Pepe Price Predictions Point To New All Time Highs SOON!

Now what you're seeing on the screen Right now is a price chart for Bitcoin And based on this major move to the Downside it really seems as though Market participants were expecting a Rate cut by the Federal Reserve today Now they did not get a rate cut they did Not get a rate hike in fact interest Rates remain the same today but Jerome Poell is slated to speak here in the Next couple of minutes and a lot of People have very positive expectations For Pepe After Jerome pal speaks you guys could See here that the headlines are calling For 100% price spikes after the fomc Meeting let's jump into it and then of Course if that happens we're going to See some major action for play do ahead Because meme coins will be rocketing Higher if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and as You can see we've got play Doge on the Screen right now and oh my goodness We're going to go over this in a second But if at anytime during the video you Guys find yourself interested in buying Please make sure you click that link in The description it's going to pull up The correct website very very easy to Connect your wallet and make that Purchase there but first let's go over This oh my goodness dude a 100% increase

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In the price of Pepe following the fomc Meeting now you guys can see on the Screen right here that Bitcoin falling Lower quickly on the interest rate Decision indicates to me the people were Expecting different news they were Expecting better news and the only thing Better than leaving rates unchanged Would have been lowering rates so I do Believe Market participants were Expecting interest rates to be lowered Today and that is not what we got so Instead we're looking at Pepe we're Looking at Pepe potentially hitting a 100% price increase so let's see what The key points are it says pep Bay's Price currently testing a lower trend Line of the rising wedge pattern has the Potential to rebound 100% towards sorry 22 200 points for guys a 100% increase Is going to send Pepe Beyond all-time Highs I'm very very excited about this Large investors continue to hold Substantial Pepe supplies despite recent Price Corrections and Pepe's likelihood Of rallying by over 100% increases amid Boosting expectations for a September Interest rate cut so what is going to Happen today Jerome Powell is slated to Talk here in the next couple of minutes By the time you guys are watching this Video he may have already had his speech So by the time you guys are watching This video you're going to see whether

Or not these price predictions are on Their way to becoming true now no I Don't expect you know a billion dollars To flow into Pepe immediately after Jerome Pal's discussion however if he Sets us up on the right course if he Begins talking about a rate cut in September if he says that everything is Good to go yes Pepe then could begin Driving higher and at that point Pepe Could break through these all-time highs And continue to hit the higher highs and Higher lows that it has been on for Really since it launched now guys this Token was the fastest token to ever Reach a billion doll market cap Literally starting at nothing and Ripping up to$ 1.7 billion falling back Down a little bit and currently Currently has its eye on a 10 billion Market cap trying to break up through The the $6 billion doll number but if That 100% price Peak be comes true it is Going to be gearing down on1 Billion and if Pepe is sitting A1 Billion do market cap and Shinu coin and Dogecoin and all the meme coins are Ripping higher little tokens like play Doge could see astronomical percentage Gains you know it's nice to buy into Something like Pepe or or Shibu coin and So on because it's got a little bit more Security than these brand new tokens It's got price action that you can make

Your your judgments based on these tiny Little tokens like Playdoh or in the Pre-sale rounds have the most potential Because they're going to launch with the Smallest amount of market caps they Therefore have the highest amount of Potential to see very very easy price Increases now it's not always the case And you do have to leave it up to the Overall Market if the market is bullish You're going to see prices rise if the Market is bearish you're going to see Prices decline but these tiny pre-sales Offer so much opportunity which is why I Bought into Playdoh now if you want to Buy into playdoh it's very easy to click Connect your wallet decide how you want To connect your wallet I like to use Wallet connect simply scan this QR code With my wallet on my phone and then Decide how much you want to buy so if You want to buy five ethereum worth You're going to be walking away with 3.46 million playd Doge you can also buy With usdt or on the BNB blockchain and You may prefer to buy on the BNB Blockchain because then you can stake Your playd Doge and you're currently Earning 87% annualized interest to not Even have having to worry about the the The pre-sale launching about the price Volatility about trading about anything You're going to be sitting there Collecting that 87% annualized interest

And and of course that number will go Down as more and more people stake their Playdough so please keep it in mind that The reward rate is dynamic now from There what are you buying into play doge Is a play to earn Doge compion game that Is going to go through 40 different Stages or 40 different price increases Before this pre-sale ends so if you guys Want to lock in one of the lowest prices You're ever going to see again you can Lock in at 0057 and then of course it's going to Increase until launch day and then the Market takes over so check this out They're building a play to earn Tamagachi style Doge game you're going To be able to pet it feed it water Entertain it let it sleep all of the Good stuff to raise your tamagachi and You're going to earn playd Doge while Doing so on top of that they've got all Of these sweet little mini games that You're going to be able to play as well And guys the more time you spend in this App the more playd dos you're going to Earn absolutely free so definitely think About you know not only buying into Playd do right but think about if you Want to play the playd Doge games as Well uh they are going to be released During phase phase four of the road map Here you're going to have the launch of Mini games and the play Doge app release

So keep in mind that it's not going to Be launched right as as soon as the the Listing happens for play to there if you Want to break down of the tokenomics you Can get them here 50% going to the Pre-sale 6 and 1 half to community 11 And 1 half to liquidity 10% to marketing 10% to project funds and 12% to those 87% annualized staking rewards if you Guys are still unsure of how to buy They've got a very easy step-by-step Tutorial down at the bottom of their Website and the most frequently asked Questions this one I see the most when Can you claim your once the pre-sale Concludes now remember there's 40 stages All buyers will be able to claim their Play tokens using the same wallet that They can contributed with token claiming Will take place on the BNB chain so even If you guys buy with ethereum you're Going to need to claim on the binance Smart chain so you're going to need to Have some BNB in your portfolio or some BSC in your portfolio if you guys expect To claim playd here so when the time Comes it's going to be traded on the Binance smart chain it's going to be a Binance token and hopefully going to sit Upon the trending list of all of the Tokens for everybody to see as the price Continues to increase guys I am very Excited about play Doge that's why I've Bought in they're doing crazy numbers

Right now uh $4.1 million already raised In the first two weeks of this pre-sale It's obvious people are excited about Them as well I think they're hitting the Perfect demographic in the Cryptocurrency space targeting this '90s Nostalgia the tamagachi style the miname Style the the play to earn Style I want To know what you guys think about it Down in the comments below and let me Know if you're buying in is well until The next time hope to each and every one Of you have an awesome day

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