all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the uh Brandon coin YouTube channel hope everybody's having a great day it is Christmas Eve hope everybody's having a great Christmas Eve if if you're watching this after the fact I hope you had a good Christmas hope you your family the kids everybody's happy healthy safe all the important stuff and then you know did you get what you wanted for Christmas did Santa Claus come whatever but anyway um I'm packing some orders up just trying to push through um some of these these last orders that had come in what's up Aragorn Strider glad to have you uh and it's just going to be pretty much like an open chat like if you have anything to say go ahead and say it while we're while we're chilling while we're packing and um yeah yeah so I guess I'll show you guys what I'm packing packing here uh crypto Mel what's up audio sounds good so far yeah I am streaming on a iPhone 13 Pro Max not my daily this is actually one that my wife had and and the cell phone service like the reception on it broke but it still works on Wi-Fi great so it's a great little streaming phone what's up retro Mike what's up Anthony Nichols Merry Christmas Merry Christmas so uh for first order up right here um this is actually from a repeat customer thank you for that air Gorn uh but uh b760 these motherboards have been really good to me so far I've sold quite a few of them and paired them with uh 12th 13th gen gen CPUs and never had an issue um and we're also pairing that motherboard uh it was a combo kit deal with this I5 13600 it's actually I rode on it uh because this is an Intel confidential chip which it's like a like a sample like a es sample um and every time I looked at it I was like what was that chip again so I just ended up riding on it with Sharpie so I wouldn't forget it but 13600 good mid-range chip still still can get the job done so I'm going to go ahead and pre-install it in the motherboard so it doesn't get jumbled around or or any of of that kind of stuff what's up Chris Hanley glad to have you live brother but yeah so these are those b760 boards um and they're they're pretty Bare Bones they're No Frills but to run like a modern chip at at this kind of price point is awesome uh and they do come in white or black so that is nice LGA 1700 the big boys what's up jelly gang glad to have youall in here all right let's install this [Music] CPU right there right there drop it in lock it down slide it back in the sleeve what's up Frankie two times how you doing brother I actually found your box I should be able to open it here soon I have been swamped with new orders coming in um so that way I can actually get your cards out get them open and add them to inventory cuz right now they're not doing anything sitting in a box so there we go 13600 good to go this man is working Christmas Eve yeah I'm dude it's been it has been a blessing to be this busy I can't complain all right so let me check on that order I don't know if that one included a CPU Cooler or not uh but let me let me jump over here and check that one came through PayPal so I got to look at my PayPal invoices Vickers glad to have you brother we got some people in here live Brandon coin moving out of the storefront on top of all of it yeah um the last few days well I'd say last few days like the end of last week I was moving stuff over here and I don't want to pan over to this side over here but there's boxes of computer hardware everywhere it was kind of like a blessing in disguise cuz as I was packing stuff up I was finding stuff that never made it into inventory so it's like you know I need to go ahead and get this stuff tested make sure it's good put it in inventory cuz it wasn't making any money just sitting there all right in oh check it out I already got me and me and the wife already gave our gifts to us early and she got me some uh some new coffee mugs how you like it got old Vader there got a storm Stormtrooper one um I'm a new coffee Drinker because I've quit drinking regular soda I still have like zero soda every now and then but you can't go and slam zero sodas like you can like a like a regular crisp like high fructose syrup Mountain Dew you know just hits the spot man but the zero sodas they satisfy that like soda soda crave every now and then but I've like switched over to to coffee for my caffeine because I got to have something uh yeah I I'm not a big I it's like it's you're one or the other right Vickers I understand what's automatic beats is in here what's up bro what's up all right so invoice thing I know he had paired a 3060 with this combo kit so look at this Asus tough 3060 not even listed in inventory he was just like hitting me up hey let's put something together you all good over there okay got the kids out in the garage okay so 3060 tough 13600 and b760 it looks like no CPU Cooler with that a pallet of gpus just showed up my at my door it's going to be a good day retro mic Tech are you you're not in the business of selling gpus you're deploying them love the mug appreciate it win case yeah wi case Rich Mike all right so let's get this let's get this bad boy wrapped up these by the way these cards are solid like if if you're just looking at it from here you can't even tell what it is but this is a 3060 12 gig cuz Asus uses this cooler on like everything