Phone mining best budget phone is gone

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what is up everyone welcome back to the Brandon going YouTube channel hope everybody's having a great day it's a little chilly out here in the garage and I just got another phone in to add to the phone farm so this is an oric Joy I recorded a whole video segment and stuff a couple days ago when I got this in because these were a really great value that had a lot of them available all of that has dried up so all that video is now irrelevant because these things are actually more expensive than A3 S's and other Alternatives at the moment so these were a great buy not necessarily a great buy anymore because these were like low $20 range 24 25 bucks all day long on eBay and now they're up 45 and above 49 45 46 so at almost 50 bucks I I say not a buy now if you're uh not in the know on phone mining we are mining Varys coin and uh it does have it does take a 64bit enabled Android operating system so older Android phones even if they have a 64-bit capable CPU and I fell victim for this in the past if they're running a 32-bit version of Android they will not mind vars coin at least not currently um so I do have a couple phones over here I have a um a Galaxy Flip 2 that I broke and if you close it then half the screen goes Miss thing for like a minute or two so I just put that to work it's mining I have a note 5 or Note 6 older Galaxy Note uh Samsung S8 uh an a3s and then a Samsung X cover and so all these other than the uh the a3s all these were just my old phones that I I don't throw away phones um just I don't know why because I'm a tech hoarder basically but all those were just my old phones other than the a3s that was like literally one of the first phones that I had I decided to buy this go around for phone mining cuz I've done it in the past and then I kind of sold everything off um so then that's why I was like let's add some more so I got this oric joy in I wanted to make sure one of them worked before I bought more of them so keep it on your radar if you find them oric Joys they do really good almost 5 Mega hash it's been running now for I don't know a few minutes so it will take a little time to level off but I'm going to go ahead and add that into my little setup right here plug it in and um basically this is going to hold me over until I get my cell hasher in because I'm absolutely stoked about those hold on let me flip this around all right so this is just one of those cheap charging hubs that I got off of Amazon and it was on sale for like 15 bucks also got another one this one went on sale for like $11 um you just got to make sure they're not the ones that have the 1 amp plugs they need to be like at least the two or or these are the 2.4 amp and then these are the fast charge uh but yeah I bought one of these in the past that had the 1 amp plugs and they literally burn more power than they can provide at some point so yeah um watch which ones you buy I just have this little fan right here blowing because the the S8 for some reason runs hot so get a little bit of air flow across the cards um now this is not my permanent solution but I did end up filling it up so I got 1 2 3 four five six cards or sorry six uh not cards but six phones in there um I'd like to fill this one up as well but eventually um Luke Luke right actually makes a thing called the cell hasher and it's a big like server style chassis and you slot all your phones in there and then it's got fan so you get a little bit of active air flow these things don't need a ton of cooling but they definitely do need some Cooling and um I've been asked in the past how do I manage the batteries how do they not just get bloated from being charged 24/7 I use an old old school um timer to turn power on and off to this device so then that turns power on and off to the charging and um right now I been an hour on 30 minutes off an hour on 30 minutes off uh it seemed to be good in the past that's how I was mining on my phones you know over a year ago uh and I put in some time on them never had any issues um some people I I was doing longer intervals but um people after talking to them they said it's better for shorter intervals do I know if that's true I have no idea but it's worth a shot um if you plug these phones in and you leave them plugged in and full power all the time the batteries on these things will bloat up and potentially ruin the phones if not worse so just take that into account you need some kind of battery management system you could root the phones and then put the uh the hard cap limit at like 80% or 75% whatever is the most optimal but I haven't got into rooting any of these phones yet so but anyway that's just a little update on my phone Mining and you know my little phone Garden I don't want to call it a farm yet cuz it's so small but um yeah also let's jump over to pool and see what kind of hash rate we're putting down all right so as you can see right here my orbic joy was mining and then it went down that's where I had to go actually find developer options and turn on stay awake and it was in account settings by the way so I just Googled it and it came right up and then now I got it back up and running but my average is obviously bad because I had so much downtime right there now I got a a3s a flip 2 S8 X cover Note 5 and orbic joy um you see my Note 5 is definitely an underperformer but the a03 4 mahash Flip 2 4.2 S8 only doing 2.3 is what it is older phones you know um and that brings my my 24hour is at 19.2 or sorry 18.4 that should go up I should be well into uh the 20 range after that orbit gets on there so yeah that's where we're at my balance is 39 my total paid out is uh 46 so so far we've made about $166 mining with um mostly old phones anyways ladies and gentlemen yall have a good one I'm going to keep this on the back burner we're going to keep on making a little bit of coin and I'll see you on the next one peace adios

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