what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I'm back at my home computer shop office setup uh if you guys didn't know I've been transitioning everything over into here where I you know basically break down process new items ship items out and then put items into storage it's working out really well for me I probably will need to build some shelving above here just as I grow and get more stuff in but my my thing that I'm running into right now is my Lighting in my garage is horrible horrible I literally have like some party lighting up here and then uh these workbenches have lighting underneath here and it works really great but on the camera it's such a transition and it's such a difference that it blows the light out constantly so um it's always like you know a filming nightmare uh so that's why I went ahead and ordered in some lighting and I'm going to hang up some overhead lighting so uh let's get to it all all right so uh I got the same lighting that I did in my old garage these are uh I believe they're 30 W or they actually 36 watt uh LED tube strips they're super lightweight they don't get hot and being that they're only 30 something Watts they don't burn a ton of power so I'm going to try to hang this one like directly above right here and I think I'm going to get rid of the party lights think we don't need those anymore I wish that party lights had a regular plug on the end of it uh cuz I would just leave it up there but oh well it doesn't all right well I just went back and looked and I tried to get a time lapse of me getting the big ladder out climbing up there doing all that kind of stuff and never recorded uh but regardless I do have that strip light hung up and I'm not getting rid of the little uh party lights because the strip light I measured incorrectly I thought it was going to make the full span from here to there so I'd be able to to tie it off to uh the the whatever those are the runners or whatever but it doesn't so I have them tied off to the party lights for the time being um as you can tell it evens out this light so much I you know everything just looks so much better um like here check check it out this is the breakdown and processing station that's the shipping station it's just it's it's better you know light light makes a huge difference um and then I do have it on this power strip over here so if I want to I can just hit the the strip and cut the lights off it cuts the bench light off and hit it and it comes back on look at that woo very nice all right so obviously that didn't take as long as I had originally thought and that's weird my printer just did like a it fed and and brought back through um that's that's definitely not worthy of a video so so let's uh let's pack some orders and and try to you know give you guys some content because goodness gracious anyway those lights um I bought a pack of four of them cuz I am going to end up placing you know maybe one in the middle and then one on that far side of the garage um so to actually light my entire garage up and a four pack of them was like 40 bucks on Amazon I am no longer an Amazon affiliate they deleted my account due to um a return discrep uh and I lost my whole affiliate status because of it because I they sent me this has been over like a year and a half ago um I bought a graphics card they sent me a graphics card uh that had obviously been returned and somebody put a uh nonworking junk little you know Chinese noname brand graphics card in and it was supposed to be uh a 3080 well I was doing a build for a client and needless to say I'm not an Amazon affiliate anymore and it won't let me sign up as one so um yeah just go on Amazon and search LED garage lights and there's tons of different options but let's get it packing some orders all right so what is up ladies and Gentlemen let's go ahead and get order number uh this is actually an old one um I don't know how what's up that's too loud am I being too loud yeah oh I'm sorry my son informed me that I'm being too loud so I'll keep it down a little bit um it is Daddy Daycare today I do watch them um now fulltime whenever they're not in preschool they're only in preschool 3 days a week oh I can't wait till they actually go to school I say that but then probably not anyway this order slipped through the cracks it is a um a frequent flyer or a uh big- time return customer he reached out to me and he was like hey man what's up with this order and I'm like I don't know it said I process the shipment but then never fulfilled it there's no tracking number so I don't think I ever sent it out my bad but since I did like that first step it went off of my my pending side so then I never went back and looked at it good thing he reached out to me um and then that made me go back and look at any other orders that were in that same situation I didn't see any um so it looks like this is order number 1714 he got uh six random PCI risers um and he actually used a discount code that was back then I believe um yeah he used the five off code uh so he got those for 48 a piece and then he got a 2 tbte npme m.2 Drive uh and then five HDMI dummy plugs I went ahead and pulled out the dummy plugs these are the two terabyte drives these are Gen 4 these are gen 3 and then these right here these two blue guys are um SATA so those are the slow ones those are actually Western Digital Blues super super you know slow compared to these gen 4S um of course we're going to go ahead and uh since we made them weight we're going to hook the boy up with a Gen 4 yep there we go pcie uh 248 GB just wanted to double check and make sure that was a 2 tab so we got our dummy plugs we got our 2 tab I need to order order more dummy plugs because I'm actually I'm getting low on them I'm only down to one so I'm going to put in another order for dummy plugs um and then oh I need to get those listed too those little mini mini uh storage drives let's see here now let's grab some riser so we need six random pcie risers it looks like we got here's a version six with a plug on it so there's one ooh back in the day we used to call these the baller risers cuz they had like the metal shroud around them um it's like bringing me back in time looks like that one needs a giblet so we'll go ahead and throw a giblet on there two three oh there we go one of my favorite Brands ubit these risers were absolutely a a deal back in the day there's four oh a classic blue guy with a red cord why not five six and just in case he has a bad one we'll throw in another we'll throw in a seventh for our for our frequent flyer here um I need a giblet on this one there we go all right so boom we got seven risers right there risers are pretty easy to pack we can just throw those in a padded mailer like to grab them all by the actual riser you ready yeah a little tap here actually we'll wait we got some more stuff that goes in that order my bad I was getting ahead of myself so we need our 2 tab drive right here and these play these stop buddy my dog is absolutely tearing a car cardboard box the pieces and we can't get or for we can't forget because of Halloween but we always try to give a sticker with every order and then we got a thank you note and a pack of Pokémon cards cuz who doesn't love Halloween and I guess we're probably going going to end up having I bought a bunch of 50 of these booster boxes or booster packs sorry 50 of the booster packs not booster boxes that would have been a lot um so these look like they'll run over past Halloween a little bit which is okay we got them as a gift and by the way if you do buy something and you get one um we have made a little section in the Discord to see what people pull and that kind of thing cuz you know why not right it's the fun of it all righty there we go throw that in the trash put that inside here and then I'm going to tape this guy up let's see here we'll do this one just to hold it all right now let's start the time lapse all right there we go that's not going anywhere so let's get a weight on it 1.3 lb this weight is all or this this scale is always a little bit light so I always add about1 lb to it so let's get a label printed out so 1.4 [Applause] lb by shipping label oh goodness have to go take the boys and go play a little bit print shipping label [Music] boom and there we go you see I just got a label right there all right well I don't want to show his address or anything so I'm going to put the label on off camera but anyway guys thank y'all for coming out thank You' all for watching thank You' all for supporting the you know me either watching viewing liking subscribing all that kind of stuff and then hopefully uh you know buying something from the store if I can provide a good value to you guys that's always a win-win for me so um if you didn't know I do have a computer store it's bc- pc.com yeah bc- pc.com and there's a link Down Below in the description uh but I'm going to go take these boys and um see if we can't get into something so later guys see you on the next one bye
Lighting up my PC workshop