Ok we have to choose another KS0 Pro Winner… THANK YOU BP

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] AG [Music] [Music] good morning everybody Welcome to the live stream we're choosing another winner of a ksz pro today because yesterday the winner that we chose already won a KS Z Pro last month so for the spirit of giveaways we have to choose another winner and uh he was okay with that so we got we got to do that we a winner cannot win another KS zero Pro that's not that's not that's not fair that's that's really not fair um so what's up everybody what is up how are how's everybody today how's that Bitcoin doing right now 64 hitting up 65,000 looking pretty good pretty nice what's up everybody all right let me do quick roll call Jean franois uh Zed soix gaming a smokey Dan Austin sasman techman what's up man John English Tech Carl M what's up man Carl m I got to email you soon pelish Miner are you going to use the same list from yesterday yes pelish Miner yes we're going to use the same video that we used yesterday from the veteran Miner make sure you guys subscribe to Mr veteran Miner as well I'll take one for the team and accept the ker Pro hopsack you are banned was it an alias of a previous winner uh Sheldon Irving yes yes it was a month ago and none of us remembered none of us remembered so uh we're going to just we're going to we're like we're going to quickly choose the winner for this one uh because uh everyone's already participated I think everyone that's in this live stream right now has already gotten their comments in so we're just going to we're just going to do it right now we're just going to do right now I also have to keep the stream a little bit short because I have to go in about 30 minutes time so um all right you guys want the link to the video okay right here just comment something positive oh no that's not the link hold on let me get the real official link here this one's not going to let you go through live chat this one right here yeah I'll I'll choose the winner in a couple minutes just get your comments in uh something positive and uh which country you're from and thank you BP all yeah all right get it in there uh you don't have to have thank you BP in there but I think most people just did something positive and which country they're from but thank you to BP though for donating 10 KS zero Pros which we have given away over the past over the past uh I don't know like 3 months now we've been giving away K zero Pros like not like every every week yeah it's crazy thank you BP BP the generous donator um by the way guys the RPM tangum is now available if you guys anyone that doesn't know it is available now Link in the live chat there use code RPM if you want 10% off or anyone other content creators uh coupon code check it out check it out um who is this BP guy I we we don't know but he wanted to donate ksz Pros to the community so he's like red panda you're the guy to do it I'm like all right let's do it so yeah same here gotta run got get ha cut maybe I'll win have a great day H pish Miner have a good one bro have a good one okay let's choose the winner now and then we can do check out the market and Mining and how everything is Mony Dory right everything's good right okay based and oh we need 100 uh 165 people 88 likes get to 100 likes I will start the giveaway 100 likes we just need a a few more a few more and then we are going few more likes let's go all right there you go we did it thank you everybody all right let's just let's let's get the comments all right let's choose the winner who's going to win pick a winner here we go three 2 1 veteran minor I see you 3 2 1 40 bcoin great tutorial first of all I watch loads of tutorials you're making especially leads your new Barrel leads for the ice Ser C zero can I ask you why you don't ship to the UK uh is is this A is for let me see when this guy commented 40 bcoin sounds like a comment hold on hold on is that a giveaway comment or a a video comment you know what I mean like uh let's see let's see hold on we got to see if this is a real comment hold on hold on cuz if it's like if it's a comment from like like a month ago or something or couple weeks ago uh let me see here three weeks ago hold on hold on almost there I need to load all the comments I should have done this before 600 comments oh my God okay almost there all right that's it all right all right this this was eight months ago all right let me just see 40 B corn 40 nope this was when I this is when I did the giveaway so congrats yes this is when I started yep okay no 40 bcoin congrats my friend I will respond to his comment and uh I will send it out to him if he's in the UK that's that's fine I can do I can do UK all right that's it 40b 40b coin 40b coin okay that's it um veteran minor you messaged me bro yeah I saw uh you have a new website now GP cables.com is that what you said GP cables gpa.com let's see oh my God oh my go what's this oh look at this when did you when did you make this website look at that look at this when did he make this veteran minor I have two sights still oh really wow wow wow that's crazy that's nice man this is nice this is nice Max good morning Max voltage good morning man how are you how are you Tech man chat's going fast this time better luck next time yeah better better luck next time Mr 40 bcoin has W kso Pro I will comment reply to him and uh see if he will give me his shipping address and I will ship out the ksr pro to him nice uh veteran minor are you going to to dissolve the veteran minor.com and then you're going to have GPU cables.com as like the main one or what's your plan what's your plan on are you are you going to dissolve the other website or you're just you're going to keep both better minor no we will have we'll have both okay nice nice man very nice sick I like it