Next 3 100X Potential Crypto to Buy Now?! (BIG POTENTIAL!)

Welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube Channel hope you guys are doing well It's been quite an interesting week I Could say across the crypto space we've Seen a roughly a 20 to 40% Corrections For quite a lot of altcoins also meme Coins too have come down in price you Can see just looking at the week it's Been quite a red one indeed and I think A lot of retailers out there make some Motions with where the markets are Headed right now but I do strongly Believe September onwards when we enter The bur months through to q1 of 2025 the Markets will certainly look strong again At least that's what I believe we can See the fear and greed index here for Crypto is coming down a little bit so The market generally has moved away from The extreme greed and feeling hyper Bullish to possibly even feeling maybe Fearful in the next few weeks do Remember in a bull market the red days Are your friends not your enemies and That can help you dollar cost average in To your favorite project to actually Reduce your average entry price so let's Talk about it guys in this video three Coins that could potentially 100x it's Not unheard of that cryptocurrencies can 10x 100x 1,000x and even 10,000x if You're getting in right at the floor so Let's start with coin one number one do Want to say not Financial advice always

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Do your own do diligence and research And remember cryptocurrencies are very Volatile so you should always respect Them and um you know don't treat them as A guaranteed kind of opportune so let's Move in coin number one is Pepe Unchained a new layer to look at this It's brand new coin in the market and It's really quite a beautiful thing Actually so we can see Pepe now has his Own blockchain congrats to the party buy And stake now during pre-sale to max out Your rewards before the price skyrockets We can see over here Pepe Unchained is a Layer to and it looks like you can buy It with B&B or B uh erc20 you've got the Option here we can see the actual ticket Is pepu peu with one Pepe being a p pepu Sorry being worth 0.008 they've raised 200 12.7k of $46,000 right here so what we can see on This ecosystem you're getting better Speed better gains same delicious Pepe Flavor so you're going to get an instant Bridge between eth and pepe chain lowest TX fees higher volume capacity which is 100x faster than etherium and a Dedicated block Explorer its own very Chain that is very very cool I've never Seen something like this before for its You know a meme coin so pepean chain is The future of meme coins it's a layer 2 Blockchain Built For Speed so Effectively it's going to be next sort

Of big infrastructure platform its own Ecosystem which could help sort of group Uh chains together through portal Technology as well as Wormhole Technology so to this token here will Power the entire ecosystem so you're Early enough to witness a new golden age Of meme coins there is a token udit as Well as you can see right here which is Always good a solid proof one which is Very nice to see so it has indeed been Audited and you know it's decent that They have to do this because it means They're giving up privacy they're giving Up their own data their own um Identification to let these auditing Companies know such as solid proof that They're not going to do anything Malicious of course so when we go Through to the next stage it's talking About how to buy so it's quite an easy One to do you connect your wallet Whether it be a metamask or a best Wallet and you convert either ethereum Or BNB directly into your required Amount of pepo tokens tokenomics is Always a big thing and we can see in 3 Days 15 hours the price of this coin Will be going up but there are a total Of 8 billion tokens on the pepu Ecosystem you can see the pre-sale get 20% liquidity gets 10% staking 30% Finance for the project at 10% chain Inventory 10% and the marketing gets 20%

So when you see at the top here it says Experts say Pepe and chain double Staking rewards equals 100 extra lws um Yeah this is of course very very D Genny Play but I think there is a good bit of Utility behind it um you know base off The road map alone as well so make Pepe Great again it says they want to revive Pepe and make it the next Pepe Alternative coin eruption with layer 2 Technology burning desire as well and There may even be some sort of BuyBacks Over here then step three Pepe Unchained Ecosystem Pepe unchain is much more than A meme coin it's an entire blockchain Ecosystem so that's very cool very Unique um there is a white paper that You can also do some research on I Always suggest you guys do that so you Can understand exactly what the project Is about and exactly what their vision And Mission is um I did see they had Staking rewards so I might as well touch On this 2063 an apy of 7.7 million being Stak at The moment of course this is uh Something you have to lock in your Original stake balance you can withdraw Your new balance at the end of the Staking um but yeah Guys these rewards Will be slowly released over a 2year Period remember not Financial advice but If you want to check out Pepe unchain And be one of the first people to know

About it link is down below coin number Two which could still be PO for 100x Plus is Chuan po the Donald Trump Chinese Donald Trump token right here Looking so so good slight correction Here for the coin but nothing to really Be too worried about in my opinion we're Getting loads of support around the 0.014 region we had massive buyback Power at 0.11 and the price is now 0.015 with a $15 million market Capitalization um now coins typically do After you know you know this coin is Already done when we check out the price Range it's already done a whopping 30X So after 30X you are going to witness Some sort of selling pressure at least a Plateau so now I think it could go into Consolidation hopefully between this Major resistance region and this major Support region where we could get some More continuation at $50 million Market Capital they'll be burning 2% of the Supply which is equivalent to $1 million Worth and um they're going to get some Centralized exchange listings come very Soon so check out down below for chuano Very very excited to see what could Happen with this one here they're Pushing hard they're not stopping as you Can see continuous marketing continuous Uh strategic planning here to help grow The system and look there it is the

Bitmart exchange announcement so this is A massive thing bitmart happening on the 21st of June the primary listing so this Is cool the trading pair is literally Champoo over usdt watch this space this Coin could fly not Financial advice coin Number three we've got play Doge we've Looked at this before it's going to hit $5 million raise very soon one play Token is 0.511 at the moment and every time it Hits its next price Target the price is Going up so want to get into one of the Next awesome play to earn meme coin Tokens out there play Doge could be the Right one for you it could do a two to 100,000 x it's hard to say of course but Coins like this when they have a big Community a big culture are effectively Poisoning themselves for a hopeful Parabolic launch do you remember it's Always speculative it's a subjective View but we've seen it in the past we've Seen played to an tokens go crazy in the B Lake axi Infinity defi kingdoms there Are many many more so in 2 days eight Hours the price will go for this coin Right here uh play have 5,291 followers at the moment you can Buy this on the B20 or erc20 chain of Course they're boasting about their Multi-chain magic that you can see right There which is really good because it Allows buyers from different ecosystems

To get in at different sort of Transactional rates so there is a Mobilized application little sneak peek Of how it looks you can see you got the Little Doge there on the mobile screen And there are going to be a lot of games This is all about nurturing your pair And you earn play tokens while doing so Phase three and four do hint at Centralized exchange listing which could Be absolutely amazing for the community And um yeah overall guys this is a Vibrant colorful fun playto earn meets Meme coin project which could do very Well so just to summarize we had coin Number one as Pepe on chain the new Layer 2 ecosystem its very own Pepe Blockchain the link is down below this Could be an absolute Mania of a mem coin Not financial advisor of course qu Number two was Chuan po the link will be Down below for this one as well if you Want to check it out the price is Looking fairly attractive with a recent Correction of 40% so it could provide a Good dollar cost average entry to get Into a coin at a lower price point coin Number three Playdoh this is not yet Live of course it's a pre-sale so you're Speculating you're getting in before the General Republic and once it get listed On exchanges you're going to see a boost Of volume and liquidity which would Hopefully support buying pressure and

Raise the price there it is ladies and Gents make sure you subscribe to night9 Bitcoins if you're new here I'll see you Very soon bye for now take care

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