yeah retro mic's in the business of mining maybe one day when when I get it when I get good like retro mic I want I want to get into some mining right now I'm just I am straight up Hobby mining in my garage in my house putting a little extra heat in there but one day there we go like to get 10 10 wraps that normally is it's pretty decent I get my bubble wrap cheap I get it by the spool uh 700 ft at a time because the um we have a local a new spot that just uh any two slot blower style cards looking for something for a server yes I do we'll we'll uh we'll find that here shortly does it need to be modern or can it be older a Gorn uh but anyway I get the bubble wrap really cheap I get a spool of 700 foot for like 40 something dollar 50 bucks after tax h a 5950 X's sheesh um but I get the bubble wrap super cheap so I try not to skimp on it um but I get it from the my local like Drop Point Place uh they just opened up up the street and they do you know UPS USPS uh FedEx DHL everything right there and you know I've been coming there a lot and I got friends with the owner and he was like Hey man if you bring all your stuff here like I'll hook you up whatever you need shipping supplies at my cost so that's how I was able to get like bubble wrap super super cheap cuz I was buying it on like Amazon and and online and other other places but bubble wrap can be expensive if you let it be I think I was paying like 30 bucks for like a 100 or 200t roll so it's definitely Sav some money in the long run Uline for packing materials this is actually Uline brand um he just gets a crazy discount off of it so I just get it through him yeah Uline was also where I was getting the uh inflatable foam packs from but uh I had a couple of those bust we ain't doing foam packs no more let see if this box will work got any breakout boards in Vickers I will check I'm low on breakout boards you buy from Uline boxes mostly these are Uline boxes as well yeah I think this box will work oh yeah there we go all right and of course with every shipment we got to drop we got a sticker we got a thank you note and a pack of Pokémon cards bam why because nobody's ever mad about it but I did have somebody I I sell some stuff on eBay every now and then and I had somebody message me and they're like there's Pokemon cards in my shipment and I'm like yeah it's just like a little free gift and um and then they just like messaged me back and they were just like oh I don't know throw them away if you don't want them you know I guess not everybody appreciates the Pokemon right I apologize for this tape ASMR all right now let's wrap this in some poly wrap oh Mel won the giveaway what' he win Vickers no problem brother yeah uh the veteran minor GPU absolutely solid product never had an issue with anything over there and if you do need anything custom like length or custom colors it's the way to go oh Krypto Mel you want a mini Doge 3 man those things are they're in high demand right now everybody in their brother wants a mini Doge or wants a alphapex indoor Miner like indoor like home script mining is Def definitely booming right now buiness is a boom uhoh I missed it what was that oh congrats congrats yeah kill's got it going on good guy to be a winner there gor I got your message and I don't know if I'll have that actually I will um it's a 40 series card though I don't mind talking to you about it on here if you're still here eror Dwayne thank you for the great service online and sending me the 5700 XT no problem brother no problemo all right didn't want to derail the stream hey as long as it's within the realm of uh you know like computer parts I don't think anybody will be upset um so it is a it's a blower 4070 super and I think I think I can do 550 on it um I don't know if that's a good price on them right now or not cuz uh I was looking and 40 series pricing has been fluctuating heavily in like that mid-range area so but it is a blower blower 40 4070 super two slot kind of a weird setup Bam Bam time to make my package look like they're need to be pulled over by a DEA agent or something right everybody seems to love it you know got the old classic classic [Music] Brown it's good tape I know why they use it if you know you know some somebody was like the computer Shop's up front he's not actually sending parts trust me they Parts in there why so much tape dude I'll show you because I also get my tape really cheap and I never want to have a package go wrong because of tape ever so poly wrap everything so they can't see what it is it's semi like water resistant I'm not going to say you could like drop this in a pond um but then I I tape like you know all the way around all the way around all four sides and then like long wavs um and then if it's a heavy item I'll do even more than that some people have gotten like a boxes that are almost completely covered in tape um and that's just it tapes so cheap to not just put a little bit extra on and not have to worry about your item busting out of the box I I can't tell you how many times I've bought like an expensive item and there's like just a little piece of tape just like holding it on over the edge and I'm like if that pops loose box comes open ruined all to save what cents Pennies on the dollar 4.68 so we'll round up so 4.75 lb by the way um if anybody needs a