all right what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel just doing a little quick update video uh so I woke up to some of my rigs not having any jobs on salad they are just calculating so I figured I would do it up a little bit of a you know kind of update for people that are wondering what's going on if they're new to the platform so we've just had a couple other YouTubers do videos and bring in multiple other amounts of of people onto the platform and they were already stressed uh to the Max and running out of containers especially for like 309s 30 60s 4060 TI uh all those were pretty much pretty low on container workload jobs and those are the valuable jobs with mining off container workloads WSL jobs um so I woke up this morning half of my rigs had finished their jobs and they did not pick up new ones and it is what it is that's just part of it they're just sitting there idling calculating waiting for a new job to come up uh does that mean they're never going to get one no so uh the way it works is if somebody is on a job and they you know restart or lose the job for whatever reason you know bad connection bad whatever uh that job will get sent to the next person in line so if you're not connected and on calculating uh if you're not online then you're not inline if that makes sense so uh obviously I don't want to tell people what to do like to stay on and and idle and and waste power but um that is what I am doing and uh I had tons of people message me oh my God my system broken if it says calculating and you're on not on the newest driver remember Nvidia driver 5558 and 5559 are not good for salad right now um that's officially from the salad team some people are like oh well I'm running that driver and it works for me and that so be it but I'm just following their official advice I don't have that driver on any of my systems and U most of the time they've been pretty well it's just I think they're running out of workload jobs right now now but they are unloading more customers they just unloaded a new customer with dream Booth uh and apparently it's got a lot of 4090 workloads but they're only for 490s so that's the only unfortunate part but anyway guys I'm going to jump off here if you have any questions comment down below I'd love to know also if you are on the platform and you still have a workload job um comment down down below your specs and what what kind of job you're on um and if you're not or if you're on the platform and you don't have a job and it's is calculating comment down below as well um I uh I have two 30 60s and two 309s that are just calculating waiting for workload jobs so all right guys youall have a good one adios
Salad ai mining stuck calculating