Salad Degraded GPU VRAM 6-23-2024

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how's everybody doing tonight oh man I need to button up my shirt there we go all right um hope hope everybody's having a great one um it is just past midnight so I'm doing this video for uh what is it June 23rd but it's technically the 24th um but that's East Coast so anyway uh this is a daily update that I've been doing on salad doing the AI and uh workload compute jobs so I tune in I show you guys what my gpus are making talk about some things that are happening with them at for today this is the first time I've actually experienced a really common problem that's happening on 40 series cards especially is the degraded vram issue so let me jump over and show you guys what the cards are making um and then we'll address that degraded vram issue also I'll probably do like a full how-to work up video once I uh make sure it's all ironed out but uh some people had sent me over some information and we'll try that first and we'll try it live so what's up Sean Tharp and Craig Henshaw hope everybody's having a good day a great one over here okay so jumping right into it for 623 2024 my first 3090 uh is up slightly on its workloads from yesterday it was one $591 it's up to $63 um my second 390 is down slightly from $516 to $485 uh my fourth or sorry my third 3090 is um down big time it was on a $4.95 container that was its first good container yesterday um and then before that it was on like $2 and $1 containers it's back down to a $1 91 Cent container um it I think the issue here is there's just a lot lot of gpus on the network and there's not a lot of good jobs to go around so the more uptime you have on your system um and the more you know reliability score you have uh you'll get better jobs and this I guess this machine is just doesn't have as good of a score as these other machines uh now my 4390 is plugging away at $4.78 down slightly from yesterday $4.97 so some some are down a little bit some are up a little bit it's pretty much a wash um now before we get out of the 30 90s section I did want to cuz to clarify some things people were asking for the CPU chart right here that means it's a 12 core CPU uh the CPU that I'm using specifically is the Xeon 2650 v4s um and the motherboard and CPU and stuff is all the same exact combo kit that I sell on my website um the 64 GB of RAM is the Samsung ECC server Ram same exact stuff that I sell on my combo kits on my website shout out because I don't have any sponsor so I'm just going to shout myself out bc- or you can just Google BC and then put a space PC if you if you Google bcpc with no spaces um it's some like company on the NASDAQ um but yeah so you can check out the website I got lots of other boards and stuff coming in even more RAM coming in um so yeah that's that's some clarification on that now I'm moving down into the 30 60s oh what's up guys burn welcome to the live stream golden wolf EDI PC garage uh edible zebra Dan auton hey jellyfishes oh The Travelers travels has become a sponsor welcome to the miners Club much appreciated brother good evening crypto comrades yep um Dan auton hey jellyfish you're still struggling with vram issues um so we'll address that once we get to that one rig right here that says degraded all right now we're going to go through the 30 60s so I still have one of them not online I hope to fix that once I get back from mining disrupt I leave tomorrow so there's no need in me trying to like stress and throw a rig together um now my second 3060 is down slightly from $1.94 uh uh down to a178 still happy with that cuz it doesn't burn a ton of power my third 360s that went actually up a little bit from $1.75 to $1.79 that's good and then my 460 TI the new rig that I just got got up and running yesterday is now degraded it was calculating all day yesterday and then at some point today it went degraded so we'll jump right into that um you would not try 3080 10 gig uh I have a few people that have done 3801 gigs they're in the Discord we have a salad section where we talk about like what our cards are doing 3801 gigs are limited to jobs um in the sub $2 range you're basically going to get the same jobs that a 3060 12 gig would get because those cards are limited on vram um so 3078 gigs are going to basically make the same as a 3080 10 gig audio is getting crackly mic is scuffed what the heck let's see here hold on all right test one two test one two how's that sorry I had an oscillating fan over here blowing is that better is that worse I had it on it's on high too so that might have been driving it crazy how's the audio give me a quick audio check please check check audio check he BC would you recommend CPU or G GPU mining right now it's hard to recommend either um I'm basically only only GPU Mining and CPU mining on two rigs at the moment and then everything else is all Ai and computer and workloads uh compute workloads better good it's good now good yeah I think that fan when it was oscillating back and forth uh was probably driving my microphone nuts so sorry about that guys um now going on to the estimated daily for today it looks like we are estimated at 20 $114 even though in Eastern time it is technically the end of the day um salad doesn't end their day till I I think I think it's mountain time I'm not exactly sure I need to find out about that but it we haven't logged a full day on salad yet as for yesterday um I got to fill in our our full day today for today's stream we actually went a little under the estimated so um I think that had something to do with the 4060 TI picking up a job working it for a little bit and