New Mining Rig Frame | Dredge 2

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so what's going on everybody rabid here and here 
today we are looking at triple a waves new mining   frame the dredge 2. now i do have their very 
first sluice right here that is my uh test bench   that you use for testing gpus and whatnot and then 
we upgraded to the sluice 2 which is this 10 gpu   mining frame and if you are used to building like 
say a better frame that i have back there in the   corner there then you would definitely love these 
because this was way easier to build probably   under 15 minutes you could slap that one together 
right there but now that brings us to the dredge   2. now i don't know what the dredge one is or if 
there is a dredge one i haven't really seen the   dredge one but it doesn't matter because now we 
have the dredge two and it's a higher number so   it's better right well i think it is and putting 
this thing together it's probably the fastest   mining frame i've ever put together i was almost 
waiting for more parts looking around saying   hey there's got to be more to this thing to put 
together because just look at that straight away   i'll show you here putting this thing together 
counting the bottom here there is only like one   two three four five six pieces that have to go 
together plus all your fans and everything so it's   pretty insane pretty fast but before we actually 
look into this and how to build it i do want to   show you a couple things i want to show you some 
of the extras because you always need this when   it comes to building any type of mining rig now 
that is the power switch unlike the traditional   right here traditional switch which is a push 
button this is literally a switch as you see i'll   activate it there you go quick thing so this is 
a nice touch nice little different style twit uh   twitch uh switch here and now they also have all 
these extra screws now these will work for putting   in all your gpus and i believe they're also 
interchangeable with their 10 gpu mining frame   the sluice 2.

If you would like to purchase either 
this mining frame their 10 gpu mining frame and   the first version of the sluice if they do still 
have it in stock i cannot guaranteed stocking that   but at least the 10 gp one and this new dredge 2 
just use code aaa rm 20 20 off their mining rig   frames that's aaa rm20 for dollars off now they 
also sell hard drives which i have one here that   i have a four terabyte hard drive from triple a 
wave and as well they also have nice risers these   are version zero zero nines and code aaa which 
is aaa rm10 will grant 10 off other accessories   like their hard drives over there or their 
risers anything else you do need from triple   a wave so we can kind of go over some pros and 
cons now there aren't too too many cons that i   can personally think of myself i really like the 
way this frame goes together it's nice and fast   uh what it all has to go for you now i don't know 
why we would really need fans in the top like all   to all together you can put like 18 fans in this 
thing so five in the front here five here four on   each side so it'll be like 18 fans total now i can 
see these ones intake blowing in then having some   exhaust fans back here for the five blowing out 
the hot air out would work and down here i can see   myself once i film our cards into this i could see 
putting some fans at the bottom here to blow in   your power supply and whatnot to help keep it cool 
but once you fill this finally up i think fans   here would potentially just be hitting the back 
plate here some which could help for 30 90s but   it's not going to do anything for the fans that 
are all over here so putting fans here could just   end up being a waste of power again who knows 
it could be a totally different scenario which   leads us to a bunch of pros where this thing 
is totally stackable now you can put other rigs   right on top of it now depending how you run 
it you might not be able to actually do that   just like in our 10 gpu mining frame right there 
i like to run everything nice and low as you can   see there's different settings so you can run 
it at the bottom or up top to run it higher i   like to keep it low and this up high that way 
you do get the center flow coming from your fan   going right onto your heat sink back here 
now if i was to run this up on the top one   then my car would be sitting right about up here 
just flush level with this level and then your   cables would also be going over top of this and 
that could prevent you from stacking future rigs   on top of each other because it is flat right here 
now it does kind of go up or i can't get my finger   in there but it does go up a ridge just a little 
bit here so you kind of have some play but it will   rest here and this will go up and fill that but 
again i like to run a nice low because again you   can have your fan come all the way down and then 
this will be running right in through here and   you have your fans directly in front of the heat 
sinks keep your cards nice and cool another bonus   feature that is also coming from their 10 gpu 
frame or that's a 12 gb frame i don't know why   i keep calling a 10.

