RTX 3060 REV 2.0 LHR 70% UNLOCKED | NBMiner V39.0 (in Hive OS)

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what's up guys welcome back to caveman mining 
on today's video we'll just jump right into it   we are going to cover the hash rate hack 
or update if you will from nb miner and uh   just to confirm some of you guys know 
what uh what this does is uh it allows 70   of the hash rate uh you know for light 
hash rate cards and uh the version   that we want to look for is version 39.0 and i'm 
running hive os uh that is my primary means of   my my mining software i've done some nice hash and   some direct stuff in windows before but this is my 
primary operations and um the release of nb miner   of version 39.0 comes with the version 
of nice hash os uh we'll just say 2   1 0 8 1 5 okay so that was released on the 15th 
of august so you have to have at least that   os version to run this and uh we've cut to 
the chase um i have that running right now and   what i want to do in this video is we're going 
to compare okay i'm going to uh pull up a flight   sheet on ethereum running t-rex miner we'll 
see kind of what this card would normally get   with the you know full locked um hash rate 
and then what we'll do is we will then run   a test with um and b minor so let's go to the 
flight sheet and i have to look here for yep test   t-rex ethereum let's go ahead 
and apply that flight sheet and things should start to spool up and just to 
recap okay i uh the clocks on this card i'm doing   minus 502 on the core and i'm pushing a little bit 
higher on the memory i'm going 2720 and i'm doing   a power level of 121 watts which should bring 
us to in the minor around 120 watts so we'll   take a look at that momentarily let's go ahead 
and refresh things are still spooling up and   what we're gonna do is this is not the best judge 
of character to kind of refresh from here so   uh word of advice is i would go into the 
hive shell okay and that's going to show you   more accurately or more granularly your hash rate   and the timing of everything and it's 
going to show you the shares okay because   um i've seen some videos where people are 
claiming these extremely high hash rates and   the fact is it's more of just the software showing 
that but it's not actually truthful reporting   because it's not finding shares so this is kind of 
the source of truth and going into the minor from   shell and we'll run that and you can see right 
off the bat right t-rex minor again this is locked   um we're running about starting off at 26.74 mega 
hash and i assume that's probably going to hold   temperatures pretty cool 52 celsius power levels 
120 watts fan is 90 we get just over 223 on the uh   efficiency okay so got one share found here let's 
uh we'll just wait for another share to connect   and uh yep hash rate is still roughly the same 
temperature going up just a little bit now since   the card is starting to to hash and kind of get 
a little bit deeper of a load uh under its belt   and let's go back to the display here 
and let's just see how things look and looks like hive is not wanting to play very 
well okay so it's starting to report the hash   rate on this side as well got a couple of 
shares okay 26.74 pretty steady now let's i'm going to stop the miner and we're going to apply the 
flight sheet that has the nb miner   um new version so let's get into our 
flight sheets i'm going to run nb test we're going to apply that now you guys know that   once you change your flight 
sheet with a different miner   it's going to terminate the session with a hive 
shell so we can go ahead and launch a new session get that to load and we'll take a peek in there hit enter and yeah this is going to 
be a really really interesting test   on this light hash rate 3060 card um i know with 
the original 3060s that were nerfed you can do   the driver uh trick that does not work 
with the light hash rate model cards   just to confirm the driver model that i'm running 
here is 465.31 so i believe if i'm not mistaken   that is the minimum that you can run for the nb 
miner um version to get get the full hash rate   you can definitely look into that tell me if i'm 
wrong but that's what i believe i heard and let's   go back into hive shell i can already see 31.69 
so clearly already starting at a higher rate okay so we've got our first accepted share uh 33.73 
okay that's not bad for the first chair obviously   you know we want to let this run for a little 
bit of time i know most people do 24-hour tests   probably what i'll do with this video is just 
uh have the minor running for an hour or two   and see where we are at if there are you know huge 
fluctuations from this first share uh hash rate   you know the card gets a little bit hot and you 
can already see the second reporting for the   hash rate is 33.27 and hasn't found a share yet 
a second share yet so we will keep running this   power level 120 54 celsius 90 fan 
okay we've got our second share   so that's a good sign the more shares in the 
less time the better and uh hashrate 33.30 okay so this is starting to look promising i'm 
not blown away by the numbers i'm seeing here but   you know we're pretty close to on pace 
with that 70 mark okay so the 30 60   cards when they're at full hash rate on aetherium 
with the you know the driver hack around 50 to 52   mega hash i've seen some cards go as high 
up as that so yeah we're just teetering on   getting close to 34 mega hash which would put 
us close to 70 percent so probably about 68   67 uh full hash rate from what i'm 
seeing here so pretty close as advertised   um definitely want to see more shares 
accepted so i'm not sure if we just need   to let the miner run a little bit more time 
but uh yeah we'll let that run and see where   things go but totally totally interesting 
okay another share here go back to hive all right and not too too 
shabby so at 33.76 seems to be   the highest hash rate that we've been able 
to achieve and still getting more shares so   okay we'll let that run for a couple hours and 
we're gonna come back and uh we'll see where   things look but uh so far so good okay we'll take 
a quick break here and uh the next edit you'll see   on the video we'll come back and take a look at 
this after a couple hours and hopefully we'll see   a couple hundred shares maybe by that time if all 
looks well so yeah cool okay guys we have let the   miner run for about uh two hours and some change 
and um yeah things are looking pretty decent so   we're uh last recorded hash rate about 
33.58 210 accepted shares over the two hours   and uh about 120 watts 55 
degrees at the fan going at a 90   there so yeah getting varying hash 
rates anywhere from the mid to low um   33s and i think the highest share that i saw when 
i was watching some of the minor logs was about   33.89 so yeah just shy just you know that points 
getting just shy of um 34 mega hash so yeah uh my   opinion on this is that the future looks promising 
for the light hash rate cards i do understand that   you know we're towards the end of 2021 we all 
know at some point soon you know proof of work   is coming to an end for ethereum you know anyone's 
guessed er q1 2022 which could be you know january   1st or could be you know april time frame we 
really don't know but that said right we have   these great guys with nb miner cracking 
you know cracking this open and allowing 70   of the hash rate uh full hash rate of the card 
things look pretty promising right so that said   if you are an uh ethereum miner and you know 
you're looking to buy new cards at you know msrp   and uh they are light hash rate cards you know 
there's some incentive there still to to to   purchase these cards so um yeah i uh i'm gonna 
consider it i'm gonna keep my eye on these uh   different miners and you know see uh who can kind 
of get win the race to to crack the full hash rate   i think it's going to be a little bit exciting 
and and quite a challenge but even for now   uh you know seeing uh ravencoin and ethereum on 
the what to mines for you know a couple days just   moving up and down on the charts so obviously 
ethereum is still very very profitable uh to   mine so yeah um some people might want to consider 
just you know getting the 70 percent um with their   cards whichever card they have of the light hash 
rate uh family so yeah pretty cool uh like i said   the verdict is uh i'm pretty happy i'm not like 
super blown away by by everything but uh you know   things looking up but uh yeah i want to cut the 
video here guys and i want to thank you all as   always for watching and tuning in please feel 
free to like and subscribe the video if you uh   like what you saw here and um yeah definitely 
drop some comments right if you thought this   was cool and if you would like to see us 
you know try some different algorithms and   and do some other things here just uh 
yeah let us know and uh with that i will   chop the video out here i 
want to thank you all again   have a wonderful night and we'll see you on the 
next video thanks for watching caveman mining bye

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