then dropping it but by the time I saw it it was calculating and then degraded uh but yeah we were estimated at $24 we only clocked in 2256 but I'm still happy with that still very happy with that audio is good thank you miss your plastic bag Studio well don't worry we're in the we're in the moving moving blanket studio now cuz I threw th those on the wall and then my cat decided to climb them so I'm taking all that down and I think I'm going to end up um just putting up like wood paneling I don't want want a dry wallet because this is a garage and I leave the garage door open and we're in North Carolina with crazy humidity so yeah cheat Rock and and um open garages well garages that are open often I I don't really care for it I don't think it's a good mix you see it a lot nowadays which is crazy um can only use Nvidia cards Nvidia cards have new v no vram yeah operator so um a lot of these workloads are designed to run on Cuda and guess what that's all Nvidia unfortunately golden wolf I guess I need to trade out some cards for some cards with higher vram no mining for me until winter time for the heat Travis Rice gotcha gotcha all right so um let's go ahead and jump onto this machine that says degraded and let's do it live why not right let's see here boom we'll drag this over here if you don't know what this this looks like this is what it'll do it'll pop up it'll be chopping um orange and it will not get a job um so insufficient vram this was five hours ago I just got home not too long ago um so this thing's been doing nothing for five hours your GPU has insufficient vram for container workloads please close any programs that might be using your GPU contact support for additional help I don't know why it's doing this because this is a dedicated rig it's got nothing else running on it but somebody told me that even though I'm on the newest version of salad try rolling your driver back to the the 552 driver so what we're going to do is we're going to pause salad we are going to go on to Nvidia we're going to download that 552 driver while I'm talking to you guys we're going to do a clean install a custom clean install Invidia drivers um and then we'll restart the system and start it to chop in again and then when I check in with you guys tomorrow night hopefully it won't be degraded anymore so your 309s did that that's interesting see my 309s have never given me the degraded vram issue but I've I have not upgraded the driver on my 309s either uh so I think there is still potentially a driver issue oh we need to go to um that's 5 uh we need to go to the other download spot where is it no it's like the one with the black screen is this it manual driver search I don't think this one's it either it'll give you like a lot of options I'm on 40 series laptop let's see here 4060 TI find try cubic coin mining yeah actually the technicals was doing some cubic Mining and he had some really good luck with it I did that and still same issue dmac oh don't tell me that that's what you did too golden Wolf new drivers make a big difference you installed 552 yeah that's the one that everybody told me they recommend this is 559 view more versions that's what we want so ready that's the one we want download so we'll give that a second to download you think it's worth building a few salad rigs from leftover rigs uh oh what's up Lupe yeah if you have uh some rigs with at least I'd say for 12 GB cards 32 gigs of RAM if you're if you have any like 16 gig and up V Ram cards or 24 gig vram cards like 309s um 3090 TI Etc um 64 gigs of vram is needed man what's the Beats By C what's the best driver version you know what I need to start doing is I really need to make a a section on my my spreadsheet that shows driver version I think I need to include that what do you guys think should I is it worth it or maybe just right here at the end I don't know we'll see how much heat do they generate Lupe um it all depends on the container workloads that they get but I would say on average mine run less power and they run cooler um doing container workloads than they do mining now the the big catch22 is you can only get one GPU per system and that's it that's all they support for right now they're working on adding more more GPU support and then um you cannot undervolt or overclock some people said that they have been successful with underclocking 10% on the power the only issue is um if they Tech that your card is underperforming and they do they do do spot checks um ask me how I know I I've been doing some testing um if if you do get triggered for a spot check uh they will kick your job out and you'll lose that workload and it's just not worth it for like a 10% power savings golden wolf says he thinks yeah we're going to we're going to be adding that so currently right now we're on 552 uh 2.44 and we're on that we're on that cross the board now all of them are running on the older driver wham bam thank you ma'am so we got that done let's go ahead and do a clean install wonder if Quadro k6000 would work uh Chris Henshaw the only issue with that because I have a Quadro um RTX 6000 that's coming back from repair and I was like how's that do and they're like we don't have enough of them on the network to offer them to customers so they said they will try to pair it up with the closest um significant card and a Quadra RTX 6000 I think pairs up corewise really similar to a um a 2080 TI and I'm like oh well it's got you know it's a 2080 TI with way more vram but it's going to get 2080 TI jobs which means it's going to be right around that $2 range so that's not good so a Quadro K 6000 core archit architecture wise I don't know