NEW Salad Mining Update 1.5.5 Today!

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[Music] all right guys well you know what time it is salad has another update so it's June 6th 2024 let me mute my speakers real quick it's weird it's not let me mute my mute my sound there we go okay um yeah and they just pushed out another update on salad fixed issue that affected support for container workloads with longer running times and I was actually just talking about this earlier I was hitting containers but they were dropping and my jobs were were dropping off so I was hitting good jobs I just wasn't holding them so it made my graph look really spiky and peaky and stuff like that so hopefully this fixes it I'm going to go ahead and um do the update now I don't know the technical or preferred way to do it but I always go and see right now we're on a 2 to 486 like I don't want to get rid of that but feel like I need to update so before I do that I go to pause until idle so that pauses The Chopping we're going to hit update now and this this came through 40 minutes ago it's 100 p.m.

On uh it's actually June 7th wait say 6th and 7th today's the 7th so this update came through yesterday huh I just didn't see it interesting very interesting huh but on the Discord it released today at 12:20 that's odd so this update just came out but it says it came out yesterday um regardless this it's a new update so we'll let this do its thing and get all back to running and then I'll check back in with some other stuff and see how it's doing maybe this evening uh but yeah so I had previously recorded a video this morning talking about how um I was dropping and didn't have container workloads or jobs for all my systems so we'll we'll roll into that video now it's kind of outdated info as of right now now but oh well it is it is what it is I will be doing more content we are building more rigs um and we're really going to lean into salad if salad doesn't end up working out we are trying out some other platforms so wish me luck ladies and gentlemen but I'm really feeling good about salad I like it so far and they seem to be fixing and working on things very fast so it's always good to see uh up frequent updates and fixing things not just letting them letting them be but sneak peek on some graphics cards that are coming what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and I've had a bunch of people asking me about salad they're like oh my rig's not getting rented or it's you know it's dropping the job you know oh my God what's going on so I figured I would show you guys what mine are doing and give a little explanation I do have the full um salad software uh guide coming out this evening things have changed a little bit because they've had some updates in the last couple couple days but uh let me show you where mine are at and just know that you're not alone with workload jobs ebbing and flowing all right so first off if you have any new rigs up and going and you've been mining this week if you hit that 50h hour mark on Fridays is when they award the star Chef which is like a kind of verified status so if you've been mining for a you know that 50 hours in that last week uh your system gets priority on some of the jobs or workloads guys so this is one of my 30 90 rigs as you can see memory is not doing anything we do have a WSL ethernet connection so that means we potentially have a job coming in it looks like we got a little bit of traffic but the RAM is just uh looks no it's just sitting there so we don't really have anything loaded in at the moment uh and it just says calculating so let's go over to another 3090 rig this is 3093 um 3092 had a job yesterday it had a $515 job and it looks like today the ram nothing we have the WSL connection but no job loaded in on that one either so two out of my 4 390s are not doing anything except idling at the moment I do have mining turned off uh 3091 rig uh it has 8 gigs loaded in and it says calculating as well so it's got the WSL connection so it is connected for container workloads and we got a little bit of traffic so maybe it's loading one in 8 gigs is a little bit bit more but normally uh especially on those $5 jobs you'll see it up there in the 30 to 40 gig range so that is unfortunate we have 3 309s that are not doing anything at the moment um what about my Zotac right here Zotac 5 gigs it's not doing anything holy smokes I was doing good yesterday what about what the old shop PC um let's see here solid needs an update 10 cents yeah so for me everything is down either not doing anything or not doing much of anything um 8.9 gigs on the memory on that that workload so uh if I go over to my stats all right if we look my last 24 hours was $1.76 not great considering 2 390s were doing that just a couple days ago and I have 4 390s up uh and as you can see I did have one of my systems go down so my graph is all over the place and right now it's actually my earnings are super super low I'm I'm right around 5 cents per 15 second or per 15 minutes by the way it is broke down so each one of these bars is a 15 minute interval so four of those makes up an hour so you can kind of figure out what your last hour was um so 4 cents n cents so it looks like over the last hour I was probably what 9 18 20 I'm like in the 30 cents range so if we get a calculator 30 * 24 I'm right at about $7 a day at the moment and that's that's not not optimal but um it's not always going to be perfect especially uh on these container workloads uh I do have an interview coming up soon so they can shed some light on that and maybe it will get better but just because it says calculating forever does not mean that your system is broken or not set up correctly so right here this is also a chef's system and it's just calculating just waiting for a job so anyway guys y'all have a good one let me know Down Below have you noticed jobs have been falling off or you're finishing them and not getting another job I am curious to uh to find out what your situation is as well but anyway youall have a good one bye

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