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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel uh it's Tuesday the what is it 15th of October so yesterday was Columbus Day U I was trying to get all these packages out but everything was closed U for Columbus Day anyway um it is it's a little after 6:00 in the morning so I'm getting ready to pack all the stuff up and take it over to the post office but I had some people reach out to me um a friend of mine that actually lent me uh his name nano3 which that one's still at my office um and then I have a nano3 at the house which is it's brand new it's never been plugged in never been used I actually got this from um I think I got it from The Traveler travels maybe Tech no yeah I got it from The Traveler travels we did some GPU trading I haven't powered this on and I'm almost nervous to because uh I've heard of so many people having overheating and dying Nano 3s so the nano3 that I was borrowing from a friend and he was just like ah it's no big deal um it died uh it basically if you run these things on High um they run hot and um something happens mine is showing hash fan errors um now he actually reached back out to Nano because he was the original purchaser because I didn't know how they you know if the warranty transferred any any of that kind of thing they have not got back to him but oddly enough he just got something in the mail and then I had some people email me that they got these in the mail too and I think Avalon is basically this is almost like basically admitting that they have a problem because they're sending out external cooling fans that clip onto the back of your Nano so let me let me slide this over here um and yeah so this is the external cooling fan that I don't know where it it doesn't plug into the Nano because the Nano doesn't have a USB type a port on it um but apparently that's supposed to go onto the back to help you know pull air or push air through um yeah yeah basically from what I gather is if you have a nano and you're running it on high and it's still working to this day you better be very careful um because uh they've they've had you know numerous problem problems I I know multiple people I think uh you know I don't want to say names U but there's there's been quite a few quite a few creators in the space that have Nano 3s that have not made it uh due to this issue and like my like the one that's broken still fires up and still runs um but it runs at a super low hash rate and it gives errors and it keeps disconnecting and reconnecting lots and lots of problems um now I believe it was actually let me see here hold on I think it was Joker Miner that actually reached out to me and he had a nano that died and he got it warrantied but it was it was like over $100 in shipping because he had to send it back to wherever these things come from um so obviously uh a $100 you know shipping cost round trip for a device that originally these were $99 um obviously they were more if you got the OEM power supply that kind of thing what 139 what what's the what's the price of these right now hold on Avalon Nano 3 189 279 on Amazon three let's go to the official Canan shop so yeah $99 but they're sold out they're like basically permanently sold out crypto Miner Bros has them for 3.89 so like street price on them is deep into the 200s wow actually over $400 so they're not necessarily a good value proposition anymore at $400 uh and with the cooling situation or lack or you know not enough cooling situation just be careful if you have these and you're running them wide open um it may be a good idea to push a little air through them uh cuz that's going to be like the you know the official fix uh or you could just run them at low and medium apparently people that did not buy the OEM power supply you guys are in luck because all the aftermarket power supplies would not let you enable full hash power it would run at medium or a low setting um thus in turn not overrunning and overheating um your your Miner so it maybe it's a uh you know it's a little Golden Goose or little golden ticket that you didn't have the OEM power supply to over overrun uh the stock Miner anyway I really love these devices I really love the fact that everybody is is pushing towards more home Miners and more homebased crypto miners um this is a little bit of stain on the the fabric of of that development but you know stuff like this is always going to happen that's why I make the video so hopefully somebody out there doesn't get their Nano in and run the absolute stuff out of it and it die in a short period of time so just keep that in mind ladies and gentlemen and I'd love to hear from everybody down below do you have an Avalon Nano 3 is it currently running are you running it at full hash power um has it started to degrade and run at a lower clock speed uh is it does it work at all I'd love to hear back from you guys definitely and um yeah yeah thanks I really appreciate y'all um and now it's time for me to get to work so peace out I'll see you on the next one adios

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