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hey guys in this video we will dive into the 
cryptocurrency exchange pionics which offers   a wide range of free crypto trading bots that will 
allow you to make passive income in crypto we will   be going over a lot of different information 
regarding pionx and reasons why using a grid   trading bot can be profitable as well as later 
on in the video going over how to set up the bot   and more so definitely make sure that you stick 
around for the whole video so that you don't miss   anything subscribe if you're new to the channel 
and definitely go ahead and smash the like button   for the algorithm thanks a lot and let's go ahead 
and dive in so the best bitcoin trading strategy   for 2021 for newbies i did want to point this 
out huddle sounds right but it's impossible for   most investors buy and hoddle but none of them hot 
all their bags after several pump and dumps by the   market manipulators and it shows a little diagram 
here how people think it's like to huddle you got   this little guy on this bike riding just smoothly 
to the finish line you know just all just smoothly   to the finish line what it's like to actually 
huddle it's like an obstacle course you got this   mountains and rough terrain and you got trees and 
you got to go across a you gotta ride a dang tram   up the mountains and then you gotta ride a cruise 
ship through the ocean and then you fall down a   cliff and you gotta climb up a giant ladder in the 
middle of a storm before you make it to the finish   line and basically this is true this is true most 
people that are in the crypto space that are new   they don't understand that and they panic excel 
half the time and probably lose money that way   so the tool that makes huddling possible 
grid trading is a strategy that profits from   fluctuations what it does is buy low and sells 
high in a specific price range it can help you   perform better and have a trading strategy 
that it's active 24 7 trading for you 24 7.   and then it gives you a couple of diagrams 
here that you can take a look at it says try   this if you're bullish on bitcoin for the long 
term but worried that you might sell the dip   shows you some parameters that you can put in 
here yourself also you can use an ai strategy   we're going to be going over some of this stuff 
later on in the video so don't go anywhere   and it also has right here um millie bitcoin 
requires a lower investment to start with   um which i don't know if you know what melee 
bitcoin is but this is like trading a miniature   version of bitcoin basically and guys the pionx 
app is available on both the apple and android   app stores so what is the grid trading bot a 
grid trading bot is a kind of computer program   as a tool to help you auto buy low and sell 
high within a certain price range you set for   example if you predict that the price will 
fluctuate between 10 and a thousand dollars   then you can run a grid trading bot to help you 
auto buy low and sell in this price range and   we're going to talk about that and show you how it 
actually works and show you how it is buying low   each time the price dips and it is already set 
to sell as soon as the price goes back up as long   as the price fluctuates within the range that you 
put in the bot will keep making arbitrage for you   without any manual operations so as i was saying 
guys an easy way to make passive income in crypto   it's something that you can set if you have the 
uh the parameters that in mind that you believe   the the cryptocurrency will go and trade 
in between you put those in you set it you   let it go and let it do its thing while you're 
eating while you're sleeping while you're at work   it can be constantly trading for you and 
catching the lows and selling the highs and so   more importantly grid trading bots can solve the 
problems fundamentally that most retailers have   what are the problems sell the coin to get a very 
small profit once the price goes up a little or   sell the coin to cut loss once the price goes down 
a little which will make you profit little while   losing a lot the longer time you trade in this 
way the bigger loss you're gonna make so trading   should return to rationality not perceptual grid 
trading can strictly implement trading strategies   without being influenced by emotions and that's 
the biggest thing guys that really is the biggest   thing because the key to trading success is 
emotional discipline if intelligence were the   key there would be a lot more people making money 
trading that's a quote there by victor sparandio   and this graph is a perfect example of how most 
traders like chasing the markets it shows here   people bought bitcoin during the price up as it's 
going up here they've missed the top and then   they come on down here and then they the panic 
sell and they sell the price down at the bottom   and then as it starts going back up again 
people buy during the price going up   missing the top missing the cell points and then 
out of emotion cell down here towards the bottom   and it just continues and continues and just an 
example of how the emotions can get in the way   guys fear the loss and be greedy for short-term 
profits is one thing that people do fear and greed   are the very common human being emotions sometimes 
if the price of one coin you hold goes down you   may sell this coin at a lower price because you 
fear losing more even though it would pump later   on the contrary if the price goes up you may sell 
too early because you are greedy and miss out on   the real profit all these situations affect your 
trading performance and may cause you to trade   badly also hesitating and watching all along 
everyone's by the bottom and sell at the top but   in reality most traders are always watching and 
hesitating causing them to do the exact opposite   how many of you guys have had that issue happen to 
yourselves let me know in the comment section down   below all right guys so once you've logged into 
your account over on pionx you can see that it   does offer you once you've clicked on trade over 
in the left hand corner it offers you a chart   here where you can do your own analysis you can 
choose from different indicators here over here to   the right hand side you can click over here and 
choose from different cryptocurrencies here um   many many different currencies huge list actually 
of different cryptocurrencies that you can choose   from and then over here you can click on manual if 
you would like to just do manual trades or right   here you can click on trading bots and it shows 
you a list of all the different trading bots that   they offer and you can see there's many different 
bots stop limit bots dollar cost average trailing   by infinity grids there's also the ultra wide 
range grid trading bot or moonbot all right guys   so what we're going to do is go ahead and click 
up here on our currency and we're going to choose   cardano and we're going to go 
ahead and try the grid trading bot and you can see here once you click on create bot 
it does offer an ai strategy so an an artificial   intelligence strategy here that you can choose 
from where you don't have to actually set any   manual parameters but if you would like to set 
your manual parameters you just come over and   click on manual settings where you can enter 
in the price range that you would like to trade   in and out of so if you expect cardano or whatever 
currency to tr uh you choose to trade between a   specific low and high price for a certain amount 
of time then that would be the price ranges that   you would enter in here and then you enter in 
the number of grids and then you come down here   and you choose the amount of investment that you 
would like to to use so what we're going to do   is use the ai strategy here and we're going 
to go ahead and just put in the max amount   here which i have you see here i have 441 usdt 
here and then you're going to click on create and it's going to show you your parameter 
confirmation here initial allocation   profit per grid estimated profit per grid is 
0.32 point five percent and number of grids   is seventy nine based on this ai strategy 
so we'll go ahead and click on continue and it's you see here created successfully and 
now you can look down here at the bottom it says   starting the bot and now that our bot has been 
created we can come down here and click on details   and this will show us the details of our bot   and it'll also show over here you can click on 
placed orders and this will show you guys exactly   the price points that of cardano here 
that this bot is going to start buying   and it also show on the right here the price point 
that it will sell once the price goes up so this   will continuously buy low and then sell high for 
you and then over here you'll be able to see your   total profits and it'll show you the current 
price range that it is trading in and out of and over here to the left once again you can see 
transactions parameters and if you're ready to   release your profits you click on release profit 
here and you'll come up here and click on release   profit if you are ready to go ahead and take your 
profits from the bot and guys later on after i let   this bot run for a little while i'll probably 
likely do an update to let you know how the bot   has performed after say a week or a month's 
time and see how if it's profitable or not   so make sure you if you're new to the channel 
don't forget to hit that subscribe button and   smash that like button hope you guys enjoyed this 
review and tutorial here on pionx do not forget to   check the links in the description for how you 
can sign up for pyonex as well as tutorials and   information that you may want to know about if 
you are thinking about using the pionx exchange

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