recommendation for like you know the dope tape as a lot of people call it uh this is from tape bear uh really really sticky uh but it's thin and it tapes to itself amazing so you know how some tape like if you tape it to itself it doesn't tape good you tape it to itself it like locks down even harder tape be oh Hub BC is an excellent Packer of computer Goods I Tred to because in the beginning I had some losses due to uh cover it in tape and you don't need poly wrap well I went the poly wrap route because a lot of people were complaining that I was sh GPU boxes and I would tape them then they pull the tape off and it ruins the box and I understand being a minor and into computer ports you want to keep your boxes halfway decent all right let's get this uh this one printed up so we can move on to the next order order in the courtroom there we go create boom there we go add custom item combo 2760 13600 and 3060 price add wait Markus paid my kids are getting into everything so even whenever I use like um say if I use like invoicing through PayPal and just have somebody PayPal direct me so I S life OD oh what's up brother uh how's the Teggy I still got it it's down at my dad's garage um one day we'll be able to fix it and and go there but I pulled the head off of it uh I had a a non VTEC head and then I picked up a B16 head and I was going to do a head swap and then I saw I had one of my Pistons had a crack in like the edge of the Ring land so I just shelved it again and I'm like I'll mess with it later but I really need to pull the oil pan out drop the whole bottom end out um go back I have the weight this they wico piston so I have the exact weight for every piston um order a fresh set of Pistons put it all back together in frame uh and then put the B16 head on and computer shop and life and kids have put all that on the back burner but glad to see you in here man Haggard and Brandon coin collab dude I'd love that I literally am like a huge Haggard fan um where you look at I'm in North Carolina just like right north of uh like 30 minutes north of the Raley like the capital I followed you since 21 when you wore the funny ski glasses I can say he's an honest guy yeah I try to be man impulse I watch oh you're talking a life OD I watch your random car vids um dude it life OD this is what this is Orion right is that who's on the typing on the I'm doing the magic behind the keyboard big respect Orion if that is you um or anybody else from the yes sir okay so uh big respect uh I loved when you did your crypto video what was it a few years ago and kind of like showing people like the come up I mean crypto literally has taken care of me as well I'm still a car guy at heart but um yeah computers and and crypto has has changed my life legit changed my life also YouTube helps as well 4.75 by the way um Orion if you go to my web store bc- uh as in like brandoncoin PCS or bc- um I have my shop cell phone number on there just shoot me a message and then uh we can link up after Christmas all right domg you're right crypto is revenue and cars are an expense um I never really made much money on my car Channel like every bit of money I ever made on my car YouTube channel just went right back into my cars and then I was like oh I'll just buy more cars for more content that's a horrible business method horrible business method but I mean lifeod you guys you guys were like my inspiration for starting YouTube way back in the day and then my car Channel turned into a computer Channel and then I split them off and it's been a good time thank you for that eror what's up techman hello home brw friends and jelly gang glad to have you in the house man all right let's get this next order up so I'm on my second thermal printer um luckily uh the first one died within a short period of time so I just uh did a did the return thing or claim fee through Amazon but um I if you guys are looking for thermal printers do not buy yellow brand thermal printers at all they're bad don't recommend them I've had less than like a, uh shipping slips through [Music] them uh any updates on the January batch of BTC miners sir hash aot um I've been talking to uh Tyler over there and he looks like he's on schedule he was still a little bit late on a couple of the December orders um so I don't know I told him right now I'm not doing any more pre-orders until we get caught up cuz I don't want to get in like a hole that we can't get out of if I if I have to start issuing a bunch of returns nfo that's a lot of crypto miners do keep buying more gpus for video content it's a it's a slippery slope merry K Christmas brother I can't believe we had life o in the dang live chat man freaking grew up like watching that stuff I know I know they got to be like my and stuff I still watch to this day uh like rer Miata and stuff I was so so happy to see when y'all uh I don't want to like say kissed and made up but you know kissed and made up that's some old that's some old school OG YouTube like car content old old school man God quad turbos yeah dude I loved the the Lexus what was it the GS 300 God literally your videos made me want to go buy Alexis couldn't afford one at the time luckily we all need to go to BTC 2025 I'm going um I went ahead and I locked it in I got a babysitter um the wife has worked so I had to find a babysitter but