Salad Dev ReStream 9-27-2024

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and at the time we said nope there's really like on the on the salad Cloud portal there's no mention or availability of higher Ram amounts that is changing now it has actually already changed what's up ladies and gentlemen I'm a couple minutes late to the live stream so I am going to um clock this back to to the beginning um they were talking about some 4090 workloads stuff like that um and then let it rip and then I will be right back cuz I got to step away so um yeah if you're watching this after the fact we'll get caught up on on this stuff and maybe there's some maybe there's some gems hidden in there so let's get to it if my posted another question here this actually an API that is already partly developed uh for one specific use case that can show like last 24-hour earnings per machine earnings uh it's still not super valuable just because it's very limited in what it provides uh it's essentially less than what you would get by going to your earning summary page uh but we have talked a lot about making that public uh and even when talking with some uh for more prominent technically Savvy chefs uh we have mention the possibility of giving them API access at some point so I would be relatively confident that this is something that we should see within the next quarter or two at the most um but ideally I want there to be more functionality in that API uh or at least more data available for you guys uh before we make it available just today we've been discussing um some tech upgrades to our our infrastructure that would make it easier for us to give you more detailed more granular uh earning data and so that you could not only see when you're uh earning as you do right now in the earning summary page but you could see when you were chopping which I know especially uh during those times of the the excess supply of of computers in the network was a feature that was requested several times so as you could see oh I was chopping for x amount of hours but I was really only getting a workload for a subset of those so we want to make all of that available on the earning summary page and on the API whenever we get closer to that I'll show more news hopefully we get a few of you guys as uh beta testers for that API but yes it is in the works hell yeah yipp be says Alyssa I think that's a positive reaction yep um kurur Adam says I've actually been using the balance API to record my earnings over long periods my spreadsheet is now at eight months of data hell yeah man like I love uh I love when chefs are tracking their data like that's just the best way to get value out of salad like that um would it be open to tinkerers or used for Pages like the widget and summary um it would be open to anybody who has uh salad account but you would only get the data for the noes on your account uh and I I know there was mention of like oh are there jobs available we're not really contemplating that right now because orchestration is something that changes uh like lit second to Second uh but overall more earning data and more performance information Etc that we do want to make available sweet all right and garus has got the next question up here other than the base internet speed requirements the minimum for containers does having a higher speed Libra speed result influence your ability to get containers and banwi sharing or or is the minimum the only use for labor speed um no it does correlate with I would say mostly correlates in some very specific situations that I believe are not even alive yet might directly impact the workload availability uh right now what happens is usually if you have higher bandwidth that means you can get a workload running faster let's say a specific workload requires that you download 20 gigs of data before it gets running um let's say you have a very slow bandwidth like on the lad speed test you clear the minimum but then for whatever reason it's now capped and you can't get really a good download speed going uh and it takes forever to download those 20 Gigabytes at some point the customer might be like this node is underperforming I'm going to cut him uh so you get temporarily blocked from that workload um withas if you had very fast internet you could get running very quickly uh and as such would have more success getting uh workload up and running and earning and in the future we have I'm GNA I'm going to just pause it right there which technically we weren't we're not going to be live uh because I'm pausing a live stream but I did want to uh say something here I've been batt Ling internet issues at my location and when I was having some internet problems and I was only getting about 10 to 15 Meg down um my entire Farm came to a screeching halt so internet speed is absolutely important and if you if you deploy multiple machines all at the same time and they're all trying to download containers at the same time you will have machines fail if you don't have enough bandwidth to support them so say you only have 100 down there's people that have 50 down and they have you know five different machines uh and they're wondering why they can't keep jobs just one of those other metrics that you are graded on but then they don't tell you how they're graded or how you're graded on it they just tell you you just need you need a lot of bandwidth get that bandwidth all right let me jump back into it sorry don't mean to diverge um other than that I can also say that we're soon going to be adding log information to the heavy process detection so that you guys can those of you that are inclined to look at the logs can take a peek at those as well yeah I love seeing all these people talking about retiring their log readers it's been doing all the work for them that's great um let's see our blacklisted machine ID or account specific I think he's talking about how we block workloads um specific they're machine specific indeed okay there you there you go glued to it I like that name uh what's this in reference to so when you're running uh a heavy process and our over well salad attacks it and launches the overlay uh there might be situation where there's a lot of logic there's a lot of edge cases in detecting what what app to draw the overlay on top of or if not just string it on top of the Windows desktop sorry um sometimes that fails sometimes it'll try to like draw it over an app that