The bare Market might be beginning what Does this mean for Pepe token is the Bare Market here and how are we going to Overcome this obstacle welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I'm your host Umar Khan and today we're talking about Pepe Token more specifically what the heck is Going on in the market and what does This mean for Pepe coin is this a bare Market what does that mean for Pepe is Pepe over from here absolutely not guys I think this is a small Hurd along the Road we're talking about Sheba enu in Earlier video today I talking about this Was a hurdle that was anticipated to Happen for all meme coins alone between The money in ethereum and binance alone By these massive hedge funds and black Rock I don't think Bitcoin is Disappearing anytime soon this was a Dump that was meaning to happen and Hopefully we'll see a swift recovery now Guys the first thing I want to highlight Here is a fear and greed index currently At 838 which is probably the lowest we' Seen it all year is absolutely insane as People are starting to sell their Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin currently at $56,000 ethereum at sub 3,000 binance Less than $500 per token and salana at $134 what does that mean for our coveted Pepe token that's exactly what we're Going to look at we go to trending tap We see Pepe still trending at number

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Four down about 6% on the day about 22% On the week and 40% on the month what The heck is that meaning for Pepe token Is it all over from here is Pepe Crashing as Pepe going to zero Absolutely not guys I think this is a Like I said a bump in the road road for Us to see bigger and better things for Pepe we see a Pepe token test critical Support at this price uh breaching risk Of large drops higher trading volume Hints at volatility uh s RSI oversold Suggesting possible short-term rebound So again the technicals are indicating That they might go in the downward Direction but we are already seeing a Correction in the 24-hour as it was Dumping earlier today and we're starting To see a pickup when we look at the week Yeah we see we're down about whopping 23% but the bounce back is already Looking like we're about to come back to This level over here so I'm pretty Bullish to see what happens with Pepe Next guys if you like Pepe you're going To absolutely love this pre-sale gem That we're covering on the channel right Now this is Pepe Unchained Layer Two Pepe now has his own blockchain Congratulations you're ear to the party Buy and stake now during a pre to max Out your rewards before the price Skyrockets current reward is 792 AP Instant bridging between eth and pepe

Low transaction fees high volume Capacity 100x fast than eth and Dedicated block Explorer this project Has already raised $2.3 million in a Span of just a couple weeks which is Insane you can buy with e usct card B&B Basically anything it's super solid You're not going to want to miss out This on this one it's a f b theme token Plus staking it's going absolutely Ballistic again they raised $2.3 million So the whales are seeing something there For sure and even we go over at XA Already have 5,000 followers and they're Posting and engaging with the community To keep in charge to just stay on top of Things this project is going to go Absolutely insane raising $2 million the First Milestone and this easily does 15 15 million in pre-sell loan if you want To load up link in the description below Now let's keep moving on back to some Pepe news as we're seeing some Pepe news Uh deep coins top five trending Perpendiculars and we see Pepe p is Still trending at number four so the Volume is definitely there people are Trading Pepe but the whole thing is for The price where are we going to see the Price Go From Here Pepe with Bon um Struggle as meme coin index plummet and Again it's looking pretty sketchy right Now we can see over here uh the once Vibrant humorous world of meme coins has

Taken a severe hit as ship Doge Pepe With and Bon price plummets fueled by The internet culture and viral Trends These digital tokens have seen their Market value a nose dive during the Double digit losses for the meme coin Index and that's definitely some crazy Losses we're seeing and pepe being Leader in the losses down 22% versus all The other top meme coins now in my Opinion Pepe was at one point overvalued In the sense that there was a lot of Volume going on but not a lot of news uh But I think this is a problem that was Going to be solved by seeing this Correction remember Pepe still has a Very strong market cap of $3.7 billion Just yesterday at $4 billion so they are Losing liquidity quite fast but I think This is a recovery phase in my personal Opinion this might be an optimal time to Load up when we look at the one- Year Guys we're basally seeing it has lost it Previous all-time high Mark as well it's Starting to crash and again how low will It go because remember not everybody is Going to be dumping on our fan favorite Pepe coin meaning there might be some Space for this to Skyrocket very very Soon especially with ethereum and Bitcoin ETFs going going out and going Crazy once we see a price in these two Puppies as well I anticipate all the Mean coins are going to start pumping

Again we even see Forbes covering a Pepe As well we can see Pepe up $ 85% market Cap at $5 billion these meme coins will Outperform Bitcoin 2020 4 first half 600 M $600 billion crypto rally and this was Posted uh just a couple of days ago Which is absolutely insane to say the Least we are anticipating to see a meme Coin Rush back again very soon but again Like always is not Financial advice Always your own research and due Diligence before investing any money in The cryptos we cover on this channel but Let me know in the comments section Below are you bullish or bearish for Pepe coin what do you think this means For Pepe all right that pretty much Drops the video until next time it's Your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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