I'm I'm going to be down there all right what's the next order orders see you there heck yeah Tech man I just bought a Tesla Mod y one month ago loving it I've been wanting a Tesla for years um it's just when I could afford one I couldn't afford the one I wanted if you know what I mean and then now that they've come down in price a lot the last thing I want to do is go get a car payment I just want to get everything I have paid off and just be done with it you know I still want one I want one for the self-driving feature so I can just like jump on the highway and be like uh not pay attention to anything the outboard motor one always sticks in my mind impulse yeah when they did the outboard motor in the what was it in like a little truck or something I don't remember what it was but I thought that was gnarly stay at Harris for free Venetian is next door techman Ty oh you're talking about you're not talking about mining disrupt you're talking about uh Vegas I have not committed to Vegas yet I am going to mining disrupt sorry Merry Christmas Brandon and all from the UK Mark glad to have you man Merry Christmas to you as well oh Chris kingley all right so next up is a 12700 T that I sold on eBay and it looks like it went for $155 so let me pull that bam got a 12700 T right there can't see that I don't think good little chip I need to get I need to get Dragon's Nest to print me out some bigger um CPU boxes so I have these little 3D printed CPU boxes and they fit like you know 1151 and 1150 socket perfectly inside there they also have trays that you can uh put a am4 chip in and then slide it inside there and it's got a lip so on the inside the am4 chip um rests on the edges and the pins don't touch anything uh then you can you know slide it in there tape it up and it's like really really secure way to send stuff uh for right now what I've been doing on the LGA 1700 sockets is I'll take a piece of paper like or piece of plastic a going I know I know last time when I I um Dragon's Nest printed these I bought like 200 of them and I still have plenty to use what I do is I I put a little piece of paper or plastic over it I put it in there and then it just has that edge that sticks out I put tape over it put it in a padded meiller haven't had an issue so far so there we go that way I'm not like taping to Bare PC and she's she's secure she is secure also shout out um for some reason the teal uh bubble mailers on Amazon are always on sale I wanted to get like black or you know just some other like more normal color but I ain't going to fight with with sale prices giving youall a little bit of that behind the scenes knowledge when it comes to shipping stuff hold on one second this is my Dad hey Dad oh packing a couple orders what you up to yeah just um just doing a little bit of work before we go down and and do the whole you know Christmas Eve thing yeah okay yeah I will and um okay yeah yeah I I'll call you once it's over oh that would be awesome yeah we we definitely will all right well I'll talk to you in a little bit love you too bye sorry I missed some stuff on the chat can you ship Canada yet with the web sort impulse I've tooken intern I have taken sorry tooken I took an international shipping off but I've taken international shipping off because I've had so many issues with the automated pricing it's either super high or super low um and then it was automatically routing some of it through uh the areas that had people doing strikes in Canada and stuff like that Brandon's almost at 10K Subs 100K you mean right you forgot a zero yeah we're getting there I'm looking forward to it but um so I took I I took it off of the web store but if you message me DM me or you can text me on um you know the shop line and I can give you like a custom quote drop to zero yeah there you go let's get this label printed out how many ounces is this bad boy it is .12 ounces or 0.12 PBS sorry Canada Post just came off strike was a whole crap show yeah man uh I had like two packages that got routed through that as like the it's supposed to save money it goes up through like USPS gets handed off um but like that stuff never made it I had to give a return on it I would love to get to 100,000 Subs man I've been waiting on it for a while feels like it's never going to happen there we go out another SL by the way if you are thinking about getting into e-commerce or selling or shipping any volume of stuff uh a thermal printer is a lifesaver but I think I said it earlier don't get a yellow brand one um the one that I had at my computer shop was a d or di D that one is an amazing one um the yellow brand I'm already on my second one and it's less than I don't know a month old maybe maybe it was a defect we'll see we'll put this one to the test do you have any mining rigs for sale no gpus just empty racks like the actual frames I'm going to be honest man I throw the frames away or give them away most of the time cuz they're such a pain to break down and then sell uh aorn demo yeah that's what it is demo have a good good reputation yeah that my demo printer doesn't miss a beat so there we go another order in the books what's up next let's see here i7 10700 so we have to find that one cuz I I don't remember where that one's at it's a 13400 right there 10700 that should be that's that's the smaller chips