the site looks really good the site looks really yeah really clean looking I like it awesome awesome awesome okay all right that's it uh let's see what time is it 91 okay perfect um so was there anything that you guys wanted to talk about man alium hash rate is still getting destroyed hold on let me see radiant here radiant was another coin that was dominated was dominated a little bit here and it looks like the hash rate has been split from viore to hum poool so the the single entity still controls like 99 95% of the network hasher which is really funny which is really funny so I think oh radiant oh man oh boy that's that's really not good that's that's really that's really that's really not good uh another coin that just decided to switch to a new algo was kylo coin because there's another single entity that there's only 17 miners on kylo coin everyone's not mining kylo coin anymore but there's a single entity that that has taken over and they're going to move to a CPU mining algo in they said about couple weeks time so couple more weeks they are going to they are going to uh change the algo which is really cool so yeah fpga have taken over kylo coin radiant uh a lithium people were saying it's an Asic but looking at the worker names on this hero Miner's worker it was a bunch of like one terahash miners whether those are as6 or fpga but then at the same time there those worker names are very similar to the ones on the radiant and also kylo coin as well so that's why we're thinking like has to be has to be something kind uh reading the chat K uh Seb what's up man Seb welcome to the live stream calicorn rocks I look forward to mining a little stack of it now nice man yeah couple more weeks and uh they said they would change their algo couple more weeks so looks pretty cool okay I got to make my I got to make my live chat bigger hold on can't read it when it's really small uh Co BK red pen of mine what's your thoughts on the bc250 I was really close really close to buying one just for the heck of it uh what's the website to buy it um PC I was really close what's the website uh ASRock hold on I need hold on uh ASRock PC [Music] 250 where is that website oh my [Music] goodness where is that website PC server Parts yes thank you BC server Parts um so I guess the the benefit of this bc250 here I'm just I'm just I'm looking at okay so if I if I personally was to get one with my 0.8 0.75 C per kilowatt hour I I would be I would be profitable in a sense by like a dollar $2 maybe um mining warthog um but there's also the fact that this thing uh so how many GPS do this thing uh one no uh 0.22 megahash what no 18.2 n Mega so if I had a uh hold on let's go to that website PC server I I really I was really thinking of getting one but H the issue and it's not it's it's it's really a small it's not really a big issue but it's the time to set it up um bc250 is it going to show up here doesn't show up on the website oh there it is uh okay here it is what's okay so you can get a used one for $6.49 or a brand new in box for $11,000 uh so the the big the okay my my big issue here with these is just the time to set it up because there's 12 individual they're basically like 12 individual computers um and you need 12 ethernet cables you need 12 uh M do is it m.2 or M SATA uh SSD these um you need 12 yeah network cables hard drives uh and or USB sticks uh most people are probably going to do m m do2s but the the issue is the time to set it up and it's just it's quite a it's quite a big machine but you have to have in my opinion you need to not in my opinion you need to have lower electrical cost to be profitable on this thing or you are going to try to spec mine and hoddle in hopes that the coin's going to go up then you'll make your money back that's that's really the that's really the way but yeah these things are interesting um for the price $6.49 we get 12 AMD BC 250s it's an interesting one it's an interesting one for sure um two hot swappable power supplies BC says can you use those as nodes yeah probably you could probably you could probably uh set up uh uh set it up as like individual like os's like put Windows or like a buntu on one of them and like go hard Ham on a bunch of other os's you want on here and that's actually one thing that that's actually pretty cool you could do like a it's like you can do a whole bunch of different operating systems and like use it as like one of your test benches or something uh I don't know something something most expensive is the 12 IP ports yeah each of them has a network Port bunto server portable on them so yeah that's it really it it comes down to it's if you have cheap electric like under I don't know under seven Curr if you're if you're looking at profitability I think under seven [Music] um under seven then uh cents per kilow $412 no hold on this is this is wrong wait because it there's apus it's like a it's like a it has CPU and the GPU all right within the within the chip within this you know PlayStation PlayStation 5 boards uh that's what's going on here so you know what's funny this thing was 15 grand and then it says 649 now would I I don't know I what if you have money if you have Expendable income to to throw around and you want to buy one just for the hell of it I mean there there there's the link I I I I don't think also if you were to mine kapow okay okay here it is here it is here it is here's the stats okay so kapal is 245 megahash eash 610 but the power consumption I think is close to 2400 Watts I I could run one of these but I have other more better efficient profitable stuff that I can mine with 2400 Watts so if you don't have anything and you want to play around with something that you can get a a good amount if you have free electric and you got a lot of you got a you got a you know extra power you can use I granted