RX 6800 Mining Overview | Profitability, Hashrate & Overclocking

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hey everyone welcome back to another mining chamber video in today’s video we are going  to take a look at the rx 6800 card go through some overclock settings and tell you guys how  much money you can be making with this card i also have a couple of announcements that  i need to tell you guys so let’s go ahead and get into the video right after the intro so first thing first i want to thank you guys so much for helping the channel reach a hundred  thousand subscribers honestly it’s been such a great journey and having you guys being part of  it i can’t ask for anything better so for the 100 000 subscribers milestone i want to give back to  the community as much as i can but unfortunately i have been very inactive lately and that is because  i’m in the process of moving to a different place so i have to pack up all my mining rigs and all my  setup and everything like that to get ready for the move so that’s making producing videos a bit  harder to do now this might be the only video for this month until i settle down on july 1st  and then from there i’ll be able to post a lot more videos for you guys now before i talk about  the giveaway i also did a garage sale for all those who are local to me in montreal quebec so  some of you guys came and we were able to chat a little bit about mining eat some pizza and we  also browse through the items that i was selling for pretty cheap prices so it was something like  a meet-up as well as a garage sale at the same time now i did announce this on instagram as well  as on youtube but i didn’t give you guys a heads up ahead of time so sorry for those who couldn’t  come or just didn’t know about it until now the sale took place at the 19th and 20th of june  so just want to say thank you for all who came it was a pleasure having you guys here and hopefully  in the future we’ll be doing more things like that i will be doing a full video on the moving process  as well as the event so that will be coming out whenever i move to the new place so do stay tuned  for that so other than that let’s go ahead and talk about the small giveaway that i want to  do first which will be more like a promotion so if you go to store.miningchamber.com and order  anything from there you will have a chance to win 50 in cryptocurrency five total orders will have  a chance to win so you can feel free to grab whatever you want and there’s also an active  promotion of buying the joggers and the hoodie and then you’ll get any of the shirts for free  the reason that i’m doing this is so i can reduce the inventory that i have on hand so i don’t have  to ship it all over the place whenever i’m moving so you guys have the chance to buy the clothing  for pretty cheap as well as have a chance to win some crypto now i would really appreciate it if  you guys buy some clothing from there but if you don’t it’s completely fine there will be another  bigger giveaway in july so until then we’ll just have this one running either way i want to thank  you guys again for helping the channel reach 100k and now let’s go ahead and get back into the video  and talk about the rx 6800 the rx 6800 that i have is the sapphire nitro plus model now this  card is pretty thick and it looks really nice with a nice rgb strip in the back and generally  the sapphire nitro plus models are pretty good whether it’s the 6000 series or the 5000 series  cards now this gpu takes in two eight pins and it can consume some good amount of power if you’re  mining something other than ethereum so making sure you power this card properly will always be  advised so now let’s go ahead and put this card into the test bench and before we talk about the  overclocks let’s just talk about the availability and how much you should be paying for this card  and how much money can you be making from this gpu so the rx 6800 regular came for an msrp  of 580 which is not bad at all for the performance of this gpu but as we know in the current market  msrp is very irrelevant so these cards just like as every other gpu card that’s good for mining you  can’t really find them for decent prices brand new so here you’ll see that it costs a lot of money  two thousand dollars for this gpu which i would never pay that amount for this card and then on  amazon you have slightly better options you have a thousand four hundred and sixty nine dollars  a couple of used offers and that’s not so bad but it’s still very expensive now honestly personally  i wouldn’t pay over a thousand dollars for this gpu so just keep that in mind when you’re trying  to shop for these cards but on the bright side if you go to ebay or any local marketplace you’ll be  able to find them going down in prices pretty fast now these cards used to go for at least a thousand  five hundred dollars and now they’re down to a thousand two hundred dollars and you can buy it  right away so the prices of gpus are going down because of mining profits as well and generally  having more stock available and less demand is making us buyers have a better chance to get more  gpus so now like i mentioned just wait until you find a better deal maybe for a thousand dollars  if you want to pay a little bit more and calculate your own profitability then that’s completely fine  if you think it’s good for you but for my advice i would stick to a thousand dollars and below  now this card is one of the cards that are under my radar and i definitely want to grab some of  them so i will let you guys know whenever i make a mining rig build out of these gpus  now as for other brands this card is pretty well all around so you guys can feel free to grab  whichever brand you want as of now i don’t have a lot of information on which is good  and which is bad but i personally will just be grabbing whichever i can find for a good price  now that’s it for the availability let’s go ahead and talk about the profitability of this gpu  so for the profitability here we’re on what to mine dot com and then i grabbed all the hash  rates that i have on the mining chamber blog so if you go to the mining chamber blog you’ll find  overclock settings with different hash rates here so i just went ahead and placed all these  hash rates in the corresponding algorithm and then if we go down we can see here our profitability so  as of june 21st 2021 this gpu makes around 3.85 cents on ethereum without electricity  and then with the rate of 10 cents per kilowatt hour you’ll be making 3.49  and then you can also see here on the different algorithms it’s not that bad either so you have  ryo which was coming around three dollars and 20 cents a day which is also really good and it’s not  that behind on ethereum and then you can also mine ergo and raven coin as well as ethereum classic  which will give you a dollar and some change less every day but it’s still a fairly profitable coin  to mine now to calculate the break even in the current market with 10 cents per kilowatt hour  you will be making around three dollars and fifty cents a day and that will be times thirty  which will give you a hundred and five dollars a month so it’s not that much money but per gpu  you’ll make 105 dollars a month and let’s say you bought it for a thousand dollars so if you  divide a thousand by 105 which you’ll be paying it back in nine months and a half which is not  bad at all for an investment to break even in nine months and a half now just a reminder that  these profitabilities are based on the current market price and as we know the current market  has been dropping down pretty hard so the profits are a lot lower than a couple of months ago you  can also see that ethereum blocks recently have been around 2.

