You can see it right on the screen there WTF is pepo well Pepe unchain or pepo Token is a layer 2 blockchain that is About to revolutionize the meme World We're going to be talking about it in This video because these guys are doing A phenomenal job not to just offer those Crazy rewards that you see there 179% annualized rewards but they are Making memes bigger faster stronger more Efficient cheaper you name it they're Doing it let's talk about it if it Sounds like something you're interested In let's get started what's up everybody I'm clay bro and as you can see we've Got pep Bay Unchained on the screen Right now and my goodness the Market's Been hit pretty hard over the last month We have seen Bitcoin go from 70,000 to 58,000 we've seen ethereum go from about 3900 down to 3,300 alt coins meme coins they've taken A very hard hit but Pepe Unchained has Been doing a great job to raise $1.8 Million while the rest of the market is Going down Pepe Unchained is continuing To raise at a wonderful pace so let's Talk about why but if at any time during This video you guys find yourself Interested in buying please make sure You click that link in the description Below pull up this website here from There you're going to click on connect Wallet and determine how much you want
To buy so if you want to buy five Ethereum worth of Pepe on Unchained You're going to be walking away with 2,731 100 Pepe Unchained a phenomenal Amount At8 and the price is going to continue Increasing all throughout this pre-sale So you're going to be making a lot of Money before this token even launches Guys $1,812 th000 raised so far the next Price increase is going to happen at 1. N63 million or of course when one day in 9 hours ticks down now that just that's Not the best of it right the fact that They're able to raise when the rest of The market is going lower is crazy Enough but look at these rewards that You're going to see on the right hand Side of the screen here 179% annualized staking rewards we're Going to talk about those in a second Here but first Pepe now has his own Blockchain this is a layer 2 blockchain And there's going to be instant bridging Between ethereum and the Pepe blockchain Lowest transaction fees in the industry Higher volume capacity 100 times faster Than the ethereum network and it's got Its own dedicated block Explorer so Think of like shabari where you got Sharian scan you've got poly scan Soul Scan ether scan I don't know if it's Going to be called Pepe scan or what the
Name is going to be but you're going to Have its own block dedicated block Explorer so that you can see every Single transaction that comes across the Pepe Unchained layer 2 blockchain now Moving on from this page let's talk About what Pepe Unchained is Pepe Unchained is the future of meme Coins it's a layer 2 blockchain Built For Speed security low fees and of Course memes man Pepe unchain token Empowers the entire ecosystem you're Early enough to witness a new golden age Of me meme coins with Pepe in his Rightful place as king and pepe Unchained Layer Two his kingdom guys and This is the part that I love the most Earn insane rewards let's talk about These rewards right now the St making Rewards are crazy 179% now they are falling as more and More people stake their Pepe Unchained So you can see that the reward rate is Dynamic and the more people that stake Their Pepe Unchained the lower this Reward rate is going to go because You're sharing rewards with more people Which is why you need to act fast guys If you would have jumped in just a Couple of days ago you would have been Sitting on Pepe Unchained Rewards above 4,000% on an annualized basis now you Might be wanting to wait for some reason But if you wait you're not going to see
The higher price increases and you're Not going to see the larger staking Rewards so please keep in mind that You're going to be paying for your time In that situation now let's keep going On and there was an audit on that page If you would like to go through the Audit but let's talk about how to buy Pepe Unchained if you can't connect your Wallet or can't figure it out they've Got a little step-by-step tutorial about Creating a metamask loading the wallet With crypto and buying and staking Pepe Unchained there let's talk about the Tokenomics as well it's a very simple Breakdown and you're going to see why They can afford such high staking Rewards 20% of all of the tokens are set Aside for the pre-sale 30% are set aside For those staking rewards guys the 30% Of all of the tokens going to those Staking rewards is how you can see 1,000 Plus% annualized interest at the current Level 20% go into marketing 10% to Liquidity 10% to project finance and Another 10% to onchain inventory Pepe Unchain road map is very simple step one Make Pepe great again step two coin Eruption or the launch and step three Pepe layer 2 launching his blockchain There very very simple process now if You don't have all of your questions Answered get them answered but I want to Point this out when will Pepe Unchained
Layer 2 be released when they it says Pep unchain layer 2 blockchain and the Ecosystem will be released once the Pre-sale has ended that's when the real Fun begins sir and pay attention to it You guys are going to want to make sure That you take advantage of every single Price increase along the way which is Why you need to get in sooner rather Than later so let's see how fast Pepe Unchained is being able to grow its Community already this token hasn't even Been out for a full month and already 4,561 followers out on X and if you want To see how just just how fast they're Join or they're they're growing their Telegram Community they've already got 2,443 subscribers to their telegram Channel now if you want to keep up with Pepe unchain maybe before you buy in Make sure join their telegram follow Them out on X see just how active and Engaging they are right here three hours Ago they posted that Pepe has broken his Chains and now has his own layer to Blockchain solution there's going to be Instant bridging between ethereum and The Pepe chain lowest transaction fees 100 times faster transaction speeds Compared to ethereum and a dedicated Block Explorer 2.2 th000 views $15 Million raised just a day ago uh a Couple days ago something big is loading Stay tuned for this announcement right
Here 14,000 views on that post right there 16,000 views 9,000 views Pepe Unchained Is doing an excellent job of getting a Lot of attention a lot of OD on this Project and by doing so they're creating Demand when the rest of the market is Falling now Bitcoin over the last two Days now has been doing a very good job Of rising off the recent lows if it can Keep that up you're going to see that New found demand and excitement trickle Down into these little coins so if you Get in now before the rush and before All the excitement you're going to Experience the most price increases Along the way if you wait that is your Choice but of course you're going to be Getting in at a higher price I want to Know what you guys are doing down in the Comments below and until the next time Hope to each and every one of you have An awesome day