Packing Up.

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e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah okay [Music] hello hello ladies gentlemen welcome welcome to the live stream good morning good morning Bros what is up all right just a very very simple live stream today uh I'm packing up a few Asic and I'll give you my reason all right I have a very good reason actually can anyone guess why I packing up as6 for hosting okay but that's not the reason that that's not the reason why I'm packing these up for hosting what's can can can you guys guess why I'm packing these up I have a d alphapex dg1 and alphapex dg1 plus power question mark need more power power bill uh cost okay well first uh closet minor with the power bill comment um actually it's no power bill is not an ISS uh Steven cisero says new ones incoming need more power Steven pretty kind of has it right but almost almost uh let's see any and new GPU space that you bought a L9 incoming sending to Tera hosting uh need to free up power expanding with other as6 uh NFA minor you're pretty close you're you're close but what what okay nobody's got it yet I'm still reading the comments nobody's got the reason why I I turned these off to send for hosting uh to send them to me I haven't given you my address yet Krypto KK God GPU mining comeback okay we're getting close can someone can someone explain a bit a bit further for those that know my basement for those that know how my basement's laid out why have I turned off 6,000 about 7,000 watts of power you bought more gpus we're getting close we're getting close but there's a reason if any if anyone's like followed why my my GPU area I haven't had all those GPU all right I'm just going to say it you guys are close some of you guys were close all right so I turned off about eight seven or eight uh uh of my 3070 rigs okay you guys know I bought like 120 or 140 of those 307s I've actually had like half of them off for like the past month or two okay so now that like GPU mining's been good all right and it's like ao's been nice I did some numbers and if I have like 70 to you know SE yeah 70 gpus offline I have 70 307s offline so if you do the math it's like 1370 right now makes like a dollar a day on Alo so I'm losing out like $70 a day having those things off for nothing so I have these two guys Which pull 7,000 Watts combined okay but you know the a funny thing is these two as6 have been paying for my power bill like half of my power bill every month uh in Canadian these things bring these things bring in like almost $1,500 $1,600 Canadian uh a month my power bill in this location here is about 33 3400 bucks every single month and these two as6 alone pay for like half of that bill while I have so much other Hardware in my in my basement here my other A6 uh you guys know I got I got I got a lot of other as6 and I got a lot of other gpus and I got a lot of other stuff that's happening um so I am moving I am I'm going to be packing these two up today actually this is where I want to I I I want to get more uh feedback from you guys so I have Caspa A6 that I may want to send out but I'm actually afraid of sending those Caspa A6 out because I'm worried that like in in less than a month or two those things are are just are not going to be profitable and there's no point and me sending those for hosting and you know going through the trouble of oh in the next 2 or 3 months it's like hey can I contact the hosting company hey can you turn those Casper ASX off they're they're not making anything for me anymore and I'm paying more I'm paying more for the hosting fee than the than the freaking uh Caspa uh Caspa yield okay so I'm in that situation now okay where where where I yeah I have not enough not enough power okay but I'm also trying to be mindful of my like my my infrastructure here like I can't go full I have 4 Dam service I can't go balls deep do like 320 amp you know for the whole house you know just for mining like I got to leave some for the dryer I got to leave some for the washer uh my my my Tesla my my other crap you know just daytoday stuff around the house like I gotta leave at least like another like 60 amps you know so right now I think I'm pulling like I was pulling now that I turned 7,000 Watts off I was pulling like almost 40,000 Watts so 400 amp uh what's what's 320 amps divided by 240 that's the that's the uh wait uh let's see is that the calculation 320 M * 240 that' be 76,800 excuse me 76,800 Watts so if I was pulling 4,000 watts I just took out 4,000 now I have like uh 32 33,000 33,000 Watts yeah anyway anyway that's that's that's why okay so I'm I'm I'm turning I turn these off to turn on my gpus basically my my my 307s that have been off half of them I'm turning the other half on now because of these guys I've had as6 on the GPU shelf if anyone's been following my Vlogs uh that's that's why I got to pack I got to pack things up um okay send your family away gaming for fun I mean that would be nice I I totally would do that all right so uh I just wanted to show here these okay if anyone is was interested in looking at the alphapex units I got to say these these things like they they were I had at one point they were running for 30 days plus but then I had a a power outage um but I have to say these Alpha Pex dg1 dg1 Plus I've had zero issues zero issues with these guys these are bulletproof like Dogecoin or Litecoin merge mining Dogecoin etc etc miners so I I have to say these are these are really strong as6 granted I only have two here okay so my sample size is extremely small but I'm just saying I think these are great units they've been really they've been super reliable and uh yeah yeah they're really good I have to say I have to say I love them 12 days up time before and and uh they were doing really well on mining Dutch mining Das dutch.