what that matches up to off the top of my head but um I don't think it's new enough to make money it's worth a try can you run dual 2080 TI on salad nope you can run a 2080 TI on salad but not dual you can't run R any dual card like no dual or triple cards not yet all right let's do a clean install how much does the CPU impact profitability the CPU is not used very much at all um you need minimum four cores the only thing is customers can request higher core counts they can request up to 16 V cores which they count threads as cores so basically an8 core 16 thread CPU would enable you to uh get the biggest workloads if you put a 8 core 16 thread then you're safe you're not going to miss out on any workloads um but I have seen where some people have four core eight thread CPUs with 309s and they're doing $5 a day no problem so you know your mileage may vary obviously the nicer system you have it's kind of like being on vast the nicer system you have the more availability to get workloads I watched a couple of your other videos and it doesn't seem like much yeah they don't actually use the CPU much um at least the workloads that I have gotten got some beef jerky tonight Stephen I have a 13700 KF 32 gigs of ddr5 3062 gig making 88 to 89 per day no problem getting a job running the GPU at 100% 73 Dees Asus single fan Ram is running 80% so Stephen you're pretty much capped out um if you look at the range the 88 to a189 you should be logging in your full $189 that's what uh me and then everybody else that's in salad refer to our jobs as the max like payout um I was told and explained to the minimum side is if you don't finish the container workload and it's supposed to scale up as you start and then go up but that hasn't been fixed yet or finished yet or I don't know um they have some gooey uh bugs that need to be sorted out along with star Chef you shouldn't be losing star like the star status on your guey on the system tray if you turn off video bandwidth sharing because if you're not if you don't have enough bandwidth to do it uh shouldn't hold you back and I've been it's been confirmed from the salad team that if you turn off bandwidth sharing you're still a star Chef if you're a star Chef even though it doesn't show up on the goey so yeah you're getting $189 jobs on a 3060 you're doing good Brandon best used PC shop I know appreciate that Mr cavaliere Lupe I missed the part of a response for the heat answer how much power is a 3090 solid rig pool so let's let's jum let's jump into a 3090 solid rig right here so this one right here is doing currently $618 a day on its job see how it shows 259 to 618 $6 job right um it's using 40.5 gigs of memory it's using 2% of the CPU and look at the GPU it's running at 33° C 10% 9% usage it ain't it ain't even sweating um this is how most of my container workloads have been it's it's weird some of the cheaper lower-end container workloads that pay less hit the GPU harder but the issue is it's hard to know what workload you're getting because salad has all these different customers with all these different kind of workloads and some could Max it out some could minimize it the big thing that you want to make sure is you turn off crypto mining workloads so in the settings you can turn off crypto mining workloads so that way you get no mining jobs and you only get actual compute jobs those are the ones you want because they burn a lot less power they burn a lot less wattage and it's like variable even though if it might Spike up to 100% typically from what I've seen most of them don't hold 100% for very long or at least nothing compared to crypto mining why isn't this listed on what to mine because it's not technically mining Dan says you're rolling your driver back now yeah I just did a restart let's um let's let's dive into that rig and take a look at it um it's this one or no where is it there it is all right so 55 2.44 it's really hard to read because I'm remoting into it um I like to check my driver version on the task manager also so we'll open up task manager just a quick easy way go to Performance go to GPU uh maximize it and then you can look right here and then the last string in numbers five yeah 55244 so just cuz to show you what driver you're running right then and there oh no I I closed out of my closed out of the wrong window hold on let me let me get back into that sorry about that guys is there any profit calculator for salad crypto Sweden not yet um it's been it's been a work in progress that a couple people have been working on the only issue is it's just like like I've said before there's so many variables so many variables remember me on this device wait what drivers should we be on if we refer over to I can't tell you what you need to be on I can only show you what I'm on so I am on 552.5579 N was the 4060 TI and it was calculating and then went degraded so somebody told me to roll back to 55 2.44 that's what we just did right now so we're going to launch salad let it run and then when we check back in with you guys tomorrow I guess the proof will be in the pudding if it is degraded again we need to explore different Avenues um so we'll go ahead and set this bad boy to chop again um if you have any questions go ahead and fire him in the live chat right now and um because I won't be online much longer it's getting a little late uh Hugh Franklin says got a $232 container job on your 3090 today it's been running for 12 hours now using 380 watts and manually increased the GPU fans up to 95% using fan control yeah Hugh I noticed some of the cheaper jobs definitely run the GPU harder and I don't know why that is um I'm going to put