Running Multiple KS0 Ultras from 1 psu

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all right what is up ladies and gentlemen I'm back at my home setup and today we're taking a look at the ks0 ultra but not exactly the ksz ultra uh we're looking at powering our ks0 Ultra in a more scalable fashion and in my opinion a more reliable fashion now you're not going to be able to do this if you're doing overclocking um and we can address that as we go on further but I don't plan on uh doing any overclocking on mine right now just with all the mixed results heard a lot of people that had really good results and then you know one or two horror stories just kind of I'm always a play it safe kind of guy you know what I mean anyway let me flip this around and show you what we're working with okay so we have our standard KS Z Ultra and then we have the the laptop brick that it comes with and you know I don't I don't have I just hit that GPU right there I don't have a uh a temperature gun actually do I I had one at one time I need to get one hold on I don't I don't have one right now I'm going to order a temperature gun but I'm not going to uh doubt the legitimacy or the longevity of these laptop bricks I just know that this thing gets blazing hot I am running this at stock clocks I have not overclocked it have not turned up any power anything like that apparently on the stock um Power power supply some people said you can overclock it just a little bit some people said you can't I would be absolutely terrified to try to push more power out of that stock power supply uh because it's already just just super super hot um and also for scaling them up uh if I'm able to not get those power supplies and have a blue million cords everywhere uh I can go to a setup like this so this is a server power supply if you guys are not familiar with them um these are HP uh 750 WTS you can also opt these out and get 1200 wat uh HP server power suppli you can plug these into a normal wall socket 110 volt just like that no issues uh got a power button on the back so you can turn it on and off see 12.3 volts and turn it back off um but natively and normally these don't run off of a six pin normally people run six pin to six pin off of these server power supplies well that's where the veteran minor has had been talking to me and he makes a six pin two barrel jack adapter so you can run six pin off of your server power supply to a barrel Jack into your uh ks0 Ultra ks0 or even ks0 Pro because apparently I guess they're all pretty much the same um the cable that he sent me over we are partnering with him and we are offering it for sale on the web store so if you do buy a ks0 Ultra from my web store you can add this this to your order um or if you want to buy this separately you can just go search the A6 section uh or I believe the it should be in the accessories section as well um and you can just buy this separately I am working on getting some more breakout boards in stock and I will be offering a package that will come with um adapter cables and a power supply and a breakout board and it obviously uh it'll be a bulk quantity so that way you know you can get a little bit of savings um so my idea is I originally wanted to run five of these um and they're 100 Watts a piece these will five of these will comfortably run on a 750 W power Spa you could probably push it up to six but then you're getting a little close to the limit so um I probably put together like a kit of maybe like four or five cables power supply and a breakout board so then the only thing you'd be missing is the uh the ks Z Ultra so anyway I'm going to go ahead and unplug and get this laptop brick out of here we're going to plug in this guy and we're going to plug in this one and we're going to hit the power button and she's alive back up and hashing um so uh to clarify on some things why you're not able to run uh these power supplies when you overclock the ks Z ultas it's because the voltage on these is only 12 volts it doesn't scale up to a higher voltage and it's not it's not able to run a higher voltage natively uh some people have experimented with you know modifying the voltage on these that that's a whole another topic my cat is do nuts right now um so but I like I like to run these power supplies in a stock configuration I feel like they're just they're they're tanks uh they last they do a really good job um but if you try to pull more power out of them uh they just can't Supply it through these pins and it will burn out at the actual uh connector it's not a wire issue or a thickness issue it is a connector issue boy you better get down he only wants to do that whenever I'm over here messing with everything he just he wants to be a part of what's going on um so yeah uh really cool way to scale them uh I was actually talking to my friend and orig I was thinking oh I can 3D print me something and I'd like to have like you know multiple KS Z Ultras like stacked up then I can run these cables you know boom boom boom all to them and it runs off of one single power cord it's just going to be smooth and sleek and simple maybe even Mount