so you guys can see what this gpu is all about and there’s the two eight pins for power and here is the io this thing is extremely heavy it’s it’s quite amazing and i know this is gonna be lit up in terms of the rgb or the light bar as you guys can see on the box that looks pretty cool and then it also came with this like plastic insert that goes onto the back here i guess this is going to be lit up in terms of there must be rgb on the back here and then i had to screw it in and so there’s another insert here it’s just clear without the x3 marking so i thought that was pretty interesting pretty interesting anyways guys without further ado let me go ahead i’m going to plug it into my test mining rig here i have two 360s right now so i’m going to remove both and we’re going to put the 3080ti on a gpu risers.com riser brand spanking new and also on a hp server psu this is from parallel miner using a 1200 watt psu going into a kilowatt meter that you guys can see right there all right so you guys will see the 3080 ti on there right now oh all right so it’s been about about a week now i’ve been playing around with this 3080 ti and i’ve been kind of just scratching my head figuring out why i cannot get 80 mega hash or more on this 380 ti specifically and i will show you guys my results right now it’s it’s pretty sporadic between like 68 69 mega hash to like 73 mega hash and here are my settings so let me just talk with you all and what i’ve figured out with this card specifically and i know a lot of others have gotten different results out there with the 3080 ti and so here are the settings that i was able to achieve no matter what i did doing minus like 502 you know plus 100 or even like you know going from 100 to 200 300 400 500 600 and so on in terms of the memory as i was going higher in the memory i was losing mega hash alright so i don’t know if that happened to you guys but let me know down below what 3080 ti that you guys have and let me know what settings you did in order to achieve whatever mega hash that you are able to get on your 3080 ti and i just want to show you like the id in terms of the tech power app it shows 2208 so i think that’s the normal id for this you know this model of 38dti so you know we got we can get 71 now it’s only been running for about 30 minutes now but you can look at my also memory temperatures which is 88 degrees celsius so that’s totally fine and i’m using the latest version of nb miner 39.2 with the nvidia driver 471.
11 okay and no matter what i’ve tried so now i’m getting 73 now but then it’s gonna go back to like 69 68 mega hash it just goes all over the place so there you go i i’ve tried even like if i go back to stock actually before i do that i want to show you the power consumption we are at the gpu or at the wall it says it’s like you know 298 306 it jumps around but in the software it shows 267 okay or for what i’m able to achieve now if i just put everything back to stock okay and now also if i bring up the fan back up because i don’t want it to get too hot so at the stock power now uh yeah it’s going to change a bit i want to know from you all like if you guys have tested out the latest version of the nb miner with the dash lhr or even without it because i know nv miner now can do the lhr unlock without adding the dash lhr in the batch file okay so yeah that’s something let me know down below what you guys get in terms of the mega hash but yeah maybe specifically this no3d i chill x3 which is really cool by the way i don’t know what you guys think about this cooler but man it’s got interesting rgb lighting on the back here with the little plastic piece i showed you guys earlier it looks like i can change this out if i wanted but i think i like the x3 logo one on it and then it’s got the i chill light bar at the top which seems pretty cool but otherwise i don’t really care about that i care about the the silicon i guess on this gpu specifically and i’m curious to know if maybe if there is a possibly another revision of the lhr as i think this 380 ti is maybe really recent in terms of manufacturing and okay so anyways just to show you guys 72 mega hash we got up there at about 267 watts and this is at 100 power this is just stock okay with 80 fan and you can see at the wall nothing has really changed we are still at 300 and around 300 watts for this gpu so i don’t know what’s going on maybe you guys can let me know if there’s anything else i can try i did try doing ddu okay on this whole machine in windows i got rid of the nvidia driver installed brand new i did that reinstalled msi afterburner i even tried the latest nvidia driver just to see if that would unlock it maybe even more but no that didn’t help at all i i don’t know if i’m doing something wrong i tried dash lhr 68 lhr 69 lhr 70.
