The meme coin Market is currently on a Frenzy with Cobra Tate pumping a lot of The meme coins what does it mean for Pepe arguably the number one mem coin in This current rally welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I your host Omar Khan And today we're doing a deep dive on pep Bcoin as some exciting things are going On some exciting news which is causing This token to pump overall crypto Market Looking all right today yes we're down 1% on the day but Bitcoin holding its Position at $69,000 which is great we're Seeing somewhere between $69 $70,000 has Been a solid threshold ethereum kind of Nose dived a little bit down about 4% Overall fear and greet index is at a 61 Not too shabby we can also see Justin News from will Watcher uh Donald Trump Calls himself the crypto president at San Francisco Tech fundraiser which is Great for the overall crypto Market love To see the support there we see in terms Of uh trending tokens guys Pepe token is Currently trending at 7 uh and we see is Up 40% on the month it's down 18% on the Week and down 6% is 65 5% on the 24 Hours might be optimal time to load up On some Pepe talking about loading up Guys if you want to load up on a gem That's super early let's talk about Playd do for a second this price Absolutely insane and in 24 hours or I Guess about 35 hours they're going to

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Have a price hike so if you want to buy It at the absolute lowest price now is Your time to buy Link in description Below what is play Doge play doge is the Best play to earn Doge companion game Play doge is a mobile based play to earn Game that transforms iconic Doge into a Tamagi style virtual pret embracing the '90s style Nostalgia buy Playdoh tokens And pre-sale to enjoy the classic 2D Ventures and earn more crypto that's Absolutely solid like I said they raised $3.2 million in a matter of a couple of Weeks and they're growing rapidly fast On social media as well so you're not Going to want to miss out on this puppy You can buy with E usdt and B&B also car Payment as well so again lots of plac to Buy it's been featuring on ton of Different articles as people are really Bullish on this new utility theme token Not only does it have a utility in terms Of play to earn they have a solid role Map as well as a solid tokenomics and Staking so yes you could stake your Playd do to earn up to 933 AP is absolutely insane make sure You load up link in the description Below even their X over 4,000 followers In about a week absolutely insane check It out Link in the description below but Let's go back to Pepe as Pepe is going Crazy and we have this article that was Loaded up earlier Pepe price as as $1.3

Billion floods in are whales buying the Dip looks like whales are starting to Load up despite the decline the coin has Attracted considerable amount of Attention in the crypto space Particularly in 2023 when this SPAC uh When when outpaced many other altcoins In volume because remember during the Bare Market Pepe was performing this Strong performance propelled Pepe to top 10 cryptocurrency in the weekly and Monthly trading volume and the current Price is here with 24-hour prices here Uh with a market cap at ranking at Number 22 which is absolutely insane and The whole thing is looks like the whales Are starting to buy in Pepe we even see Some Pepe price predictions here with Some charts drawing out we're seeing a Little bit of a reversal but we're Anticipating this to pop off in the Upward Direction and that's what's Causing a lot of rallying as what Causing Wales to get some attention into Loading up on Pepe even the news is Covered with Pepe news can Pepe coin hit All-time high this weekend again maybe Not this weekend but it is loading up to Do some massive things and exciting Things are to be seen in terms of the The technical analysis guys everything's Neutral aies are neutrals moving Averages are neutrals and summaries are Neutrals because even though it took a

Little bit of a nose dive it just pumped Like crazy right when we open the one Month chart we see some nice rallying we Open the all and we're just in these Alltime zones this was anticipated to Happen guys as it pumped up like crazy People are going to take profits but Imagine somewhere in this Zone over here We're going to see a strong reversal We're kind of seeing like a reverse Basing pattern so hopefully we do see This pop off in the upward Direction uh As again people are still very very Bullish on Pepe and has a very strong Community talking about Community we Have some news from their Twitter page We see breaking news mcoin Pepe flips Madic in terms of Mark cap which is Great we see Robin Hood if you loved uh Pepe learn uh so we are launching Pepe Airdrop so sign up and you could Potentially get a part of their airdrop And talking about another airdrop Binance has launched a new promotion With Pepe ex 4 thousands of merchants And claim up to $100 million in Pepe When you send coins via binance pay a Nice way to promote binance pay but also Promote Pepe at the same time so many Exciting things are going on in the Crypto World guys and with Pepe almost About to break 1 million followers we're Anticipating this coin is going to Absolutely pop off and moon this bull

Run again guys none of this is financial Advice always do your own recent due Diligence but let me know how you guys Feeling about Pepe do you think we're Going to see Pepe alltime highs in Junes I think we're going to break past it Again I'd say we're setting up for the Next three maybe 5 days to see a nice Revers upward direction as the price is Starting to correct itself again none of This financial advice always your own Research and due diligence until next Time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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