pexels photo 6777564

This is a 6 to 10 and the 
sluice 2 is a 12 gpu frame six top six bottoms   so that's the nice frame as well but they have 
the same concept here with this middle bar you   can do the same thing depending what you do with 
this bar here you can move it up one down one or   move it back or forward i like to keep it forward 
close to here because as we know some cards are   longer and shorter than others so you know you can 
put it down you can have it resting back here like   on this revtech board would be back here this card 
here is a little longer so it'll be resting down   in the corner where a lot of people do run their 
rigs but i like to run it closer because card   measurements are always the same pci express slots 
to the back of your normal pc case are always the   same so it'll be resting on your riser every time 
and it's always good to have the weight of your   card on your riser that way you don't have to 
worry about it ever coming loose or falling off   at the clips or something does not work in that 
way because if it ever does come loose you could   fry either your actual gpu or the riser itself 
from that connection in there so i always like   to have weight from the gpu onto the riser and 
doing this by sitting at resting it on that bar   through the front always matches up no matter 
what size card you do have so that is always   a plus in my books for gpu spacing as we kind of 
saw here once you start fitting six or whatever to   its capacity your gpus are starting to get fairly 
close together now in this one it is rated for up   to rated or whatever but it does have enough slots 
and room to fit 10 gpus all together now again if   you did do that i wouldn't really recommend it but 
this would be the perfect size for like we said in   previous videos with the other frame rate there uh 
seven to nine gpus because then you can get some   decent spacing in here and then you get the 
fan uh the airflow from these fans blowing   in between your cards that way they're not all 
packed together like a server case but a server   case different scenario everything's enclosed 
it's like a wind tunnel and it works as intended   open rig frames like this this is the way they're 
intended to be and if you get them too close you   could cause heating issues which is why i like 
to have them spread out a little bit which way   would make this a perfect seven to nine card uh 
gpu mining frame obviously i'm using a 1200 watt   server psu in my ergo rig right here these are 
cards that are four gigabytes or a 30 60 version   2 lhr that can't really mine ethereum too well 
unless you're burning up too much power so uh i   turn this into my ergo rig anyway we're using the 
server power supply now there is tabs here you can   see we can fit two atx power supplies if needed so 
2 1200 watts or whatever depending on the gpus and   power capacity you are needed and there's plenty 
of room for possibly two motherboards side by side   if that's the way you want to go as well 
like maybe slap a motherboard over here   slap motherboard over there and then throw a big 
power supply in the middle could potentially fit   as well i have not tried that out so i don't 
know if it actually works now again in order   to get it right you'd have to 3d print your own 
standoffs or something because it does only have   the holes in the middle for the motherboard but it 
doesn't mean we don't have other options here we   can totally work something out if we want to get 
two motherboards or something into here with a big   psu in the middle but as stated if you wanted to 
run the certain one you know you just get like a   b250 mining expert one in the middle power supply 
on each side and you're good to go here i am again   server power supply uh no issues so far anyway 
so i don't know guys this pretty much does sum   up this video let me know in the comments are you 
guys using this mining frame have you knew did you   know it even existed yet uh do you plan on getting 
one let me know in the comments i really do enjoy   this frame i obviously like to get more but just 
because of their stackability as well because   being able to stack frames and i think this 
thing would look pretty sweet all stacked up   even if you know colored everything out you know 
gave it all a paint job or something you can do   multiple tiers of different colors there's a 
whole bunch of possibilities you can do with   this but i think this is a nice clean look very 
easy to build and really great gpu mining frame in   general one last time if you did miss it or fast 
forwarded earlier uh aaa rm20 will give you 20   off their mining frame so this one here the dredge 
2 or the sluice 2 over there or if you want to get   some of their accessories like their risers or 
even the hard drive or something from them for   chia mining and whatever you want to do that 
is triple a rm10 for 10 off other accessories   so please hit that subscribe button thumbs up 
button thanks for watching guys i'll catch you   on the next one rabbit out thank you for watching 
everyone if you haven't please comment subscribe   and like this video as well as check out one 
of these other videos if you have not seen   it yet i do try to stream every saturday and 
sunday so stay tuned for more future content

As found on YouTube

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