what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and this is going to be officially episode one I'm going to be doing I don't know if it's weekly updates but or every few days especially when I add Hardware but this is the road to mining 100 million shba so uh this is the rig that I have here at the house we have some 2070s a uh 2060 1660 and uh supers and a 1660 TI working on getting another rig up and running right here um it's got a 5600 g in it but I'm going to take that 5600 G out and I have a 5700 at the shop non pretty big bump in performance compared to the 5600 G going to plop that in there probably put a graphics card uh get that up and up and running here at the house um I have another probably end up putting this card on it that's a 1660 TI this Fan's busted so I'm going to swap fans to that one that'll be right there um and then this 1060 gave up the ghost for some reason it keeps crashing after about an hour but it's not overheating so don't quite know what's going on with that just pulled it out for the time being um now to go over the stats hold on real quick so at the moment we are at 2.91 million I know the clip after this is technically happened before this so uh that data will be a little off off but that was the the setup that I have running at the shop so just to show you guys everything that I got going on I am also mining on this desktop too this is um doing the CPU it does about 5k on um on uh uh random X so does pretty decent whenever I'm not using it whenever I start using it I'll turn it off um and then the GPU in this is a 1070 and it's kapow at like 11 megahash 10 megahash it's down right now cuz I'm using it but whenever I'm not using it it's it's close to 20 mahash so yeah we're at 2.9 Million uh today's day is the uh 48 you know April 8th 2024 we had the old solar eclipse today um our goal is 100 million so we're almost 3% there 3% of the way there um let's see here uh now go to Stats our current 24-hour reward rewards past 24-hour rewards we're at 130k per day this is actually trending down from earlier today we at 140k but I had a rig go offline for I don't know about four or 5 hours uh wasn't paying attention so anyway we need to pump those numbers up because at 130k a day it'll take us forever to get to uh 100 million so yeah let's uh cut to the shop oh also a little side note before we cut over to the shop um current currently right now Sheba is around like $29 per million coins or tokens however you want to say it so um 10 million would be $290 100 million would be $22,900 had some people comment on the original video where I talked about mining 100 million and they're like it would take you forever to mine millions of of uh dollars and I'm like it's that's not it's not even $3,000 at the moment which um yeah we can we can hit that might take us a while we got to spin up some cards but we can hit that and by the way I have a bunch of cards coming in so if you guys are looking for 30 series cards got 307s 3070 TI uh 3080s and then a couple 309s coming in along with a bunch of 2070s and 2070 supers um it's a from three different Farms I'm going to be doing unboxing videos showing you guys all that kind of stuff uh two of the Farms super super clean one of them I'm going to have to do some cleaning on because the cards are like really dirty um but yeah so if you're looking for cards bc- pc.com My Links Down Below in the description uh I am going to keep some of them but got to sell a majority of them got to flip them so we can buy more cards and sell more cards um yeah let's next clip all right what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the brand new coin YouTube channel so I have a bunch of 307s 3060 TI even some 3080s and some 390s coming in on the next few orders um so I figured you know what I already have some 360 TI in the shop that are sitting um I actually have four of these Asus dual 3060 TI and I have no idea why but these things are not selling um every other card I put up sells but these Asus duels do not I know that they're not like top of the line or anything but they're still 3060 ti so I figured you know what we're going to throw them in here in the rig and put them to work ain't no free rids around here and um might just pull a couple of them out of inventory right now we'll just pull one but maybe a couple more um so let me just going to try to one take this all right let's cut some power to there I'm going to attempt to put these in here alongside of these AMD cards sometimes sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't thoss your fingers here we go let's plug that bad boy in and she's firing so three of the 5700 XTS and one 3060 TI It is an 8 GPU board so we're only we're only populating four slots should be plenty plenty of room to run more and I think I'm using LOL Miner which is AMD and Nvidia friendly I believe it's LOL minor I don't know I've been switching it around a bunch um in the main rig in here I'm still my wall PC still just got the uh 570 Nitro this card is not doing great it's not overheating but just not a high hash rate if I push it too hard it artifacts so I think I told you in the guys in a previous video I'm not going to sell that card just going to keep it keep it here keep it working and um I'm wondering how many more cards out of these these orders that I have coming in um after I test them and stuff I should just keep an employ into the mine cuz if you guys didn't know I am attempting to mine a 100 million Sheba which you can't mine Sheba so you have to mine other things on unminable or another service and get them swapped out for shivba um as of right now let me pull up my stats we are currently at one one taken this is always little we're at 2.8 million Sheba and our stats are 146,000 in the last 24 hours so we're not doing so good not doing so good at the moment we're actually down ever so slightly we were doing more than that earlier but you know that's just that's how the cookie crumble sometimes um yeah yeah definitely going to have to bring some more cards online uh to get that average up I'd like to get that average up to like 500 K A Day right now I think sheba's at like $35 per million so 500k a day would be like what $17 give or take per day of course the price fluctuating and changing all the time all that changes but yeah so I'm going keep on trucking and by the way for reference today is April 8th 2024 2.88 million 2,880 45 shibs at the moment with a 24-hour of 140k ships a day yeah yeah quick little update anyway guys thanks for coming out I'll see you on the next one and uh if you need any graphics cards we're going to be doing some sales um if you made it this far in the video you deserve it 10 off the numbers 10 the letters o no capitals no no spaces it will get you 10% off um an order on the website one order not two orders one order so make it a good order um but yeah 10% off of your entire order so be there be square all right ladies and gentlemen I'll see you on the next one adios
Road to Mining 100m Shiba EP1