Mecoin is taking over the crypto space Can the cat coins really flip the dog Coins that's what we're talking about Today will Mew flip dog with hat maybe Even become a top mem coin in the crypto Space well welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan and Today that's exactly we're discussing Whether Mew will be able to flip dogwolf Hat and other Mee coins alike before the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already do make sure you smash that Subscribe button to stay tuned for the Latest and greatest crypto news overall Crypto markets are looking looking Pretty decent up about half a% on the Day 35% in terms of volume which is nuts Fear and greed index looking pretty Solid at a at a 62% greed not too shabby We've been seeing Greed for a couple Weeks now which is great to see we see Bitcoin up about 1 is% on the day Ethereum currently sitting at $3,700 Which is not bad actually Bitcoin Earlier today was dancing in the $70,000 Range hopefully setting up for an All-time high now the reason why this is So important guys is when Bitcoin does Well so do the meme coins and altcoins So that's the main reason why I always Bring it up in these videos is we're Always watching Bitcoin carefully and we Can see Bitcoin $100,000 is imminent and We see a pattern drawn formation we're
Currently over here and these are the Levels that we'll hit which is again Very very possible it's kind of Predicting to be sometime between like July and October which again we're all Waiting patient to see what happens but Today we're talking about Mew token uh That's been a very popular token over on The crypto space we see on the week up About 2% on the month we're down about 6% when we look at the year or even in The all we're up 127% we've made some Significant gains over the past couple Of weeks yeah we had some higher alltime Highs which is great cuz the setup is Definitely coming as I looking at me Recently and seeing I mean less than $500 million market cap massive Community this project has potential Looking over at X we can see almost 100,000 followers so cat in a dog's World Mew on salana and we see they had Some partners with Loki's Animation Studios creating some 3D animation Series which is pretty cool again just a Way to like get connect with the Community and that over 1.3 million Views and over a thousand shares which Is insane right they're pretty active on Twitter as well which is very important For these meme coins to really grow the Tokens and really grow their Community Talking about growing the community guys Let's take a look at playd do a new
Token currently on pre-sale right now And that's play Doge the best play to Earn Doge companion you remember Tamagachi well what if we made tamagachi And Dogecoin put it together we get this Amazing play to earn Style game and Here's a really cool thing play to doge Is coming very soon for download and I Believe it's also going to be mobile Which is pretty insane play uh play Through the play Doge app on and your With your digital Doge companion and Form a bond that will never break use Play Doge tokens to activate play to Earn rewards for keeping your Doge Healthy and beating game levels we see The already raised $1.6 million in Literally the past two weeks they're Going to have a price hike so if you buy Now those will prepare you at all-time Low prices and get you a great deal Feature a ton of different articles we See a belt play Doge it's a mobile game That integrates a legendary tamagachi Virtual pet concept into a new digital Conomy of crypto absolutely solid there They have a solid road map with four Phases they have their their tokenomics Which looked pretty solid as well we see Pre 50% Community 7.5% 11.5% for Liquidity 12.5% to marketing 12.5% to The project funds and 6% for staking cuz Yes they have staking as well so it's a Very well put together token guys very
Similar to how we saw Doge vers I've Been we're talking about Doge ver a lot On the channel and it absolutely crushed The pre-sale it's going to go live any Day now and absolutely crash so if you Haven't already you might want to add This to your checklist or at least go Check out the website link in the Description below but back back to Mucoid as it's taking over cat and a dog World U Mew price prediction people are Getting excited um chat asking chat gbt Mu can become the biggest meme coin 2024 Cuz here's the thing the cats are Definitely taking a stake at it even When we're looking at coin market cap Right and we see the top meme coins most Of these meme coins are dogs Dogecoin Sheenu dog with hat FY bom uh we can see Dog go to the moon and then yes we have The anomaly of Pepe and we also have Anomaly of book of meme but other than That right cat in dogs world is the Closest to the top that's not a dog Related token that being said if this Momentum continues we could easily see This hit a billion dollar Mark cap which Will make us a solid bag as holders we Even see that they partner with C coin So partnering with Mew worlds take part In our specialized quiz campaign to win A portion of a massive 1 million inm Tokens that's absolutely insane so Having a tier one listing is definitely
Going to help the cause of this project Like always guys this is not Financial Advice but let me know how you guys are Feeling about MW token in the comment Section below are you bullish are you Beish do you think muten could flip the Likes of dog with hat and become a top Mcoin in the space I want to hear your Thoughts opinions concerns in the Comment section below are bullish or you Bearish I want to hear it all back up to The video until next time it's your Friend Omar peace [Music] [Music]