Load UP on SOLANA Before it PUMPS!!! Solana Price Prediction

Salana tokens have been going absolutely To the moon but what's going to happen With the actual salana coin and the Salana ecosystem that's what we're Taking a look at guys overall on this Channel we're very bullish on salana and I'm hoping you guys are too welcome back To 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar con today we're taking a look at Salana and where is the price going to Go are we going to see salana to Continue riding up or we going to see Salana slowly fizzle away before we Start the video want to ask if you Haven't already make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below as it helps Out the channel tremendously and and Like always guys this is not Financial Advice as I'm not a financial adviser Always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The tokens we cover on this channel now Let's go ahead and jump into the video So we see the overall crypto Market is Down 1.4% on the day we're seeing red Across the board which could be a bit Bearish we're seeing Bitcoin down about 2% on the day ethereum down about 3% Solana's up though salana is up almost 4% we're imagining it could continue to Rally up overall crypto Market sitting In 57 on the fear and greed index we're Sitting closer to Greed than fear which Is good even though we're technically in

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A well not technically we are in neutral Uh but again very exciting to see what Comes next in the crypto mix now when we Go to salana we can see salana currently Trading at $147 and their Mark cap is $66 billion Making a top five cryptocurrency across The board which is absolutely massive We're imagining Sal to bounce back to $200 we even see somebody indicating With some charts here um salana is Heading back to $200 price level we can See this is a chart drawn out can we see It break past 200 it's quite possible Right even when we go to Sal's all time We see at one point salana was peing at $147 and this wasn't even in the current Bull run this was in the last bull run Where salana yes salana nfts were kind Of popping off but the actual salana mem Coins was not even necessarily a thing Now with the whole new mix of salana Meme coins Bitcoin outbreaks post Havening we're imagining salana could Potentially go to 300 maybe even 400 Again the why I say this is typically Speaking right when we look at let's Take let's take Bitcoin for example Right uh and we go to its alltime charts We can see usually Bitcoin obviously has Higher and higher highs okay all this News in the way but you can see uh first Bll first first pump in 2017 was first Big uh bull market then we saw another

Pump in 2021 second bull market and then Now this third mainstream bull market we Saw an even higher high right now not Necessarily do we see double in this Case but in this case we saw almost a Triple uh in terms of price right so Let's not even get too ahead of ahead of Ourselves right even if we don't double Or triple right if we're seeing salon's All-time high was sitting at $250 getting this to$ 350 is not that Crazy and the reason for this is a lot Of people are buying and trading the Salana meme tokens and in order to buy And trade tokens you need to actually Own and hold salana right or at least You got to buy salana before the Transaction that being said that alone Is going to cause people to buy and load Up on salana right also as more and more Ecosystem more and more centralized Exchanges are buy are are listing the Salana tokens they will also need some Salana as liquidity so that being said Those two factors alone should help pump The price of salana a little bit now We're taking a look at the actual Technical reports guys we can see salana Down 14% on the month on the past 6 Months we're up a whopping 160% year to Date approximately 45% which is not too Shabby now when we go into see the Technical reports we can see ERS are buy Moving averages are in buy and summary

Is in buy obviously cuz people are Loading up on salana now the news around Salana is obviously crazy salana is Always being brought into the news now Sometimes not just about the token Mostly about the projects but in some Cases obviously salana co-founder says Cosmos and one Soul rival are clear Winners in building the solity Blockchains so we can see definitely Salana is getting pulled in the Mainstream mix and this is great as well The more news and coverage around salana More people get formally educated and More people start understanding the Ecosystem and they can obviously jump Into the bandwagon now we'll take a look At the top salana meme coins by market Cap we see uh overall Salon hold $7.3 Billion in market cap across just their Meme tokens right which absolutely insan And again this is not actually even Including salana so you take the $7 Billion they have uh in the mark cap Plus the $66 billion that the tokens Mark cap is this a m lot of money in the Salana ecosystem so a bunch of exciting Things ahead right and I always compare Salana to B&B right because B&B has Similar Trend to last bull run where Everybody was listing on the binance Smart chain with B&B tokens and it Caused B&B to Absolute Rally from Basically a couple of bucks to to then

Six $6 $700 which is absolutely insane We can imagine the same thing for salana And salana is lagging only a little bit Roughly $20 billion in Mark cap behind So again very bullish for salana as a Whole now guys we cover a ton of salana Based meme coins on this channel and we Cover every Everything crypto news so if You want to get the latest and greatest Crypto news make make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below and let me Know how you guys are feeling about Salon in the comment section are you Bullish are you bearish I want to hear It out comment your opinions in the Comment section below that pretty much Wraps with this video until next time It's your boy Umar peace [Music]

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