NL or I'm merge mining like 11 different coins Steve Smith uh let's see wait hold on S change 77 USD a day or 233 a month woo uh Steve Smith red pen of mine can you say how many ASX do you own now uh I own let me count I think I can count hold on let me see 2 three four h no I can't count I'm going to say over 30 plus how many do I have running maybe like I'm going to say 25 26 26 I I I'm I'm like I'm hesitant to ship these out because these things were the ones making half the power bill uh you know 13, $1,600 Canadian for me every month so like you know these two asex you know alone were like my uh my money making my money my money maker right the the Litecoin Dogecoin as6 were my money maker um please Focus the camera uh it's a crappy webcam I'm sorry uh good afternoon travel is travel what's up man dryer isn't running 24 hours a day Patrick Murphy I know that okay just if I were to run 76,800 okay hold on all right okay so okay so I have a 400 amp service right oh 4,000 400 amp times I think my voltage is like 220 though so I have about 88,000 Watts I can use right now right now hold on let me let me open up my Emporia where's my Emporia at okay Emporia uh energy usage okay so right now I'm pulling what's 16 + 20 that's uh I'm I'm pulling 35 no I'm 20 and then uh 30 yeah 35 I'm I'm I'm pulling roughly 35 36,000 36 kilowatt right now so that's that's 36,000 36,000 Watts right but 80% rule at 400 amp is what okay for me I'm at okay so if I'm at 36,000 I still have headro for granted I I just took out seven I just took out a seven 7 kilowatt okay I just I just took out 7 kilowatt so this means I have minus uh 36,000 I'm using right now so I'm currently my house right now as of right now we I'm using about 34,000 uh this is how this is sorry this is how much extra I can use okay I can plug in another 34,000 Kow in my house here am I going to do that am I am I going to do that no no because I need to think how much watchs does my uh like oven use how much watchs does the uh my Whirlpool like freaking induction induction uh oven use how much power does those things use 2,000 Watts 3,000 watts how much how much does a uh world induction uh thing use 7200 COA says uh okay all right I'm just GNA I'm just going to say uh BC says if I exclude mining I typically draw around 12 to 15 kilow Max okay so that's for everything else around your house that's for everything around your house okay okay um your home power isn't going to match the mining unless you have four AC units and pools huh what cooling is not an issue for me right now it's winter it's cool now winter time uh everything's exhausting out massive exhaust fans you probably haven't seen my Vlogs Matthew you definitely have not seen my Vlogs um anything with Heat usually starts at 2001 anyway I'm just going to m out you know BC says 15,000 so I'm going to I'm going to say now I have an extra 19 or 20,000 watts I can I can turn on now as of now after turning off these to uh 7 7,000 watt uh things so if I'm if I'm pulling if I'm pulling 19,000 Watts on one panel and 16,000 Watts on my other panel yeah I should be I should be good I should be I should be good I should be good anyway I should be good okay going to um BC uh 108f today oh there damn okay so the dg1 comes in a box like like this was it the two foam pads like this I'm going to put it in the box [Music] now um uh buy a grill for food hang out close outside get a few solar panels for lighting Kaiser I've I've definitely entertained the idea of doing solar it just costs where I live I I just I I I could do it myself I could definitely do the solar thing myself but it I don't have the mental capacity or I I'd say the time to really start that right [Music] now definitely don't have the mental capacity okay too many panels and batteries I mean that would cost a metric that would cost a decent amount oh okay so funny funny thing I I uh I called uh my hydro company because my my electric is on hydro right thank everyone where I live is on hydro electric which is great um which makes it cheap right so I'm able to get another service on my property I can get another 400 Dam service now is that is that is that is that something I should entertain something I should do because I mean I I and I could have it dedicated going to like a shed or something like I have to build obviously a shed which is going to cost a decent amount but the I I already calculated it I already talked to a few electrical companies I mean running I also have to do burial as well okay which is about a good 50 to 70 ft away okay so 400 amp I got to do burial the cost roughly is between 40 to 50,000 us and that also includes the Transformer upgrade I have to do a Transformer upgrade because right now my Transformer outside my house right now on on the on the pole is like only good for uh only good for 400 uh 320 400 amp or something so it's going to cost it'll cost me an extra 40 to 50 Grand us just to get another 40 amp service on my property is that even a a feasible a good idea are you Canadian yes I'm Canadian so in Canadian it's even worse it's like 70 grand Canadian it's even worse but but here's the thing I get my I can get my electric down uh it goes down to uh I can get down to I think in USD terms almost 4.5 cents 4.5 is that worth it in the long term if I put in 320 amps of a of miners do you think I can Roi on that 70 grand or the 50 50 Grand US in a in a in a good Span in a good span of uh in a good span of freaking a year two years welcome to RPM hosting no I'm not hosting anybody all of you can no no I'm not I I don't want to have I I don't want you bastards to email me text me call me put in a help desk oh my asic's down red Panic can you restart my Asic at like [ __ ] 4:00 a.m.

