hey guys welcome back to the channel so as a
follow up to my last video about caspa i went up and bought myself a 3 gigabyte 1060 gpu and
another one and another one and then a few more don't worry guys everything
is under control i can stop whenever i want what do you mean that was the last
one okay what else have you got 6800 xt how much so now that i got the cards it's time to test them
i installed a single gpu in my testing rig and ran benchmarks using awesome miner i wanted to
see how this card is doing across as many algorithms as possible to evaluate
its full potential at first glance there are some interesting findings the ones
you see grayed out have issues like zero trading volume or wrong price so you can ignore them
but some results might be worth looking into next i ran benchmarks for cosmo the best result i
could squeeze out from this gpu was 38 megahertz which is a bit less than the 40 i was hoping to
see but it is still a very good result nonetheless i narrowed down my next benchmark to four
measurements i will run the first card on kaspa the second card is mining beats and on zippo the
third card is running an algo switcher on zergpo and the last gpu will be running on nicehash
god forbid it's just to make a point i let the test run for 12 hours you could argue
that this is a small sample but i believe results are pretty conclusive at this point let's start
at the bottom bit sand had the worst result the reason for that is very low trading volume
with high volatility so you might get better result at different time but probably not enough
to be on the top of this list next is nice hush which of course did much worse than zerg pull the
only surprise here is that i expected to see nice at the very bottom of this list so thumbs up
to all of you nice hush lovers out there and number one as expected we have kaspa with 1.5
dollars a day which is exactly as estimated my test sample is of course very narrow and it
is worth testing this card on more core intensive algorithms which i might do somewhere in the
future but for now i am ready to set up my caspari while i was setting the rig up i discovered that
a new gp miner was released this version has some optimizations and hash rates are significantly
higher that of course came along with a big increase in total network hash rate which went
from 320 gigahertz all the way to 410 almost 30 increase however the hash rates on my gpus
went from 38 megahertz all the way to 52 which is a 40 increase so overall i
should make even more casper than expected once the build was done i ran high os and found
out that unfortunately one of my gpus is not working so we're left with only 11 at this point
some cards can overclock up to 280 core and reach 53 megahertz but the rig becomes somewhat unstable
so for now i have 550 megahertz with 11 cards pulling 1100 watt from the wall funny enough
by the time i finished my build i discovered that yet another version of kaspa gpu miner has
been released and if i thought that the previous optimization was a big deal this one increased my
total hush rate all the way to 1.9 gigahertz yes almost 3.5 times total network hash rate increased
from 400 gigahertz all the way over to one terash clearly my cards did better than the average
card since total hash rate grew only 2.5 times the new version of the miner also supports amd
cards but the hash rates are poor due to lack of optimizations this will probably change in
the near future but until then nvidia 10gen are the best option for casper the community now has
a wiki page with hash rates for different gpus i added my two cents for the 1063 gigabyte model
there and you can find the link in the description it's a bit hard to talk about profitability at
this point it should be better than ethereum and even somewhat better than my previous expectations
but since the network goes through big changes right now i guess i'll just let it run for a while
and follow up on this once things settle a bit so that's it for today don't
forget to like and subscribe if you want to increase your own
hush rates and i'll see you soon
Mining with 1060 3gb – 11 GPU KASPA Mining Rig