New DOGE Miner Appears… FluMiner L1 better than a Elphapex DG Home 1?

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hey guys rpim here hope you're doing well having a really great day Merry Christmas to all of you hope you are all having a wonderful holiday this video I want to talk to you guys about the flu Miner L1 I have it remotely connected right now to my F2 pool account and it has been mining for more than a day so I just wanted to give you guys some information about this new Dogecoin Miner or well Litecoin and it merge mins Dogecoin and a bunch of other coins but also wanted to compare this new minor against other Dogecoin as6 miners that are released recently as there have been a few for some of you that have been following and we're just going to compare that to you know maybe the alphapex DG home 1 and maybe the vog miner D1 mini that was also just announced but mainly the flu Miner L1 which is going to be shipping out pretty soon and I want to just go through that in this video talk about this new unit here which ASL is going to send me uh one of these things okay so we're going to talk about the pricing and all that stuff okay so let's begin first with the actual hash rate of this flu Miner L1 over the past 24 hours which advertised this minor is supposed to do 5.3 gigahash at 1200 watts that is quite efficient 0.23 Jews per megahash and the first batch will be shipping out January 2025 so pretty much next month as of recording this video end of December and currently the daily profitability of this which as we know cryptocurrency is quite volatile and most of the profitability is going to be coming from Dogecoin so understand the risks before you are going to be buying these types of miners okay but I I'll explain that as we go along so the current daily profitability of this thing is $13.63 and if you had 10-cent kilowatt hour this thing would earn about $10.83 after your electrical cost so just to show you here the flu minor L1 is connected to my F2 pool account over the past day here for more than a day now okay and it has averaged about 5.24 gigahash for the 2 24hour hash rate okay so it looks like there's a 1.18% rejected here on F2 pool so I'm hoping down the road flu Miner may have some firmware update to help with the rejected numbers there probably some nons issue or F2 pool on their side have to fix an issue we'll see we've seen that happen in the past with many other miners out there but here it is connected okay so now I wanted to just show you guys here ASL Miner they have a YouTube channel and also they did an unboxing of the flu Miner I will be getting one here shortly from them okay so I just wanted to just show you guys what it looks like very similar to I'd say like a like a jazz Miner box or you know the alpha PEX DG home 1 okay and here's the web goey of the flu minor L1 okay as you guys can see here it doesn't look quite uh polished and I don't know if they have a English uh web goey there it's looks like it's all in Chinese but it's shows that it's pulling about 1235 Watts uh 1 1235 Watts so adverti about 1,200 so plus or minus you know 3 or 5% so look at that okay webg says 1154 there only shows about an hour and 35 minutes up uh in their video here okay but I just want to look at also the front Okay looks like they have like a little screen there all right and uh just to see here is that screen functional yes it is now I don't know what it says on that screen there looks like it has some indicator lights here and also I'm assuming the reset button and maybe the IP report button but then the back uh this is where I wanted to see so it looks like the power supply here so judging by the power plug there that looks like a c19 so the power requirement being about 1200 WTS that could theoretically run on a 15 amp circuit now personally would I run this on a 120 volt circuit 24/7 365 I would make sure you have the right cable Okay so like a thick like 14 gauge cable you got to make sure you have the thickness here like a like one of these here okay 15 amp 125 volt power rated cable here like the one from infinit I hope that they come with one okay looks like there's also obviously Wi-Fi ethernet on the back as well just looking at it but yeah pretty typical uh from other Asic miners that we've seen in the past that you guys have seen so okay looks like they got the flu Miner the flu Miner logo there looks like I don't think it shows any hash rate or anything so maybe I don't know they're going to have some firmware update or something out from that but looks like there is no like hash rate or anything on that so I'm not quite sure why they have a screen there unless that's just a badge of some short of some sort but no that looks like that looks like a screen for sure so let's take a look at the competitors now okay the flu minor L1 all right so this one we found out maybe like a month or two back it's a company I've never heard of flu Miner okay and so whether or not this thing is going to be reliable I I don't know but it is efficient so I'm assuming just like the bitmain L9 which I believe they're on the 5 nanometer or 7 nanometer process for their chips if flu Miner is basically almost getting the same efficiency right the bitmain L9 is a 0.21 uh inefficiency but if the flu Miner L1 gets 0.22 I'm going to assume the technology in the chip manufacturing is going to be the same nanometer process but then look we also have competitors vog Miner V there's another company that was just you know recently announced and they announced their D1 their big boy uh 17 gigahash model you know 3900 Watts but that does a 0.22 0.23 in efficiency and so that also begs the question is vog Miner also using the same chips as the L9 but they also announced their vog Miner D1 mini which is for January batch