No hell no [ __ ] [ __ ] you I'm not hosting anybody you think you think I'm going to have you think I'm going to have the ability or like the mental capacity to deal with at least a couple of you definitely not definit definitely not I RPM restart my rig it's RPM that's my rig my as6 down my little my little [ __ ] as6 down can you restart it no no no hell no hell no hell to the no I will I will I I said send out I send out as6 I I I send out the invoices I send out the invoices for payments like he all right everyone you got to pay me on the end of the month and like half the people pay and then I got to go through the the process of going through who didn't pay and who paid and then [ __ ] like I got to I got to I got to chase people down for money and then it's just like people asking me to restart the rig no no no no I'm not no no I'm not doing that no definitely definitely not doing that definitely not I do please help me John English CH use the client rigs as target practice I I I would love I would I would love to I would love to God yeah triggered yes Max I am completely triggered right now I do not want to deal with any of you I I would highly recommend not dealing with [Laughter] anybody especially especially some of you I know some of you I know some of you would be constantly messaging me and then how would I even have time to make videos if all I'm doing is answering like support requests and like bills and invoices Max so you're telling me there's a chance definitely not Max definitely not mental mining UK Panda that's the most I've ever heard the FWS to be honest I'd be having the same I'd be the same having to spend 50k uh no mental mining I wasn't mad about spending the 50k I was mad about if I were to host people and go through the the the pro the the the issues is it like the social issues of hosting and dealing with people uh shark Farber red Panic can you repaste my Asic oh my God could you imagine I definitely say no instantly Steven s a bit of money is this another account or another meter would your house rid go back up or stay the same uh Steven ciso so here's the thing I I may be able to combine both and then I would be on the next leg up on Commercial rate so my commercial rate could then if I use a certain amount constantly I could then use I could then get about 4.5 I'm going to say 5 cents USD 5 cents USD taxes everything all in 5 cents USD electric could you imagine if I got that I I would I would buy everything I don't even know I could buy anything and be profitable I wouldn't even know what to do with myself I would just be sitting there like all right what what Hardware should I I I turn on all my 580s that I have I have like hundreds of 580s I I turn those things on because at 5 cents they're they're they're good they're still good Stephen then that may be worth it but you need a shed at that point yeah no Stephen yeah I need a shed okay here's the upfront cost for me I need to buy probably a a a $5,000 $6,000 USD shed I'm going to say like a 12 by 18 or maybe smaller I don't know how big I want to do it but if I were to build a shed it would be like that much and then the electrical cost to get the the forer dam service the most expensive thing is the burial uh the the you know the C you know the cable that goes you know the 400 amp whatever how thick that that gate GA wiring is it's it's freaking thick right so uh it it that's the most expensive that's the most expensive thing Max wage just fly chump to you to build I chump would be here for a long time and I would not want not a long time but I would not want to put that type of labor on him Max as much as I would I would love for him to do that uh for that's what she said you'd be a you'd be in decision paralysis plaw what's up man FL good sir I am sending these to you right now Mr Mr Mr FL La these as6 I am I am uh shipping to you right now good sir build it like hash Force did his airf flow is superb uh Chuck danger his shed is amazing yes 100% Steve Smith do you think I should get a dg1 plus or L9 or wait and see how the local Tech hash play plays out the next year uh Steve Smith that is definitely a how do I say it uh is definitely a a variable cuz we don't know like I'm still very skeptical of the local Tech hash blade so I I don't know man you're you're guess is as good as mine and it it all depends how many they make how many how how many uh freaking uh how how many freaking local Tech hash blades are they going to make you know like how how many how many are they how many are they going to be manufactur and so you could just do the math like if they made like uh I don't have the calculator up but I think we did it at one point they made like a couple thousand a month the network hash rate for Litecoin would go up like I don't know 1% every month or something or 