uh 10700 there we go Doo there we go 10700 ha do you sell any ddr4 Ram kits no crypto pound 4 what's up man glad to have you in the live chat that guy uh I don't get a lot of ram in and when I do uh I was trying to like import a bunch of like offbrand name Ram from overseas and like test it out see if it was good and then start selling it that absolutely tanked I lost a good amount of money because by the time you get it in and you're buying stuff from China um whether it's Alibaba AliExpress or elsewhere crypto pounder 360s and M do2s I have 30 60s yeah actually I'll show you that here in a second um but by the time you get that stuff in and then get it tested and you can do a return on it but it's a pain in the butt I tried like four different offbrand and didn't have success had like over 20% failure rate or dead out of the box rate on RAM sold some kits and then had people you know contact me back oh the ram died so I'm not doing that again for my Zeon combo kits I do uh ECC server RAM and I like buying uh used Samsung um um sometimes Micron but I try to stick to Samsung and then uh if it's desktop Ram I'm a Corsair guy so Corsair vengence um that's pretty much my go-to my go go to all right what did I miss there 3060 so yes I just got in 30 60s like last week still haven't put them in the inventory yet uh got some EVGA this is a XC uh got EVGA I don't know what model this is but it is a 30 60 12 gig I don't know if it's any different than the regular XC any ideas when the nerd miners will ship keep up to great work um so yeah I have been shipping the nerd miners it it's all just depending on when your order came in uh but all of them should be shipped out by January 10th is is my mental and also deadline that I have set inside of the uh the shopping app okay it looks like these are just 3060 um X's as well EVGA XCS so I have three of those total so three EVGA 360s sorry about the all that packaging material rip headphone users right we correct me if I'm wrong I think these boxes are used most of the time when it's like a RMA or something got RMA out whereas like this is normal packaging so I don't know if this was an RMA card or not but if I do remember correctly EVGA the these boxes are used for something else different what's up STI sometimes glad to have you in the live stream where's it oh here's our 10700 let's go ahead and get that bad boy packed up that's RMA refurbished GPU box that's what I was thinking cuz I've definitely definitely R made a few cars with cards with EVGA and honestly it it's it's horrible that they got out of the GPU Market because I've never had an issue um getting service from them I found it motherboard had to switch to Firefox since they disabled ad blockers huh just caught it at the end the end the end of what we're not the end of the stream we're still streaming have a good day holiday jellyfishes yeah absolutely have a merry Merry Christmas probably go on for another I don't know 30 minutes make it an hour live live stream as usual every order is getting a sticker the thank you note and pack of Pokemon cards can't be upset about that jfa hi everyone Hi jfa orders I am it's pointing this way there what's up is it charged can you turn it on oh you want just put it up for now up higher our kids are climbing the damn wall or sorry dang walls Halloween P Pokemon cards getting blown out yeah man I bought like one pack and then one guy I that had received a package from me that had like a Halloween pack in it uh was like man I love that idea and then he sent me three cases of them so I have like like Pokemon cards to give out for a long time cuz I think each case had like 8080 packs in it or something or 60 packs it a lot it was a lot next up we have a 10900k that sold for 270 bucks nice little lick on that one what's up buddy sorry guys my son has entered 10900k where you at where you hiding at Char is it charged here we go I might be getting off here sooner than later um 10900k you probably can't see it good little chip right there the OG jelly fish yeah 100% party at Brandon's we're getting there box fan yes he is talking so uh my oldest son once he started he never slowed down just the right age to get excited about Christmas oh he loves it so uh we went over to some families and had like an early Christmas couple two days ago and um he got a remote control monster truck so it's charging right now yeah [Music] buddy what did Harrison get it yeah uh I think we put it up so that way it can charge it did charge it did charge is it ready yeah all right well let me finish let me finish this one and then we can go play with it okay all right we're about to go play with the remote control monster truck guys so I apologize but we're excited um I'm a former RC car guy as well I feel like everybody that's in been in the cars has a RC car guy um next batch of metal miners are shipping when um I'm supposed to get those in the end of December uh Tyler said they should they should be here in the next couple days but I imagine with Christmas it's going to play a kink in that uh because they're shipping out first week of January we will see he wanted to do another pre-order and I told him let's pump the brakes let's get everything shipped out for January then we can do a pre-order I just don't like doing pre-orders he was a little bit late on