this on the back of it obviously these things get way too hot to put them in any kind of 3D printed enclosure so I will be exploring new ideas on how that's going down um originally I was planning on keeping a couple of these KS zero Ultras I did a batch of 10 we already sold through that batch and um we actually we ordered another batch of 10 and I I think we're close to selling through on that batch so I'm going to put in another order of 10 and hopefully I don't sell through them all and that way I can keep a couple of them uh I went ahead and set one up for myself and if I wouldn't have done that then this thing would have sold as well so um it's uh it's funny the you know I get a lot of a lot of polarizing opinions on these little home Asic miners some people love them some people hate them I think it's a good way to get your foot in the door on a power efficient uh Asic that doesn't you know take a a huge plug to go run you don't have to go run a 30 amp 240 volt line um you can buy a couple of these and scale up some people are worried that oh this thing will never Roi and that is a risk that you take buying any piece of Asic Hardware uh you know the coin could go down um it may not hold out profitability long enough there there's no telling uh but you know if we're always worried about Roi and and worried that we're never going to pay it back and never take any risk then there would never be any reward so in my opinion this is a very lowrisk machine being that it's you know uh with power supply and everything 3 to 400 bucks uh but it's also very low reward uh as of right now let me go pull up and see what it's doing profitability wise today all right so we're over on uh and uh it's got a couple different options right here see if you were just direct mining Caspa at the stock clocks 400 gigahash at 100 Watts you'd be looking at a19 a day before power and after power I think this has it figured in at yeah 10 cents per kilowatt hour you'd be profiting 85 cents a day or more importantly 5.6 Casper I think that's the uh the big thing that a lot of people try to look at is the actual coins that they're stacking I don't know a lot of people that are mining this and selling it off right away um if you think Caspa is going to go up obviously it'd be better to mine it and hold on to the coins and sell them at a higher rate but if you think Cas was going to go down then you'd probably want to um mine it and sell it right away now obviously this is not Financial advice I'm not telling you what to do uh I can only show you what I'm doing and for right now I am just stacking some coins um I I'm a little is on Caspa but I don't want to get um too far into it that's why I'm only going to be running some of these ksz Ultras U I'd love to take the jump into like a what the ks5 L or M but uh that's just a little too risky for me at the moment um we'll see in the future maybe I'll I'll regret it or maybe I'll Pat myself on the back only time will tell but anyways ladies and gentlemen um I'm going to jump off here and before I get off here just going to do a little self-promotion so if you are interested in those cables or the ks zos you can go over to bc-pc docomo in the description to get to my web store and then you can go to categories um let's see here as6 and here is the ksz ultra there's the cable by itself um or you can go to the ksz ultra and with stock PSU or with stock PSU and adapter cable and then I'm going to also add another one and it's k s Zer Ultra without stock power supply um and include a six pin adapter cable and a 750 W power supply and a breakout board I'm just waiting on those breakout boards to get in I have about 20 or so of the 750s in stock I just don't have any more breakout boards at the moment so that's kind of the hold up right now but anyway ladies and gentlemen y'all have a good one and um uh somebody did ask me we don't we still don't support uh direct crypto payments through our uh our our uh checkout um gosh I can't even talk our checkout process but if you do want to pay in crypto now you can click on pay in crypto and then we'll give you a uh a private invoice or a separate invoice and give you a direct line of payment depending on what you want to pay um more of an old school uh you know one toone transfer instead of going through a lot of these uh you transfer it somewhere else then they sell it and then send it to me it's just too many steps or too many fees and I haven't liked uh the ones that I've tried so far so that's why we don't have a crypto option uh in the cart so paying in crypto that's going to have be how you do that um and then we do have our shop pay payments back available that was down for a little while so you can do you know interest free payments um we have since fixed that um it was just an issue on our end with our accounts so uh everything's back up and going so if you did want to apply for that that is working site wide on anything and everything I think as long as it's over $50 but anyways ladies and gentlemen youall have a good one I'll see you on the flip side adios

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