Pepe coin is crashing should you sell All of your Pepe coin welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Umar Khan and today we're talking about Pepe Coin and what's going on with the price Without any further Ado let's Jump Right In but before the video I want to ask if You haven't already smash the Subscribe Button down below and also if you Haven't already come over and join our Discord like always this is not Financial advice always do your own Resch and due diligence before investing Any of the projects we cover on this Channel crypto Market is starting to get A little bit bloody we're down about 0.019% in terms of the fear and greed Index guys we're slowly creeping back Into fear currently at a 58 earlier this Week we're sitting close to 64 so yes we Are going kind of in the backwards Direction Bitcoin is is in an Interesting position very volatile Dancing from $67 to $69,000 ethereum Down to $35 $3500 what's going on but Today we're talking about Pepe which is Currently trending four on Quay markat Down about 4 0.4% on the day but down 16% on the week Pepe is crashing a bit Taking a bit of a nose Di is this a time To sell all your Pepe or should you load It up as you can see it had some lower Lows earlier and now it's continuing to Pump is this a time to buy or sell let's
Talk about it before talk about it look At this a hot mem coin J gem could Explod soon play Doge uh guys we've been Talking about play do on the channel for A while now and looks like it's starting To get some recognition this one could Run uh like Pepe uh like Doge what's is Play Doge well play doge is a play to Earn game that's currently on pre-sale You heard that right it's a pre-sale Gem And the past 2 weeks they've already Raised $4.1 million in pre-sale and We're anticipating this one to go crazy In pre-sale and about 1 day and 8 hours They're going to have their first Massive price hike so you might want to Load up now to get at the ultra low Prices uh play do is Ultimate mobile Play to earn game that brings iconic Doge meme to the life of a tamagachi Style virtual pet secure your play Tokens in the pre-sale to earn crypto While you're playing nostalgic 2D game Adventure not only is a play to ear game Guys but also staking with currently Paying out a 2. 20 27% AP as dynamic Range staking meaning the staking range Has changed and I saw upwards of 800% Earlier this week you buy with eth usct Card it has a solid role map in place Great tokenomics as well everything About this project is looking solid if You want to load up a bag link in Description below but now back to what
The heck is going on with Pepe is Pepe Going to recover forent or continue to Dump but I have a famous saying guys When in doubt zoom out when we zoom out We see Pepe is up 50% on the month right So there's a lot of gains is made over The year right we're literally in All-time high territories so it's antici To pull back right we might be somewhere Over here potentially even over here but I would say somewhere over here where I Think it might go a little bit lower Before it pops off now I'm not Necessarily telling you to sell all your Pet Bay uh by no means necessary if Anything you might want to start loading Up slowly dollar cost averaging in as it Could continue to go up in the upward Direction however there's a possibility It might nose dive a little bit more Before it pops off it's really Interesting the reason why I start off The video talking about Bitcoin is based On how Bitcoin will perform it will kind Of determine how all of our other Markets are are going yes people are Hoping to see a six figure Bitcoin $11,000 Bitcoin but right now bitcoin's At some interesting level lots of Volatility here especially in the 64 I Want to say 65 $70,000 range it's been Dancing we look at the one week guys we Peaked about at around 71 and then we Crashed all the way down to about 66
With a strong resistance put causing to Bounce same thing here we're in the 67 Zone I mention by tomorrow morning might Bounce back to $70,000 but again none of This is obviously Financial advice and We're not really talking about Bitcoin Here but Bitcoin will kind of predict How Pepe is going to play L out in terms Of technicals we can see aers are Neutral moving averages are also in Neutral and the summary is in neutral When we go to the one week guys we see Moving Aver are a strong buy right Summary is giving us a buy as well and We go in the month we're seeing ERS are In sell how our moving averages are buy Giving us an overall summary of neutral People are still bullish on it will Pepe Coin recover uh in June 2024 we're Anticipating to see that recovery right Explore Pepe coin recover in June 2024 Analyst uh analyze market trends Technical indicators and whale activity For potential rebound as we are seeing a Rebound coming in play for Pepe coin so Many exciting things going on right now In the crypto World guys and so many Things we are watching to see what's Going to pop so if you want to stay Tuned with the latest and greatest Crypto news smash the Subscribe button Down below also are you going to buy a Bag of PlayDoh let me know in the Comment section below also your bullish
Or bearish project I think this play to Earn project has some crazy upside Potential so if you load up let me know In the comment section below that video Guys until next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]