that on my notes for stuff that to ask the solad team because I have a meeting with them next week um it's almost like those jobs should be paying more not less I suggest use ddu before installing drivers so properly uninstall old drivers and leftovers get reckles um well yeah if this doesn't work then we'll be dding stuff tomorrow wait what drivers oh yeah we answered that how much for a 480 super with an I9 and 32 gigs of RAM uh 42 or 480 super has how much vram I'm not sure I haven't talked to a lot of people with 480 supers right now is there any you're welcome Lupe shees Real Talk how long do you think we have difficulty is a thing Lupe difficulty has already hit the salad Network and it was introduced by me and all the other YouTubers that promoted it um by the way this is not a paid promotion I'm literally showing you guys this video If you use my referral code bcoin um I think I get two bucks if you mine up to $4 and you guys get like a free two bucks as well uh just to be like fully transparent with y'all um but they don't pay me for my actual videos outside of just that referral system um but uh let's see the difficulty is it so far what I've noticed is you do a lot of calculating so right now this 4060 TI is calculating and it that means it's sitting in line waiting for a container workload and they prioritize giving out container workloads and jobs to systems that have a high up time so you got to stand in line and build up your reputation so to speak before you start getting jobs but what I noticed is once you start getting jobs if you don't drop jobs or have problems or go degraded or restart or update or do anything that would take it offline they keep giving you jobs over and over again um if you're lucky there are indefinite jobs out there which means they have contracts with people and they they literally load up the container workload on your your system and it will run as long as you leave that system up now if you have an issue and you go down you lose Internet anything like that it will dump that job and it goes to the next person in line just the you know unfortunate part about it that's how their system is set up but from what I've been told they have fixed pricing depending on what the customer is requesting and using so there is fixed pricing for what we're getting paid so just because more people are on the network does not mean that the pay per card is going down um how much let's see here 3090 is doing better than a 480 in earning yes because the 3090 has more vram vram is a really really big issue for these Ai and these uh workload jobs um yeah sorry about that Snoopy I just don't have any experience with the 480 super and nobody to my knowledge in the dis in my Discord does if you want to join my BC PC Discord go to any of my current videos on the like video tab on my channel um join the Discord and then there's a a section called Salad Bowl tons of people in there with really good information Dan the salad tab is what is using the GPU mostly on those containers best to have it minimized yeah I I try to minimize it before I actually close out I was just going to see if something happened while we were on there uh what Ram speed are you using at 64 um Lup a so I'm running Zeon V4 systems and they top out the CPUs will not recognize higher than 2400 megahertz so I'm using Samsung uh ECC and I believe it's 2666 but it runs at 2400 MHz uh Walker's hyper yes this is a system that had the degraded vram um and if you go back and look I waited and showed you guys like what the error looked like we rolled the driver back from 55 5.99 to 552.109 rig three days ago and has never gotten more than $1 jobs JP I don't know man that's $1 jobs on a 3090 is rough I mean I I have one literally running right now but that that's that's not a good good setup especially with 128 gigs of RAM yeah see I have one of mine doing a $191 job right now that's my worst performer um FBI open up very nice Mr Cedric um you going to be in VC I I may jump in there for a little bit Nick my one re rig keeps calculating 30 60 rig I think the hard hhd has not enough room how would I know and what's the best way to clear up room so Long's Auto uh this is not recommended to run in a hard drive um it's actually recommended to be on an nvme but a SSD will work um and you need minimum 50 gab for a container workload but those container workloads do bloat and get big and they get upwards of 100 GB so I recommend if it's a dedicated solad rig um at least a 256 gig drive a 500 or even a one tab drive would be nicer and kind of future proof you for a little bit JP also got a chopping indefinitely status today on salad what's that all about chopping indefinitely JP um send me a message on Discord I'm not sure about that I have not run across anybody that's had that Walkers it's it's matters for it matters for a main rig what are you referring to Walkers potentially degraded um so the one that was listed as degraded on the vram is a dedicated rig there was nothing going on dang I'm a moderator in the realm nice be nice people or you get banned hey don't make me take that moderator back yeah you're my moderator man um let's see here not sure what you're on about uh okay stability is key here yes getting your systems up and running and that's why I decided to start keeping up with it on a daily basis so we could go back and look at things together uh because oh man is my face literally covering was it was it covering it the whole time that's unfortunate um I guess I need to slide that over a little bit anyway there we go um I lost my train of thought it's getting late is 3070 better for solid than a 4060 