2% so it's not really it's not that detrimental it just depends how many they could manufacture you do the math go to go to Google you know what here let's do it there I'm down to do it let's do it uh to gash all right uh calculator okay okay downstairs screen okay okay so uh let's go Litecoin Network hash R there anyone can do this okay so Litecoin right now is 1.28 petahash holy crap it's climbing it's definitely climbing uh okay what what does a what does a locco tech what is a hash what's the hash rate what's the what's the hash rate of a uh of one of those hash blades massless ninja uh right before the prices went up Mass you bastard 1.99 uh 2 gigahash okay so two gigahash right thanks BC um two gigahash for the loot Tech so that would be a 02 of a petahash all right so okay so let's go okay so if they made let's just say they made let's just say they made I don't know 5,000 of these things times of a petahash that would be 0.0 if they made 5,000 unit in a month that would raise the the Litecoin Network hash rate by 01 of a pah has so that would be uh 1.28 what that would be what 1.28 / by 0.01 would be uh would be uh hold on my math is horrible here 0.01 divided 1.28 that's not even 1% it it it it it's not even it's not even a it's not even 1% it's like 07 of a percent so if if they made 5,000 of these every month it's not going to it's not going to raise the hash rate of Litecoin considerably now bit main bit Main and their like 16 you know [ __ ] 16 uh gigahash monsters you [Music] know it's it's the same with alphapex alphapex told me they they can only produce 2,000 dg1 pluses a month they told me they can only produce 2,000 so if their dg1 plus does 14 gigahash that's .4 of a petahash right so if you you know they said they can make 2,000 of these units a month that's that's 028 a petahash a month gain every month that's if they sold you know 2,000 fpex units so uh that would be a gain that would a percentage gain of uh pretty much 1% that would be a 1% 0.0 28 / 1.28 oh maybe two 2% ah 2% yes yes yes 2% that would be a 2% gain in Litecoin hash rate every month if they if they if they manufacture 2,000 which they told me they do that means the hash rate would go up 2% every month assuming they sell out 2,000 units every month so for alphapex yeah that that's a that's a 2% hash rate gain every month over month by month is uh is decent it's not like Caspa where it's like [ __ ] like 200% hash rate gain in like a span of a month this is like 2% hash rate gain every month from alpha PEX but then what about bitm what about those 16 gigahash monsters how how many how many L9 do you think bitmain can produce every month 0.0016 of a pet of hash right what if bitm can be you know bit M's bitm maybe they can do 5,000 a month right that be about 0.8 of a pah Hash a month so uh 0.8 divided 1.28 that's the hash up 0.08 divid 1.28 that's uh 6% if bitm can make 5,000 of these units that would be a 6% hash rate gain uh if they could do that within a month yeah that that that' be crazy that'd be crazy anyway let me get my uh let me get my no I need to put I think I need to put power cables in here let me uh dg1 requir C13 c14 come on sh [Music] wait I don't know wait I don't know what connector uh I don't know what connector I forgot what connector uh metered mining uh is going to be PL La do do I need to provide cables or no I totally [Music] forgot [Music] ah the ROI will Roi faster uh uh can be mind both GPU and Asic like e times uh C that's why 1.4 megawatt uh pla ideally send your original cables especially if they're the fancy new P20 or whatever uh pla this one uses the the the typical C13 c14 but you guys had a different end though on the pdu it was like a C20 right or c19 or C20 so I need like a I need to go from C13 to C20 uh damn it uh do do you guys have do you guys have the we have cables then for C13 and c19 ah okay plol nice nice like if I provide the if I provide these right the C13 the c14 is that is that is that this won't work right this won't work in the in the pdu right I I'll provide it I I I'll put it in here I I'll you know what I'll just put it in here I I'll put it in there you guys you can keep it you can have you can have these if it doesn't work then those won't be used correct oh okay all right well then all right I right I'll take I'll take it back I'll take it back okay yeah if you have the C if you have the C13 to C4 C13 the c19 that's that's perfect though okay great all right packing it up dg1 dg1 just put a random pile of cables in it Vinnie [Music] delgreco uh Steve Smith have you heard of the new minor called The iotex iio Box yes I have don't buy it for the love of God do not buy it don't don't buy it red panda you missed the conversation before we were talking about a thousand amp service with a Pad Transformer next to the