RTX 3060 WARTHOG vs XELIS mining

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all right so here she is right here in all her glory got a little stock cooler on there Zotac 3060 12 gig it does have 32 gigs of RAM so I am going to be pulling some of that Ram out I'll probably pull those two uh 16 gig sticks out and then put to like 4 gig or 8 gig stick so that way it's at least running in dual Channel but um 32 gigs on a warthog system is is a waste in my opinion now uh let me go show you what it made in the last 24 hours mining zealous uh on the CPU and random X on the CPU together I was going to cut the camera but we're just we're doing it dirty today where we at here boom all right so we are on unminable and I have both of them pointed there we can go back live right here you see two workers online um we have the 26.9 Kash of zealous hash and uh 4 5 Kash of the random X so they're doing what they should be doing probably could pull a little bit more out of zealous hash but not more than like a couple percentage points not nothing to make the difference if we go over to Stats our last 24 hours was 10,965 Bonk which let me give you the guys the conversion on that 965 that comes out to uh 33 cents we're almost 34 cents a day um and if we go over to the warthog official blockchain mining calculator and here is the link for that warts scan.

Icalculator we're going to put in 350 megahash cuz it was it was bouncing around right around that area and that's with no overclocks just running everything stock daily that's 7 w a day or 55 cents so if I'm selling this daily um I'm making more money if I'm holding it and warthog does go back up to that dollar range we're making a lot more money um and then I'll just flip this into the coin that I want to keep I don't know if I'm going to keep very much warthog um but I don't think going through unminable with zealous uh or AO is is the move right now unfortunately unminable does not have warthog yet maybe they'll add it soon but for right now I'm just going to be um pushing these all of my warthogs straight over to trade ogre and then swapping it into the coin of choice but I'd love to hear your questions comments concerns Down Below in the description um should I change anything tweak anything that kind of thing I'm I'm not sure um I do have another system that has a hold on let's see here it's a 5700 XT and the CPU is a 5900 X where is it on this list 5900 X so that one's going to be estimated 420 megahash so that one should be doing about 66 cents a day so H I wonder if I is is the 3060 better I'll see here 3060 465 oh yeah the 3060 is beat and that's a low performing 3060 uh the 3060 is beating out the 5700 XT um I do have some other cards what about if I paired it up with like a 3080 I wonder 620 megahash hm so there's lots and lots of options uh for for mixing and matching stuff you need to really pair the systems up correctly if you have you know too low of a CPU and too high of a a graphics card you won't be making the optimal amount and some people were confused about that warthog is uh leveraging both the CPU and the GPU combining that together and then giving you some kind of average um so obviously the best CPU and the best GPU uh is is good but I'm trying to use stuff that have laying around so anyway guys let me know what you guys think I'd love to know what you guys are running on warthog and what kind of hash rates you're getting drop it down below and I'll see you on the next one adios

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