TI Jersey J Jedi a 3070 is a 8 GB V Ram card it's not going to be able to run big jobs it will Top out at Max n or $2 a day 4060 TI 16 gigabyte version will do upwards of $4 a day some people have shown $5 a day nope you cannot use multiple gpus a scar do you delete the file if it gets too big Dan I have not been because I I was told by the solid team if you delete that file and has to Red download that file apparently um it shows up as a lower stability score so trying to like let it run and do its thing as much as possible is key um I am not running a VPN uh on these systems no off I was talking to Lupe sorry oh gotcha gotcha Dan only when you added the driver tab oh because it pushed him over I got you I got you does solid AI support AMD gpus no uh it's not salad issue it's because uh a lot of the container workloads that are designed by the developers that are using salad as a service these are salad's customers on on the other end of the spectrum design their software to run in Cuda uh Cuda is Enid's language software suite it's it's a language it's not a software suite um API API language I don't know anyway Cuda Nvidia unfortunately Cuda is not AMD I believe it's it's Vulcan on AMD um and until AMD can get that figured out and like use their language which I don't know if they're going to be able to um yeah people just aren't designing stuff in Vulcan like they do Cuda unfortunately um what's up Overkill mining glad to have you bro so if you want to run multiple gpus it must be on their own motherboards and systems can I run salad on Windows salad is only on Windows and Travis Rice you do yeah each one of these individual systems right here um are on their own CPU motherboard RAM and uh SSD that's why I have the ram gigabytes listed and the CPU cores listed and the driver listed CU each one of these are individual rigs systems yeah it is unfortunate it feels very wasteful but it is a good opportunity to build lots of desktops so I have mine in cases they're in the other room over there and um I'm a hardware guy so I enjoy putting things together oh anyway before we get off here let me jump over to the Chrome remote desktop and we're still calculating but we're not degraded so our 4060 TI we're going to let this bad boy burn I will check back in with you guys tomorrow I don't know exactly what time I'm going to be and I don't know exactly how my audio quality is going to be because we are going to be tuning in from the hotel room uh at mining disrupt probably maybe 75% chance with a half half chance of that so we'll see if we don't tune in uh at least update my spreadsheet and we can catch up when I'm probably sober so yeah is 16 gabt of ram enough 16 gigabytes is the minimum but like I was saying earlier um if you imagine all of these systems are sitting in line waiting for a job and you know you got the boss being like hey what do y'all got what do y'all got and this system's like oh I got a I got this GPU and I got 32 gigs of RAM well and then the same guy beside you has the same GPU but he has 16 gigaby of ram they're picking the one with 32 gigs of RAM it just having more RAM in there up to 64 I think past 64 gigabytes right now is the line of diminishing returns uh because there's very few jobs that go past past 60 gigb of of system some memory so just you know food for thought but um anyway guys thank y'all for coming out I really appreciate it you know I've kind of really enjoyed getting into the swing of like doing some little short live streams every night um so yeah I I I appreciate y'all this has been fun it's been real and it's been fun it's been real fun there's actually what aund over a hundred people live right now at almost 1:00 in the morning Eastern time that's nuts that is crazy easy is it better to have four sticks of Ram or two sticks um well it depends on the system you're on uh right now for salad it doesn't really matter because the customers are not able to see or order depend Ram depending on clock speed so they don't know if they're getting a system with DDR 3 4 five what megahertz it's running at it just is what it is so I imagine as it's expanding they are adding more options for customers to choose so Ram speed may play some a a a role in the future but for now it doesn't all right guys y'all have a good night I appreciate y'all we see you on the flip side again The Travelers travels thank you for for joining the miners Club I don't currently have anything that is for you guys but I need to come up with something I do I'm I'm going to make a channel in Discord need to figure out how to link the Discord to like check who's who's a member on YouTube yeah I'm not sure anyway Walker's hyper where do you get salad oh man oh man that's a that is a that is a rabbit hole right there to go down um please show task manager which under making earn I don't know what that means here's task manager jellyfish emote yeah yeah we do need that laptop on salad I don't suggest it I don't think that'd be a good idea kind of like laptop on mining you can do it I've done it don't suggest it we have 100 plus people in chat but only 12 likes you know how it is Lupe it's just like that sometimes by the way Lupe go to one of my newer newer videos and join the new Discord because we made a separate Discord for the bcpc shop so we have a crypto Discord and then we have a parts Discord for the computer shop and I went ahead and put the like the little salad tab in the parts Discord the new one um because it's technically not crypto so you know that kind of thing all right guys yall have a good good night see you tomorrow

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