shed use high voltage to the Transformer and then run three phase 208 3 into the shed H closet minor I I I I would love that is that a [Music] possibility that that would be that would be even that would be even [Music] better H you know okay anyone wondering I tape up all my asex like all every corner when these are being shipped internationally well for me it would be oh us is actually domestic but like anywhere I ship I I tape every corner because I don't want any damage or anything super like is it the word like anal about my about my packaging and like making sure the as6 are okay every corner every side I tape every single side the bottom oh the bottom is damaged look at that that we got holes in here few holes uh uh Vin Del Greco yes box can't blow out if you tape them up tape the hole or else be B tape the hole or else be banned I will tape the hole there the hole is taped [Music] ring the [Music] sides right I'm going to do one on another one on the bottom just for good measure we go oh there's a sticker for the dg1 you know what I'm going to should I take that out I don't want them to see that there we go oh I forgot to put a RPM sticker on the Asic oh crap crap crap crap crap I was I was supposed to do that in order to label my as6 I got to put the RPM sticker on it shoot no ah let me do it on this one then damn it uh claw add a few stickers in the next box ah all right fine let me get stickers all right can I put it right here where where flx slw where can you see the where where do you want the stickers to be on top or the side or open it and fix it add snacks as a bribe and we'll put the sticker on for the other one put it on the fan just just put the sticker right here yeah that that's that's going to go well that'll that'll go well probably be top is probably best we won't see the sides on the container okay all right I'm putting it on the [Laughter] top yeah all right right there done on the top SLO Squatch at Red penda hosting it's a $100 upch charge if you have RPM put the stickers on for you uh John English Tech did you input my wallet before shipping uh John English yes yes I did closet Miner who are you hosting with I am hosting with a company called metered mining Mr plaw is actually one of the gentlemen who's helped start metered mining he's in the chat right now it'll improve cooling yes 100% the RPM sticker improves cooling 100% what minor is this this is a dg1 plus now I have to freaking unbox this one wow there's a big gash there is a big gash on this side see this is why I tape up the sides of the boxes because of that look at that gash right there that is why I tape up each side that's that's why that's why [Music] D okay air Hool so the little hamsters in the running the miner can breathe in shipping uh pelish Miner will that sticker get you more cats of crypto and will it help you attend the spaces event uh yes 100% uh that's where I set my K7 so far no issues Chuck danger nice man nice nice nice um uh okay well what time is it I got make sure we don't go over time here because rabid will be streaming here shortly uh okay I'm G to pack up this guy then this thing is heavy very heavy okay this one comes in a very this okay the dg1 and then the dg1 plus box is like way different and I got to take off the old uh address I don't want you guys to see this all right done okay this box is way longer incredibly large anything else on here no hey oh this one comes with two power cables all right all right let's wrap up this one uh let's see what are you guys talking about smash the like Bros um this thing all right the there's a reason there's a reason they wrap uh as6 with like plastic or like anti-static this is this doesn't seem like an anti-static bag though this is just like a regular plastic bag but there's there's an actual reason why they do this they I've been told the reason why they wrap stuff in plastic is so that in shipping there's actually sometimes there's a lot of static electricity so wrapping it in plastic like helps alleviate that issue is that has anyone else heard that that that's what I heard is is that an actual thing and did the music die music definitely died nobody told me back to Christmas music static bags only do this not plastic yeah I mean I mean what why did they why did they wrap it in this plastic like this this is not this is not anti-static this is not uh this is definitely not anti-static bag hey all right putting it in and there's a spider in the box of course every single time at least a spider every freaking live stream right in the center is the camera is not focusing all right you're going to box whoever whoever unboxes this box will also get a [Music] spider okay hold on I got to put this end on hold on I got to put this end on the other end do not kill spiders I why not I kill all the spiders