you need you need to have 240 volt you know if this one's 2 2400 Watts you're you're not going to you're not going to oh if you're going to CPU mine yes if you're going to CPU mine or GPU mine both at the same time you need to change the power supplies you apparently if you're going to be CPU Mining and GPU mining like Raven or something kapow apparently you need to change the power supplies to 1500 WT or 1600 wat uh psus um that that's a that's a displ there so depending depending how many of them you're going to or you can like maybe eight of them you don't have eight of them only M kapow or something and the other four not mining GPU I don't know I I don't know if it's is $650 if this is something you want to play around with sure you're going to lose sleep over it maybe 650 bucks is maybe a lot for some people um but for mining you know you need if you have free electric yeah go for it if you don't have free electric yeah you need to have uh you need to have um uh cheaper cheaper electric 2400 WT total okay all right 15K to 649 yep uh mine Capital says mine uses 1800 watts with all 12 mining warthog just oh mine Capital just warthog alone damn dang uh did I miss the drawing uh yes uh Mr 40 bcoin has on Mr 40 bcoin has won the ks Z Pro hey uh all right what other questions do you guys have what other questions mining warhog with be since November already M my money 10 times L 1,800 watt per case uh neon neon neon nice nice man 1,800 Watts oh my God warthog okay warthog W hog does warthog even show up on no is warthog on coin [Music] gecko yeah warthog here so it's been having price decrease for the past March 18th so do you have like neon neon do you have like free free electric mining warthog with bt2 250 since November oh since November okay so it got on Exchange March 18th or something just like last month and then you're able to sell it all and get your money back like a lot I see I see I see I see nice manen what is your playlist I love the songs uh Spotify and go type in stream beats uh hypee tracks 100 thieves hype tracks stream beats yes yes yes it's actually more profitable as of now oh really neon was mining before it was listed so huge huge yields then ah okay yeah that makes sense nice nice well warthog came up at a120 right on Exchange and then Zex and now it's 38 cents that's pretty good if you mind it earlier dang that's a lot market cap is $435,000 oh yeah this is a dang that's a low cap coin interesting uh uh okay you guys have any final any final questions or marks I got to leave here in about 10 minutes is there anything you guys would like to talk about anything else uh you know what I'm buying one screw you guys you know what for the do I need it no no you know what no I don't need it no no never mind no I'm not buying no no I'm not doing it no I'm not doing it what other CPU coins can you can you mine with this thing uh dude I I have so many other Hardware I need to turn on I I can't there's no I'm not buying another thing I have to no I I can't I'm not doing it no I can't I have too much I have too much other stuff I have so much other stuff that's sitting right now I need I have way too many other I have so many other things that I need to turn on veteran Miner you guys can use coupon code RPM for 10% off your purchase on the new website GP cables.com nice yes GP cables.com veteran minor thank you thank you bro yes you can mine varis integer guy you can mine vars with it okay it's 12 gpus for $650 yeah I mean that I that's yeah mind Capital you're not wrong that is very cheap I mean and you know what actually come to think of it if the bull run comes if the bull run happens if if the bull run comes around and like some sort of eash coin or kapow coin and some CPU minable coin starts exploding then there's potential this thing it could be it could be decent it could be very it could be decent yeah it could be good actually yeah yeah yeah yeah it could be good honestly I see a lot of value I see some value in uh making a like a some sort of like node cluster thing with this thing if it's 16 GB gddr6 um per Apu per per uh you know slot here and you know how much RAM how much RAM does it how much RAM does it have like the memory uh the graphics card at 16 gig but what's the uh onboard what's the uh AMD a core what's the onboard memory on the on the uh bc250 itself any does anyone know it's shared Ram oh okay oh okay so okay Apu right it du yeah okay so 8 gab for CPU 8 gab for for GPU okay okay okay I see I see I see I see all right that makes sense oh that's that's legit so I the value then I see here is making some sort of like some sort of some sort of node um cluster or something or even just individual os's on here and you just want to play around with like wallets like not even VM you don't even have to do hypervisor on into these you're just doing like just bare you know Windows install entu uh something OS you can play around with 16 different os's on here that's actually pretty cool you know just for that fact just for that I might get I I I'll get one you know I think just for that fact I'll get one cuz you can still you can still repurpose you can still repurpose this to something to something else you can still you can still repurpose this to use as like 16 individual um computers uh 215 in stock okay well all right by the time this live stream's over this better not be gone all right not saying it's it's not a really in terms of profitability it's not profitable really that at all but if you're spec mining you could do you could do very well okay uh BC red I'll order one for you VC got VC okay if you order it from me and I'll pay you back I I got BC I have us I have usdt BC I have usdt I know you have my address already I'll send I'll send you uh you tell me the total cost I'll send you uh usdt uh usdt Tron hopefully you