[Music] hey guys welcome to mine time um so if you checked in last time you probably saw this uh server closet i was building although it wasn't quite to this point then it's pretty cool um here let me actually take you around this way as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] anyways uh just showing off some of my work but anyways that's not what this video is about so let me get to the point this video is about chia for once we're not talking about mining ethereum so i want to show off what i've started and uh what i'm gonna be doing so and then i'll give an update once it's going so these top silver servers are uh gpu miners but there's this guy here it's a dell poweredge r510 and inside of it we have 12 drives these drives are each 14 terabytes and i have more and i have more on the way and i have five more servers on the way so once i have six servers each full of 14 terabyte drives i will have about a petabyte of storage now you might ask what the hell am i going to do with a petabyte of storage well shia that's what so chia coin is a new coin that can be uh i don't know if i should say mined but it can be earned through a process kind of like gpu mining but also very different um this video isn't necessarily about how to do it uh there's many videos out there but um the for those of you that have done the research i'm sure you know what i'm talking about so anyways this petabyte of storage [Applause] is going to provide income through chia now for those of you that know what shia is you're gonna say mine time how the hell i say hell a lot i probably shouldn't my mother raised me better how are you going to plot a petabyte of hard drives it would take eternity that's where these guys come in so i have 14 plotting computers these there's a couple over there there's one in another room and each of these are plotting those drives or preparing the space in order to earn via the chia network and on these computers we have for anybody who's interested plot manager software as well as harvesting software going not using the chia gui and so each of these are creating plots which each one stores the plots on an external hard drive and then i move these plots over the network to my main server which i learned takes a really long time and i made some modifications to help with that every computer has its own cat cable which goes into a 10 gigabit switch and then there's six cat cables going from that switch to the server that i have now so then that server can move at six gigabits per second it still takes a long time but it's more feasible and then once that server's done um i'll start filling up the next one when i get it and the next one and the next one uh plan is to have six so far that'll give me about a petabyte of storage based on current markets a petabyte of storage with chia will earn roughly eighty thousand dollars a month that changes just like with uh ethereum mining with gpus it goes up or down each day um and depending on how much competition is on the market or how many other people are mining it as well so 80 000 a month is about 9.6 million dollars a year it's a lot of work to get this all set up but if it's just sitting and earning 9.6 million dollars per year after i put in all this work that's pretty cool a lot of people are going to say well there's going to be more competition as more people get into this and that's true or that the price could change and that's true however if we take this example with a petabyte of storage 9.6 million dollars um i'd be really cool just making 100k a year instead of 9.6 mil you know even 50 would be fine so what's 9.6 million how many times does 50k go into 9.6 million the let's hear what is that 100k would be 96 times so 50k would be 180 192 hope i did that right so basically the network increasing in size or the value of chia coin going down would have to decrease revenue by 192 times in order for me to make 50k a year which i'm still okay with so it sounds like a lot of bad has to happen for me to not make money off this so i think i'm good for a while anyways uh if this petabyte works out then maybe i'll buy another and another and we'll see where we go from there anyways this has been mine time i just wanted to give you a quick update since she is going crazy and gpus are too expensive to buy right now so this is what i'm up to anyways thanks guys see ya
Petabyte Chia Farm Build!