[Music] he [Applause] hey guys RPM here hope you're doing well having a really great day first and foremost I want to say I'm sorry to my wife she is no longer able to park her car in this garage probably for the next month because I'm going to be having RTX 370s and and server cases probably laid out on the floor here building them over the next month so to my wife if she watches this I'm sorry I'm sorry so for anyone that's maybe just watching this video just to give some context here I have bought well traded for 108 RTX 370s they're not all here but this is the first batch of 307s and there are eight in each box and I have GP risers R8s here which I can fit 8 370s in each one and I'm planning to have them on this shelf right here okay I'm going to have a wall here okay here's a sample R8 which I do want to try eight of the 307s in this R8 right here we'll test it over there but yeah I'm eventually going to have it just like this okay so we're going to unbox some of the 307s but before I do that I want to announce a k0 pro giveaway which thank you to Mr BP we have another eight more left to give away so very easy to participate I'm doing a Discord giveaway so you have to join the RPM Discord and then in the announcements page you just have to react uh to the ksz pro giveaway which the winner will be chosen this Sunday okay and so I'll be doing a live stream showing you guys that whoever wins in the Discord channel so join my Discord link link down below the winner will also receive one of these six pin to Barrel plug brand new veteran minor made metal bar Barrel plug for the ks0 or ks0 Pro okay I'm actually going to put this got to open these up we got to put them in the boxes but yes so the winner this Sunday you guys will also get uh one of these awesome cables okay so showing you guys here the boxes which thank you to mining King for packing all of these 307s in this pretty strong bubble wrap here okay so I'm assuming okay I I you know every time I get gpus from you know UPS or DHL or something like that I'm probably going to have some type of shipping damage of some sort I'm going to quickly unpack all the gpus here and we'll see what it looks like okay here all the 307s unpacked these are really really nice EVGA XC 3s okay so actually there's different variations of the EVGA 307s here okay again all EVGA cards but there are a few different versions of their uh 3070 xc3 models so this is a uh EVGA 3070 gaming Black Edition okay black gaming Edition or other way around and then these ones are the xe3 Ultras okay 307s so they're yeah two different versions here actually I think there's three different versions because so look the gaming BL Edition ones if you look at the back they're all black right but then on two of these they have red but also this type type of backing which is similar to the black gaming Edition so I'm not quite sure right the actually the serial number or the model number is ends in RX and then this one ends in KL so I I don't know what the difference is maybe it's uh just the back part here or maybe it's overclocked so gaming Black OC Edition and then gaming Black like the normal ones and then the xc3 ultas okay so which are majority of them so so really nice okay I did have just you know with shipping I did mention that I was expecting some type of damage all right that's not always going to be you know just perfect but there was one here okay just one that had the iio part here you know that hooks onto you know the computer case or octo Miner in my case here uh this part I'll just need to uh Bend back it's not that bad looking at the pie CB there's no damage there so yeah just UPS you know shipping and handling a bit a bit rough from UPS uh there's also one here that's it but other than that just those two the rest of the gpus are completely fine no damage all the fans spin just perfect I didn't spin them too much okay I know some people are going to ask that I just spin them a little bit just so you know I feel like nothing was broken and actually this one here what's going on here now was this spray painted or is this like a Gold Edition 3070 xc3 I I've never seen this this color before on this like on a 3070 EVGA 3070 you guys let me know here uh what's going on is it like maybe like heat discoloration here it's not dirty okay it's not Dusty or anything uh there's a little bit of black uh black here like what it's supposed to be like like right here right so any anyone knows down below well what what's going on here what what color is this is like a special golden one I looked at the uh the serial number and it's it's the same oh actually oh no it's different okay so this is 37 uh this 3 3755 k r and this is 3755 KB oh this is a different one what is what is a KB okay if anyone knows let me know I I did not research that I just I just looked at it now so huh different model number than the rest of the x3s and looks like we got a sticker here security seal uh this is a KR 3755 uh KR oh I'm still here okay there we go okay so all unpacks just beautiful 307s thank you to the mining King for packing these all up for the gentleman who sold them or I traded for these 3070 so we got 32 370s here I'm still waiting for another 76 all right I'm going to try to fill up the rest of the garage with the rest of the 307s as they're coming in this week and also next week so stay tuned for that but I'm not going to end this video yet guys we got to try a rig of those 370s in a GP risers R8 okay we're going to try it in this one right now so let me uh move this over there okay here's one of the GPR risers R8 if you guys are interested in one of these go look at GPR ris.com I have a link down below they have these for sale really nice server cases okay so I have all the PCI cables laid out here now I'm going to put in eight of the 3070 so I'm going to try to keep it All Uniform so I'm going to keep all the xc3 uh gaming block