some of the October and December orders um so I was just like yeah yeah I don't I don't like I don't like shipping stuff out late and I really don't like shipping stuff out late when it's not my fault um you know if it's my fault I can take responsibility I can make it right you know throw you a little discount hook you up with something maybe knock some money off but when it's somebody else that's supplying me the product and then they're not staying by their deadline that drives me crazy what's up paperclip hey glad to see you in the live chat brother we're actually just about to get off cuz uh me and my son are going to go play with the the new monsters truck but glad to see you Merry Christmas yeah absolutely brother brother brother Merry Christmas let's get this printed out another padded mailer for the 10900k probably good idea not to do pre-orders only sell stuff you got yeah box fan I I agree um and like I told him cuz uh he was like oh you know I need to blah blah blah pre-order that way we can generate some money um so that way I could do bigger batches and get better pricing and I'm like I get all that I do but that's not my problem you know what I mean I hate to be like that uh but I'm not I'm not the bank and I don't think using pre-orders as a way of funding is a great business model in my opinion um so I worked with him in the beginning cuz he was getting up and going I told him hey we can do this maybe one or two times and then you should be on your feet enough and um that's kind of where I'm at so he's probably watching this or he's going to watch this and and be like hey why'd you say that stuff but you know I I try to keep it real is what it is why doesn't he mint his own coin I don't I don't know lootch loot Tech comes to mind Mary Christmas everyone Douglas uh yeah yeah I think locco Tech is a prime example of uh what's this somebody texted me I think locco Tech's a prime example of of like definitely over promising and so far underd delivering uh and then I heard a lot of people that had pre-orders and pre-existing pre-orders got their pre-orders nuked so you have to do a new pre-order I don't know sounds like a nightmare oh what's up Andrew thank you for the $999 Super Chat it says Merry Christmas to you and your family let me give that a a thumbs up thank you I appreciate that you are appreciated Z pirate that guy where can I get Jelly coin um so yeah jellyfish coin is is something that me and uh I got a a small team put together and we actually now the team's gotten bigger so we have a pretty big staff group in there now developers people way smarter than me but uh to buy it you can get it on Phantom wallet we are verified now um so you can download Phantom wallet on your phone make sure when you search uh you can search for jelly FC that's the ticker so j e l l y FC no spaces um but there are some scam coins and some copycat coins so whenever you click on it make sure it's it's the verified one the fake ones will say this token is unverified blah blah blah it won't have like a price or the price will be really weird uh and it won't have like a lot of movement on the uh like the price graph whereas ours will have movement it won't give you that that warning notification um it'll also say under the information that it is uh the status is graduated there's no percentage bar but yeah so that's a quick rundown thank you for that Aragorn um you can also go to that Discord that's a jellyfish coin Discord and um everybody will help you in there heck you hang out long enough they'll probably send you some free jelly actually or you can get free jelly from the the faucet which is going to be opening here soon I think maybe tonight hopefully tonight we're shooting for it all right let me get this last order done while something's about to lose his mind is it called jelly it's jelly FC so it stands for jelly fish coin yeah there you go box fans got it jelly FC and it's actually spelled incorrectly on likee the title for jellyfish coin but yeah all all the best coins are spelled incorrectly right all right that's the last one we'll go ahead and stick this one and we'll call it call it a live stream we had 44 minutes in I see three on my Phantom wallet on my Brave browser so yeah if you open those up um there'll be two of them that are unverified and it'll give you a warning at the top and then one of them will not the the real one should be at the top I don't want to say that incorrectly but I believe it's at the top um just be careful get the right one you can go over to the you can go over to the Discord find with the one with jellyfc yeah so you can go over to the Discord and you can copy go to info SL info D rules and there's a contract address you can copy that contract address and paste that in there and that way you get the exact one get mommy room are we going to go get the monster truck yeah I get monster okay let's go get it all right hey say bye to everybody up here say bye bye yeah bye guys say Merry Christmas Merry Christmas all right y'all have a good one thank you again um let's see here does it show it thank you again Andrew for that $9.99 Super Chat much appreciated brother Merry Christmas yeah uh crypto pounder just send me a DM on it or you can text my my shop line bye guys bye bye techman easy now
Packing pc shop orders live ama