I even tried 71 72 and so on just to see if i could get any better results and like i said earlier i tried all the different numbers in terms of the core in terms of the memory it seems like as i was getting higher memory it was getting worse mega hash so yeah i i just want to know like this is a really interesting card and i’ve seen people get 80. and there’s someone on my discord that was able to get 85 on an evga for the win 3 edition card so i don’t know what’s up with that i don’t know if that has a specific maybe different lhr method from the manufacturer but i want to know from you guys in terms of the brands in terms of the model in terms of the overclocks that you guys are able to use on your 3080ti let me know down below hopefully that will help others out there and yeah i’ve seen all different types of reports of different hash rates for these 38 dtis and yeah i’m just totally confused as to why this one whatever settings i try to do it just cannot get to the number that i’ve seen other people get all right so anyways let me know what you guys think i now want to try ergo and ravencoin so let’s do ergo first i’ll be right back all right we are mining ergo some of you guys were wondering maybe what the power consumption is of the motherboard and the power supply for the motherboard ssd ram cpu all that it’s drawing about 21 20 20 watts right now okay and now we’re mining ergo on this 3080 ti we’re using about 327 watts at the wall i think this hp server psu is maybe not as efficient at the lower levels of power consumption maybe more towards 50 then we’ll get more efficiency there but anyways i want to show you guys the ergo hash rate that i can achieve on this 3080 ti 272.5 mega hash on the auto lycos algorithm and the power consumption according to the software says 289 watts and then the memory temperature that some of you may want to know is about 82 degrees celsius so that’s pretty good at 80 fan my ambient temperature right now where i am doing this video is it’s pretty cool so this the temperature the memory temperature is on this 380ti it’s not bad but i’m assuming once it gets hotter i guess during the summer time and now that fall is coming uh you know i won’t know and until it gets hotter during the day but anyways that’s the ergo hash rate i mean that’s really good honestly i’m gonna take the ethereum hash rate the ergo hash rate and the raven coin hash rate in a second here and see what is the most profitable algorithm on this 380 ti that we achieved today okay and here are my overclock settings just in case some people are curious i was able to do 83 power limit minus 100 on the core and plus 1370 on the memory and 80 fan and that is the mega hash that i’m able to achieve on this card all right guys let’s do ravencoin all right i have reason to believe that the no3d i chill x3 3080 ti is also like further lhred and maybe they figured out on the ravencoin algorithm kapow because i know for a fact that these 380 ti’s are supposed to get above 50 megahash at stock power limit all right and you can see here i just put plus 150 core zero memory i’ll show you guys something funny in a second here to show that when i add more memory the mega hash will start going lower so let me just show you guys that right now let me show you the initial power consumption 328 watts and the tdp of this thing is supposed to be 350 watts so isn’t it theoretically supposed to be taking up the full power consumption now i wonder if the lhr is already activated because you can see here the tdp is uh 83.9 83 tdp right now even though i have the 100 power limit set and i have tried uninstalling afterburner clean install twice now with a clean install of the driver as well i did ddu and everything and this gpu cannot get above i can’t get past 43 or 44 mega hash on this thing so let me just show you guys something let me put this up to let’s just say 1000 memory just a moderate 1000 okay we’re going to hit check i’m not going to change anything else and i want to show you guys here the i guess the memory controller load it was at a hundred okay it was at 100 before but when i just changed it to a thousand it’s now down to about 87 percent now we’re gonna see the hash rate drop all right we were at like 43.
44 now we’re going to 42 and 42.8 and it’s continuing to go lower 42.67 so like do you guys think that this card is lhred like further on ravencoin is it just me or am i going crazy because i don’t know from from what i’ve been seeing out there i’ve been seeing that this card is supposed to get about 50 to like 56 mega hash mining ravencoin on a 3080 ti so has no 3d figured out a lhr version like number five or something like just i don’t know what’s going on this is really weird we’re getting limited on mining raven coin on this gpu so we weren’t getting limited it seems on ergo you guys saw that earlier right on ergo and then of course on ethereum we were getting limited but i wasn’t able to achieve the you know the 80 plus mega hash and i was actually reading online there’s other people here that tested the uh the i chill x3 right here okay the inno 3d rtx 3080 i chill x4 actually not the x3 x4 but the same brand no 3d and you can see here that they were only able to achieve about 58 mega hash and uh doing the dash lhr 68 okay and actually if we scroll down they say at the end here they say here note that your results may vary depending on their gpu model overclocking settings and temperatures i mean i’ve said that before and our case our rtx 3080ti should be getting 82 mega hash but our base hash rate was only around 42 which then improved to 62 after the lhr 68 update so you see that they talk about even 82 mega hash but their inno 3d was only able to get up to about 62 and then i was able to only get it to about 73 max and it was always fluctuating between you know 68 69 to 73.
So i think this inno 3d brand they figured out how to like limit ravencoin on this gpu on the 3080 ti i want to know what you guys think let me know if any of you have this no3d model specifically and maybe like another chinese brand perhaps like a gain word card that maybe those also have the lhr maybe just like a further revision of the light hash rate lock on these cards for different algorithms now maybe it’s not just ethereum now it’s ravencore am i just going crazy i want to know what you guys think down below please post your results of you know what brand gpu you have what overclock settings you guys use power limits memory core clock fan speed what have you but the most important thing is to also put down the model which you guys have a 3080 ti and please let me know what results you guys can get let’s say on ethereum ravencoin as well and ergo so that you know other people can see this as well if people are watching this and reading the comments it should help those that are maybe wanting to buy these gpus so would i buy this ino 3d i chill x3 3080ti no at this point no because it looks like in my experience limited on mining ravencoin so actually if i just go back to like 100 memory and gonna hit plus there we should theoretically then see the hash rate start to rise okay so yeah like we’re getting limited here and also the memory controller went back up to a hundred all right it was uh it was uh at 80 something 88 87 before you guys can see here but now i just changed it and now the mega hash is going back up alright so tell me are we not limited or lhred on this 3080 ti on ravencoin very strange very strange anyways i just want to end off with profitability here i have the raven coin auto lycos and ethereum entered in here in terms of the hash rate that i can achieve on this 3080 ti i’m gonna hit calculate there and we’re gonna go down and it says ergo is the most profitable on this and no 3d 3080 ti and then ethereum is the next one at uh looks like 40 cents 30 cents less than ergo and then ravencoin is a little bit further down at about another dollar less it seems okay anyways guys let me know your thoughts about this no3d 3080 ti and if you guys have seen similar results that i have and i know there are many varying 3080 ti results out there but yeah i’ve been testing this card for a very long time now and i’ve tried many different things to make sure that i’m like doing this right and correct and i’m not going crazy it feels like i’m going crazy let me know what you guys think down below i appreciate you all let me know your thoughts i’ll see you guys in the next video have a good one and peace out