there uh no this one goes this way whoa Vin with the five memberships thank you good sir V Del Greco wow Steve Smith pelish Miner uh nuclear brw mining M Meister Captain falor congrats congrats congrats all right yes the spider is going with the Asic well it's going to be crushed here in a second okay hold on I okay I screwed that up okay there we go there we go there's no top there's no top to this one there's no plastic foam on this part should I put one in I just go like that I just go like that how about that all right good enough this box tight the box has to be tight is that going to oh that's a that's a that's a that's a hefty opening very soft spot I don't like that I don't I don't like that that's not cool that's not cool spiders everywhere all right that's that's better that's better okay um yeah there we go taping it [Music] up uh does anyone think Aaron Rogers should retire white angel hello rip and Mining I found your channel now I have a question about a mini Miner is the name lucky Miner v07 you know something is a real minor or fake product that that definitely sounds fake I have never heard of something called white angel that sounds like a scam be careful be very very careful oh this Bo this box is heavy box is very extremely heavy big dent right here taping up the side there's a hole right [Music] [Music] [Music] here all uh Andrew mad I missed what you're packing up uh as6 and the whole reason why I'm packing up is to turn on more gpus I'm turning on more gpus at my place here or I I've ran out of power essentially so that's why oh God bottom is heavy this thing is heavy extremely heavy I hope this I another thing I hate about shipping is that it's like you run into the risk of of damaging right run into the risk of damaging it you just sucks your whole life is your whole your whole risk is uh is is all it's all based on the person who's shipping this thing whether he drops it or not you know and I just ran out I just ran out of tape I have another I have another I have another one back uh hellish Miner you did not uh closing my red P do you realize I don't think it's even been a year since you put in the new panels at the house look how fast you're growing uh CL closet Miner I I mean uh I'm getting old time I sometimes get it wrong uh it's been about 2 years now since I've I've put in the Foreigner Dam service yeah about 2 years and uh I'm yeah I'm I'm always I'm I'm I'm at a position where I'm looking at I want to expand somehow you know I as much as I would love to send as6 out for hosting and not have to deal with it I mean I want to I want to have I want to have things closer to me you know so that's why that's why I want to expand somehow you know H when will you be doing the 6600 XT Tower profitability uh AK honestly nothing's changed the those coins still haven't gone up so but if you want me to I I'll I'll put it in the schedule I'll put it in I'll put it in the [Music] schedule uh yeah I need to get I need to get another piece of another roll of tape [Music] [Music] uh sticky side down [Music] h okay this is the top all right done free Canadian spider included yep there is a spider in this box so whoever blocks if you open this there's a spider waiting for you I'm sorry [Music] all right done this box is done okay I didn't put the sticker on on this box so I'm going to dude there's another big gash there's just gashes upon gashes on these boxes dude this is why this is why I got to tape up the sides [Music] okay um Frozen spider will be defrosted taping technique 8 out of 10 B who you are banned you're now banned all right what time is it all right it's 10:00 all right you guys can all right that's enough that's enough of uh watching me uh do some packing there's really nothing there's really nothing involved in this stream at all other than me just talking out of my head here and doing Asic packing cuz I'm packing out I'm going to pack out I think two more as6 and then that's it that's it okay you guys have a great day peace out have a good one thank you all for coming by you guys have a great day first person that posts his address will receive a box uh uh could you imagine he post did you imagine the the amount of people that if you post your address in the live chat right now how many people would go there and like just perch outside waiting for a big box like this to show up and then take [Music] [Laughter] it ah all right all right Bros peace out you guys have a great day 1 2 3 Sesame Street Ah that's great that's so good that's so good all right you guys have a great day with a spider in it yeah all right smash the like on the way out peace out you guys have a great day thank you for coming by see you tomorrow see you tomorrow goodbye goodbye [Music] n [Music] n [Music] a

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