their smaller home style Miner which does 2.2 gash at about 500 watts pretty much the same efficiency as the flu Miner L1 here but I think much smaller form factor I don't have a picture here of it but I think it looks like a gold shell like mini Doge 3 uh mini Doge 3 plus which uh I personally wouldn't buy these anymore but if you can find a good deal and you're someone who lives in a condo and you know these things only pull like a couple hundred Watts which is great for 120 volt power condo mining free Power mining but then all to you but the efficiency for me here and personally I'm a bigger scale Miner I would rather get the new technology which is pretty much double the offic against the uh flu minor L1 at 2.22 versus 48 of the gold shell minor so these are much more efficient miners okay and I forgot to mention this rabbit R8 now I don't know if rabbit is going to have like a mini minor as well but since we have flu Miner here vog Miner now rabbit and of course alphapex okay alphapex was more notorious over the this past year that has come out uh with the Dogecoin you know Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin Miners and they have variance of the the big boy ones and the small ones and like their home DJ home 1 which I have to say is pretty nice it's really quiet but the efficiency is a little bit worse at 0.29 so you may see here the prices of all the different miners I have here which I'll have a link down below to my spreadsheet for all the different miners here you guys can take a look these prices I have are on these you know are ever changing so take these with a grain of salt but just to looking just looking at like the dollar per megahash dollar per gigahash on these things it seems like currently the vog miner D1 and the rabbit R8 are pretty good in pricing but as you go down like the home style miners like the flu minor here I'm I'm assuming it's going to be quiet don't quote me on that but I'll let you guys know once I get it the pricing isn't as competitive against like getting like a bigger boy minor which you obviously get a lot more hash rate but then again you're going to need a lot more power infrastructure to run something like you know the vul miner D1 uh the bitmain L9 the rabbit R8 all these big boy miners you're going to need a lot more power so the value proposition I'd say for a lot of Home miners is going to be like the flu minor L1 The vul Miner D1 mini you know these alphapex DG home one The Quiet Ones which uh you don't mind having these things at home because it's it's quiet they can run on 120 volt and they also provide heat around your house that's pretty much like the biggest selling factor for a lot of these for a lot of these things so if you're like a big scale minor I don't think you're you're not going to be looking into buying these unless you want a heater in your living room a quiet heater that makes you know mines Dogecoin but if you're someone who's you know free power or you don't have a lot of money you're probably looking at you're probably going to be looking at these types of minor the flu minor L1 and so where can you buy the flu minor L1 well ASL they are the official distributor for the flu minor L1 so if we actually look here okay they actually have different batches for this one so if we're looking at a January batch it's now $48.99 okay as we go down march batch they have 3799 going down April $3.99 $ 3,99 May batch 2749 so where we are in the market right now I I can't really predict saying you know markets are going to keep going up I hope so it seems like 2025 is going to be quite a bullish year then this minor could bode well but I think if you have decently low electrical cost or even free this flu minor L1 is going to do well for you I think in the long term and Beyond okay so I don't see any issues here but also just looking at mining looking how you know the profitability of these miners fluctuate all the time right so just understand right the markets and depending on your you know crypto mining strategy if you're Mining and holding or if you're doing it for for the daily profit you're selling every day whatever situation you're in I think these are going to do well going into 2025 but the prices of these Dogecoin miners have definitely been going up okay like double like the L9 maybe like a couple months back was maybe $687,000 so the L9 has gone up double you know but flu Miner vog Miner rabbit you know alphax DJ home one these miners you know just came out were basically just announced you know over the past couple months so just understand your cost basis into these miners are now higher than what they were before during the lower times when Bitcoin was like you know 50 60k right now we're almost 100K as of recording this video the market did dip a bit but you understand what I mean don't Co coin has pumped a lot altcoins have also been pumping so whether or not this is going to be a good buy now remains to be seen so link down below if you guys are interested let me know if you guys are going to get one of these things okay but otherwise I will have a video of receiving one of these from ASL and I will do and I will do an unboxing video and showcase and testing for this for you guys but thank you to ASL Miner for connecting a flu minor L1 to my F2 pool and uh just showing the uh actual 24-hour hash rate of this thing okay so now it looks like it's been going down or maybe he disconnected it oh but here we go so it's been connected almost 2 days now you guys can see the average hash rate right here but it looks like it is it is a real is a real product okay all right let me know what you guys think I'll see you on the next one have a good one peace out peace out

As found on YouTube

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