My AI Farm on Salad Update

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and some people are asking what's going on with salad I haven't done a live stream in a while gone over profitability um so that's what we're going to be doing I'm not doing a live stream tonight just going to be doing a video but I figured I would start off showing you what rigs I have running and what I'm changing up what I'm adding that kind of thing uh so right now this is my 4060 TI system that's uh most of these are Zeon 12 cores with the ex ception of I got a ryzen 75700 right there and right there and then I have 1360 3 309s down there and then 2 309s up here so I have 5 390s running and uh some people were asking me oh man you sold off a 390 what happened um well originally I was going to plan on building out an all 390 Farm but looking at the AI workloads um and them not necessarily prioritizing 90s whereas some people with 40 series especially 409s but even 4070 TI supers uh and so on were getting you know priority because people customers were choosing newer generation cards because they potentially could outperform or at least give better performance for a particular value um I don't know all the different dynamics of what they use and how they use it that kind of thing but I'm not going to put all my eggs into one basket or one GPU so I want to keep 309s I want to keep some 30 60s and then I want to get some 40 series cards so I did sell off one of my my machines and I'm actually swapping some things around on it because the gentleman that bought it um he wanted an Fe card so um I pulled the MSI card out which was I don't know somewhere around here and I put him a Founders Edition 3090 in there so I got to put the cooler back on but the RAM will be in tomorrow cuz he also up upgraded from 64 gigs to 128 gigs of uh ddr4 so I'm going to put that all back together for him and then he also wanted a bigger power supply cuz I had a 750 uh EVGA gold in there but we swapped it out and I think I think it's a 1,200 now um so we swapped that out and then just uh did a little bit of you know swooping swapping and trading but yeah so this system is going to be gone um I am going to be testing out some new things uh in a with doing some like rack mounted stuff because I really want to do a rack I feel like that would be really cool I could stack up some some Server Chassis but um yeah we're we're not quite there yet let me bring up um here here we go so this is over the last 24 hours I've been I've averaged what is this $18.54 that's not great considering I have a lot of hardware online if we get over to my 7-Day chart last 7 days have been horrible uh I've had power outages I've had internet out outages it's been super hot over here in North Carolina and um just it hasn't been really good up time if we go back to my 30 days uh the end of last month I was cooking around you know 23 to $24 a day um for a good almost week straight and then before that it was 20 to 21 a day I had less Hardware online during this period uh than I did during this period but the only issue is this is when I had the power outage and I just I lost some of those those good long-term jobs so now I've been hitting a lot of if you look at it by Machine hold on a lot of spotty jobs um where they come online and they go away whereas look at these jobs over here they were like Lo like steady and long and over here it's just like boom boom boom boom boom boom all over the place now um it has been picking up over the last couple days let's go to the 7 day see if this shows it a little bit better not really um okay so you can see over the last few days it's been picking up so we are looking like we're going to be doing more and more um let's go hold on So Yesterday the 15th I did $9 and now I'm looking like I'm going to be doing1 18 so yeah we're definitely looking like we're going to I have some more Revenue than we did before let me knock on wood here and hope that we don't have a power outage we don't have an internet outage um it has strongly made me consider getting a UPS not to keep the machines up for a long period of time but just to keep them up during like a PL a power blip especially my internet modom um because it's like any little power blip it takes it offline it drops all the jobs and wham bam thank you ma'am um you're done so uh now going up here and looking over the last earnings over the last 30 days I have done $493 so that's pretty good can't complain there um and yeah I guess we'll just keep on chugging away um some people are like oh is it dead is salad dead I don't think it's dead um if you compare it to GPU mining uh if you have a job it's going to dominate and pay significantly better than that same card on any GPU mining algorithm and I'll just you know leave you with that grain of salt there or that grain of whatever two cents whatever what you know what I mean anyway y'all have a good night I'll see you on the next one adios

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