have usdt Tron I'll send you I'll send you the money uh BC if you order it for me I know this is in the states so uh shipping is probably going to be free shipping within the states so it's probably going to be like $200 shipping to Canada Christ uh God damn it it's really loud and uses a lot of power yeah is a pirate I know I know that's that's what I'm not looking forward to but we'll see I I'll I'll try it for fun I I guess I uh uh what what's the hard drive sorry I didn't see the hard drive what what kind of hard drive can you put in these things M do2s right where's the slot right there okay is that a m SATA or m.2 I can't see I can't see is that at the top top uh top left m.2 okay I have a whole bunch of these then I actually have I have a whole bunch of those 60 gab M do2s yeah okay I'm I'm okay I'm good I'm good I have a whole bunch of these I got a crap ton of m2os yeah all right awesome awesome awesome awesome okay uh is a pirate they have to be nvme not sat m.2 ah crap really m.2 SATA and nvme oh neon neon okay the pirate do I trust the the pirate or neon neon actually has one so all right neon I trusting you on that yeah no it looks like the m.2 is I have will fit in there I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure I don't have to buy any hard [Music] drives okay all right so pirate I have 16 uh RI what's up Ry pirate I have six SATA 16 GB m.2 on mes red 16 GB m.2 on yours okay Ronnie nice nice I Ronnie I have a bunch of those parallel minor uh M do2s are those are those are those I don't know if those are SATA or yeah I'm pretty sure they're SATA they're like the 30 gab or 60 gab SATA m.2 yeah Patrick Murphy you're saving 14k you really can't afford not to buy it oh my God uh uh uh is it oh man there is there any difference between the used one and the new in box one has anyone had bad experience buying the used one Ry I have the same ones red p m parallel minor 16 GB sat m.2 okay nice Ry okay perfect awesome Ry perfect perfect you might as well mine Capital you might as well order a 10 pack yeah no definitely 10 of them for $5,500 oh my God yeah no I don't have 282,000 Watts time 10 is what 20,000 watt dude that would no I cannot I cannot run that I'm going to have one and it's probably just going to be sitting in my rack I'm going to con I'm definitely going to convert it into like some sort of like server thing not not mining install like os's I going install a bunch of os's on here you can run five and do five give Smokey den no I am not giving no you know what the shipping would be on one on one of these no giveaways on bc250 no definitely not definitely not you're going to love the fan noise well John English Tech I have like big boy as6 running on the other side there so I mean it's already loud already it's it's loud it's it's loud already oh I think you can get a fan mount a fan uh mod there's a fan mod uh for these I believe there's a quieter fan mod because these smaller what are these are these 8 mil or 40 mil fans are these 80 mil I don't know 80 mil I think there's a fan mod you can do with these it's a high pitched wine noise though oh is it oh boy oh that's that's not good H okay I'm going to regret I might regret it all right I might regret it [Music] then Ry I got six solo warh hard blocks since 900 p.m.

Last night not bad nice nice okay guys I got to go that's it that's it neon I print a 140 mil fan I have with 140 mil fans fans are much more noise than Asic fans oh are they oh great perfect great even better even louder even better even better oh man that's that's perfect uh well going to be great for electric my octop space bag is mooning uh fully electric OCTA space let's see OCTA space Oh yeah 13 wait past 7 Days octop space has been up 60% oh yeah look at that octop space is doing some work here the past seven days oh wait the past wait wait octop space has hit a new alltime high oh yeah Oh that's oh that means a lot of eash uh Etc uh eash A6 are probably doing really well on those uh what's the Jazz what's the jingle mining a jazz Miner yeah Jazz miners x16 P x16 Q let's see what's lrs Lissa eash oh oh interesting how come where is the zil where is the uh octop space okay octop space zil why don't how come how come M the how come hash rate.

Doesn't have the octop space zil option on here huh that's weird uh is it K1 pool that does that K1 brail K1 pool pool uh K1 pool you can do dual uh let's see mining pools uh has OCT space zil where is the zil one OCTA space yeah octop space zil and the zil uh IP poo Jazz minor x16s yeah so OCTA space and zil yeah if you're doing zil you're getting even you're getting even more dual mining octop space and zil yeah okay yeah the Jazz miners wait can the x16 P do that oh that's a good question I guess I'll try that soon I'm getting one in very soon from rabid Mining and uh that'll be fun okay I'll see you guys later thank you everybody for the live stream sorry I had to cut it short I have to go uh my kid I'm going to bring my kid to a uh uh music music class kids music class uh fun fun stuff and uh congrats to 40 bcoin again and uh thank you to BP for all the ks Z Pro giveaways uh hopefully this this gentleman replies if he doesn't reply then I got to choose another winner in like I don't know a couple days or something a week maybe okay see you all later again the red panda mining tangum wallet is now available to order use code RPM for another 10% off and uh if you want to store your Caspa Bitcoin anything it is now available check it out check it out all right peace out peace out bro peace out peace out you guys have a great one thank you guys so much stay safe and stay happy and stay healthy peace Bros peace long-term storage that's right VC long-term storage peace guys peace peace peace [Music] [Music] n [Music]

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