hey to all the cave guys and cave gals out there
i hope everyone is well and having a great day caveman mining here i wanted to do a quick video
just to give a pulse check for you guys on how we're doing with our ravencoin mining as we
know in the month of december i have dubbed it as the month of ravencoin we know the having
is around the corner january 11 2022. so the plan was to scoop as much ravencoin as we could and do
some tests and make some content around ravencoin we still have a little bit of time to go i know
in our last couple videos we advised that we were now pool mining ravencoin using minerpool.org
and i just wanted to provide an update on how things are going i don't know if you guys saw on
the last video i'll leave a quick card up there one of the incentives to use minerpool.org was
that they had a what they call a loyalty bonus reward program where for every 10 mega hash
that equals to one raven coin if you maintain a up time of 95 percent over a week so we're
struggling a little bit with that because one of the things we're doing with these rigs
is we're also mining raptorium now i don't know if there's a lot of people out there that are
mining raptorium with rigs that are running gpus we did this before with ethereum and we were
fine mining raptorium uh with ethereum but when we switched over to ravencoin uh i noticed
that some of my rigs would be rebooting uh hash rates were doing some weird things power
consumption kind of some strange issues there so it's happening with this eight rig gpu which has
a mix of nvidia and amd cards you can see we get the rx 580 the uh 6800s here uh 3090 on here 3070
uh and so on and so forth so uh we have i believe this rig has an i7 not quite sure the uh what
the model is but we we're getting about i think 500 kilohash or so with uh raptorium on this one
and then we move over to here on the hanging rig we've got an i3 10th generation a pretty
new processor and that one was getting like four or 500 kilohash on raptorium so that one
has been a little bit more stable than this one but it's still we've still seen some reboots
and some weird things with it because we're on ravenclawing so i'm not sure how common it is out
there for folks to uh mine raptorium mixed with uh um gpus that are binding ravencoin if we move
over down to our tabletop here i want to show you that we've got a 3060 light hash revision 2
card just uh got this it is the mech 2 rx 6600 so that's also you know mining raven coin on the pool
uh as well and then upstairs on our third floor we have a desktop computer that is got a 3900x
mining raptorium and then we're mining ravencoin on a 3060 revision one or nerfed card and then
our msi laptop which we use we are going to record do the uh editing on uh that mine's uh ravencoin
and also has a tenth a ninth generation intel so we're doing um raptorium plus ravencoin on
that so we've got quite a bunch of different things going on and uh yeah we're just seeing how
things go uh as we go here i think we're at 97 uptime for the week so we have until saturday to
reach the 100 mark uh for uptime so i'm hoping that uh we do well for the meantime i have
shut off uh raptorium on this rig i've shut off raptorium on this rig i believe we're still
running it there's like uh this is an intel i5 not even sure if it's still worth it to mine raptorium
at the current uh rate but that's you know we're just gonna leave that alone because that's not
rebooting but one other thing to note here guys is when uh we're mining wrapped uh mining
raptorium and ravencoin we have been really pinned out for the power right on this i
had to uh i had to move that's why i had to move this um test bench over here we had it plugged
into that pdu so this is on its own circuit here 15 amp just regular 120 volt as you guys know that
pdu there if we run it along the wall it's plugged into our space coats power meter which is running
a 240 volt got that l630r uh plug in there so right now with just the hanging rig and the
eight card rig we're at just about 1600 watts now that's a 30 amp circuit but the bottleneck is
in fact the pdu that we're running it is a great pdu but the only drawback is it's 20 amps total
capacity so um realistically you know we're gonna if we're gonna pump out you know close to 2000
watts we're going to be close to that you know that 80 mark so i had to split these guys up
now we'll figure out later what we want to do i think i have i do have another uh pdu in another
location that i was planning on expanding out um mining rigs and doing like an off-site uh build so
i'm probably going to take that back for the time being and run that 30 amp pdu so we can utilize
the whole uh 30 amp circuit to all of our mining rigs and not have any issues there so we can keep
going because i plan to keep buying cards i plan to keep expanding i want to actually get another
king wing frame and stack it up here and uh potentially get another eight card rig i really
like this kinguin uh frame and um yeah i want to buy more cards want to get some more 6600 or 6600
xt's that could be a potential and we'll see what happens uh there but yeah we're going to keep
mining strong ravencoin for the next couple days until we hit saturday we'll see how much raven
coin we actually yielded or actually obtained by saturday so we'll do a video probably on sunday
or monday to give the results of the mining pool for minorpool.org and actually i want to
see how much uh bonus uh rewards that we get for our uptime so it's crucial that we stay up
we don't have any rigs going down or rebooting so unfortunately we were like i said we're pulling
off of raptorium that cpu is doing nothing right now that cpu is doing nothing right now it's very
important that those rigs stay up and hashing ravencoin to get that whole uh reward system so
i can share that with you guys before we go here guys i want to do a little uh opening of a package
that came from our friends from cripty.com and let's see what's inside here i've got uh i've got
to free my hands up here just so we can open it just open on opening up the package here sorry for
shaking the camera around here guys i'm going to try to be as steady as i can because i don't have
my chest mount but uh all right cool so the first item they sent us was a gray t-shirt for ravencoin
got the nice little logo on the chest there so very nice quality and the next item we have
here this is probably going to be my favorite here is a ravencoin hooded sweatshirt we got it
in black with the ravencoin logo nice out in front there and how appropriate as we dubbed the
month of ravencoin uh december we got this thing in december and last but not least check this
out they sent us over the ethereum robot shirt very nice very awesome i love the design very cool
i just want to say thank you to the cripty teams for sending this over to me much appreciated
very nice and i just wanted to announce with you guys in the community that caveman mining
here is going to be partnering up with cryptid.co we are actually working on uh getting caveman
apparel shirts hats things of that nature uh some secretive stuff that's going to be coming up
but having a catalog with them on their website part of having our catalog up there is we're going
to create some promotional codes and things of that nature that will give you guys exclusive
access and potential discounts into some of the clothing lines that we're working on with them
but these guys are awesome and for those of you who don't know uh we're actually have been
working on a discord uh so if you guys check out in the description below leave a link
to that is it's called the crypto kingdom and uh we started this with the mining office
and dj mines as well so come join the discord have some fun with us ask some questions a lot of
good nft talks some mining talks we're going to be doing some really cool things in that discord
over the next couple weeks and months as we go here so please join us guys much appreciated and
with that all being said guys we're gonna finish the video here i hope everyone has a wonderful
rest of the day and we'll see you next time