editions together and then all the xc3 ultas are going to be together and then uh whatever mix match different ones I'll try to mix together uh on one rig so let me put all of the Ultras I'm going to pick out eight of them and then put it into the R8 and then I got to flash the hios installation on here so let me do all that right now you guys will see this populated and then we'll turn it on and see if it shows up on hios and yes if you guys are asking I know a lot of you are asking R Panda did you run the power yet for your GPU shelf here and no I have not okay I'm going to be working on that at nighttime because my wife works here during the day and I I can't turn off the power as I'm putting in the you know the wiring and whatever all that kind of stuff here so that'll be during the night time I'm going to work on that this weekend okay so I'll be then be able to get all the gpus online once I have them all all situated here and you know a lot of testing to do get them all set up I'll I'll do videos about doing all that guys it's going to be the next 2 weeks here of getting these online okay you guys will see this build up 3 2 one yeah look at that okay all right the 307s are in the R8 this is oh these are really nice by the way I was able to bend back the 3070 that had the damage shipping uh it was pretty easy looks like it's yeah perfectly fine and yeah was able to bend it back no problem all right cable managed everything the best I could all the P are in for the 370s there 28 pins power for each 3070 and this R8 had definitely enough cabling it actually comes with a single double 8 Pin cable six pin PCI a double eight pin for each uh 3070 here and then there's also a set of single eight pins uh for each of the gpus which I didn't need to use so that's going to be all well and good uh right there so I mean Max that I'm really going to pull on these gpus I think is what 150 160 if I'm going to mine kapow on these gpus first at first I'm probably not going to do that it's going to be like a core dependent algorithm anyways wasting time let me go ahead I already got the SSD in the floor 307s are looking a bit less but you guys can see which ones I took and placed it into this R8 okay I got the network cable in I got the power cable uh not in so let's do that now that's going to go into a pdu uh with a C20 c19 to C20 cable okay so I have an extension cable here it goes into this cable here so let's plug it in and see if this goes up in smoke okay first issue I see okay so I think one is not working all right looks like they turned on though this is the one with the bad uh IO plate there but looks like it's going good this one is not uh this one is not turning on actually I did see the fans move okay anyway anyways let's see if in h West it shows up eight of these let me go to the computer okay so I did make a brand new hiest Farm okay just for my house here for these 307s so I'm going to be calling them GPR Riser R8 -01 02 and so forth okay so let me hit contrl F5 on the keyboard and is this going to load here let's see ah please work yes okay yes it showed up yes success all right and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eight 370 showed up okay but I guess one of the LEDs is not working on uh on that singular 3070 so there's a few options here I just want to quickly set auto Fen okay that looks to be good and then also octom Miner has their fans here going to put that on auto because yeah it's their fans the regular fans are running at 100% right now don't want that but yes success okay all EVGA all Samsung gddr6 oh that's good I want to go look at that one with the LED so yeah this one I wonder why uh they're all that's xc3 but it's showing up in hi West it's probably just it's probably just burnt out yeah probably just burned out but the rest of them show LEDs I wonder if I there's some way I can actually turn off uh the rest of them but I'm okay with that I don't care I don't care about the LEDs anyway as long as it mines so actually let's go see I want to see the power consumption of this thing right now okay so by itself I have it on a pdu it's about7 walks 120 it's jumping all over the way so I'm going to mine I don't know p in with this I want to see what the power is be right back okay about 800 W mining pin right now and yeah looks to be pretty good obviously quarterb and coin low power let me go check hi okay so okay yeah pan hash yes yeah there we go 4.4 gigahash 83 70s yep it's it's going good now 795 Watts at the wall according to the octom miner so it's true power at the hios here all right which is the power of the GP risers R8 okay that looks good okay really happy about this so I'm really excited for once I have all the 307s up I'll be able to just have one flight sheet for all the 307s that's that's what I'm I'm excited for that's going to be really nice to be able to switch all the gpus like on the fly all of them at the same time with one flight sheet I was actually thinking of doing something like burst mining like a bunch of different coins like solo mining like switching every hour or something I I thought that might be something down the road but okay that's it it's mining it's good oh the first batch of 307s are mining looks like the fans are not running cuz this it's already cool it's already generally cool in here it's like 79 Fahrenheit so yeah it's not that it's not that hot right now okay guys that's it for this video let me know your thoughts I am going to be just probably creating a lot of filler videos over the next week here because I just really need to prep uh getting in the wiring for the 307s here for the GP rack here so that I can have I guess all the 307s here okay it's not going to be 108 well maybe depending if I put more down there but uh I got to run the power first okay I'll see you on the next video thanks for watching I hope you all have a good one peace out peace out peace out