4 to 2.7 ethereum per block which  is pretty low and with eip-1559 coming around the corner the ethereum blocks will be similar to this  range as well so you can expect your profits to be at this range for a bit until the market prices  keep going back up again and then if you come to the miningchamber.com article for the 6800  you will be able to find here the most popular coin to mine or the most profitable coin to mine  with how much money you’ll be making every day so if you’re watching this video one month from  now and you want to know how much this card is making just make sure you visit this website  right here miningchamber.com and then go to the article and then you’ll find a good estimate of  how much it’s making every day now that is it for the profitability now before we get into tuning  the card and testing its overclocks let’s go ahead and have a quick word from this video’s sponsor  this video is sponsored by crypto.com crypto.

com is an all-around platform for trading staking and  storing your cryptocurrency they also have visa cards which you can get by buying cro tokens and  holding it for some time these cards are accepted anywhere that accepts visa and they also come with  benefits based on which tier you get but one of the best ways that i found as a miner to  use crypto.com is by utilizing their staking platform you can use their staking platform  to put your mining profits in there and then earn additional rewards on your mining profits  and it’s super easy to get started with it simply mine to your crypto.com wallet and then from there  you can stake as much as you want and earn interest they have difference taking options  and you can stick with a flexible plan which means you can get your money out anytime or you can do  it contract based which earns you more percentage so if you want to learn more and you want to see  which options they have for staking please feel free to use the link in the descriptions below  and download their app and then from there explore the options that you have now let’s go ahead and  get right back into the video so for testing we’re first going to test stock settings on windows and  then we’ll do the overclocked settings and then after that we’ll go ahead and take it to hiveos  and try it on hiveos so on windows we’re going to be using teamredminer for testing this card and  i would suggest using that as well for the 6000 series it’s a pretty tuned miner for these cards  so it’s a really good choice for them so running it on stock settings we’re getting around 57 mega  hash and we’re pulling around 245 watts out of the wall which means just the gpu is pulling around  215 watts because my system pulls around 30 watts without a gpu so this card pulls a lot of power  and that’s why undervolting it is very crucial for mining with this card it will get too hot if you  keep it like that and it just won’t be good for the longevity of the card so for the efficient  settings i’m going to be using the ones in miningchamber.com so if you just go visit any gpu  there you’ll find different overclock settings for whichever algorithm that you want to mine now i am  trying to keep them up to date over there but you can feel free to optimize them however you like  so for the 6800 you will be seeing three different settings and you just want to use the ones for eth  which is for ethereum overclocking now just go ahead and put these numbers in whatever  overclocking software that you want to use whether it’s swatman or msi afterburner i honestly suggest  using watman for the 6000 series cards it’s much more simpler there and then just add all  the numbers and then make sure that you turn on your memory timing to fast timing and then other  than that set up your own fan speed you can turn off zero rpm as well to make sure that your fan  is always running and keeping your gpu cool and then you’re going to be all set and ready to mine  so with these settings you should be getting around 61 to 63 mega hash if you have a monitor  running on your gpu then you probably will get 61 mega hash or less and then as for the power  draw we’re taking around 180 to 190 watts for the entire system which means 30 watts for the  system and then 150 to 160 watts for the gpu so we shaved off at least 50 watts for mining with  this gpu which is really good and it makes your card a lot more efficient now that is it for the  tuned settings you guys can feel free to use these for any 6800 that you have and just fine-tune them  further if you want to and reduce your power draw even more so now the last thing that we need to  try is we need to go on the linux side of things so for linux we’re going to be using hive os and  the only different thing that you’re going to be doing is setting your memory clock to 1125 rather  than 250.

So we have the number and then you can just use that and then you’ll be all set from  there you’ll be getting similar results and might be less hashtag due to fast timing not being able  to turn on in hive os i’m not really quite sure on that end but if you have any idea about it just  let me know in the comments below if there’s a way to turn on fast timing or you don’t need it at all  over there so now that wraps up all the testing for this gpu and if you have any questions please  let me know in the comments below and i just want to say thank you guys again so much for 100 000  subscribers you guys are awesome and i’m looking forward to start making more videos for you guys  in july so until now i’ll be signing off for this month and then i’ll see you guys very soon  make sure to join the small promotion for buying merch from store.

miningchamber.com  to have a chance to win 50 in cryptocurrency as well as to support the channel so thank  you guys again and if you enjoyed this video make sure to leave a thumbs up and if you’re  new here make sure to hit that subscribe button there will be a lot more videos that are coming  out in july that you don’t want to miss so thank you guys again and i hope you have a wonderful day you


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