is not currently in Focus uh still making various improvements there um and some other people have mentioned that it's perhaps a little bit too fast we didn't want it to linger too much so we actually modeled it after uh the Nvidia overlay speeds um the shadow play overlay uh regardless one option that we are releasing fairly soon hopefully next week is you'll be able to to disable the salad overlay um and if you do so thank you we need to disable the salad overlay thank you if we think you're running a heavy process will still be there but if for some reason the overlay was causing issues with a game you were running or it's just like too fast for you know informa [Music] and not annoying I apologize grabbing FOC who's taking my attention away from a game or whatever um so we try to make it again as as quick as possible but yes I have heard a lot of uh comments in this regard uh but my thinking is that if we made it longer we would also have a bunch of complaints that it is now too slow so I think having that option of like yeah just maybe turn it off you'll get Windows notifications instead um that could help sweet I like Pepe's comment also play a really loud and obnoxious cowbell sound I'm not hearing that would be great needs more cowbell it should yeah it should be like a really bad quality cow moo with cowbell sound effect should just be Bob voice saying ding yeah it's super it's super distorted like it's like an Xbox original Xbox Live Headset M knock that off yeah that's so good um all right so andar posted the next question I would like to see an option to export my salad shopping data with machine ID to CSV file or something so I can get a better look at which machines are doing better the representation of the data in the web interface is kind of hard to follow right that is actually as I was mentioning just a little bit ago we're discussing adding like a Time series database which is a type of database that is especially good at recording a lot of data for information that happens across time into it but I'm assuming it'll the technical uh savviness difference between being able to take advantage of the API and just w into use interface most people will fall within one or the other and making a direct CSV export not as appealing but we'll we'll see um okay a few one other person was talking about the display over the overlay disappearing too quick yep what's the most okay what's the most important spec to have in the GPU in CPU I have an RTX 390 for all right hold on let me uh let me make them quiet here for a second so um is my stream coming through okay it's just I can't watch their stream okay is that what's going on because that's what seems to be going on for on my end like I can see um is that like theirs is blurry and whenever I turn the the quality up it like buffers constantly is the hurricane affecting your power internet um probably anytime the wind blows out here we lose internet or something it's fine for me now yeah um anyway in the beginning of the stream they did talk about there is a uh a person on the network that is renting out 490s with at least 64 gigs of RAM and at least um 100 gigabytes of uh storage space so they said all 490s that qualify with qualifying internet access which is recommended 100 down and 50 up should have a workload on them and it's about a $5 a day workload just to get you guys caught up um now a lot of people of course are asking about like API questions and can you rename your rigs or when can you do that all that kind of stuff so um yeah and by the way hi everybody hi Andrew mining King uh Alex PC games Tech aorn Strider of course paa bill um yeah thank you thank you all for coming out uh this was phone together last minute I I apologize in advance but let me get back to the stream and if anything good comes up yeah it does look flurry I'm going to try to turn the quality up one more time go from there of that sort then we might be able to relax or stats on awesome excellent question see scyth was commenting on nad's question earlier do you expect there will be more spikes in demand like what happened early in this week oh yeah that is what our entire business is based on that we will continue to see increases in demand when hopefully as soon as possible um but you know we don't know what we don't know yeah we don't know um but yes the uh the spikes will continue like a like a stegosaurus is tail just going up strange comparison I just made but it's first image that came to mind um is the false profits going to get fixed I think I can take this one go for it um yeah so it's something that I've been personally investigating uh for a while now um we definitely are going to fix it um it is on our radar uh how soon I don't have information on this yet but we have received the reports and I've I've shifted through all of the information um and so now we have to find the culprit and angos uh I think it might be useful if we explain what this is because I think this isn't really false profits it's just the predicted earnings right yeah yeah so there is one instance of the issue where essentially salad is um showing up a predicted earnings in your application even though the container is not actually running um it it picks up a previous container you were running and keeps showing that prediction on your machine uh even though technically your computer is still idle at this point in time um and so that's like at this point in time you shouldn't really be getting paid um but it is displaying so it is confusing as a user uh for sure and I also saw your second question do you need more logs uh if you have the issue definitely hit me up um you know more data is always useful for us to to pinpoint the issue up Brandon come in Brandon welcome uh good to see you yep we're back uh just a little break after episode 200 there very busy uh on the on the kitchen side Ian got married last week actually so got hitched yeah off the market yeah sorry guys no more no more uh single Ivan it's it's a married man Ivan now his entire Vibe is changing become more boring than I was yeah he just starts wearing a suit fully slicked back hair yeah uh sorry anyways quick question is there any ideas on providing a page that shows what gpus are in demand or not in demand even just a basic layout so I think um again it it may change so quickly but what we can say right now is like we'll be using channels such as these and social media Etc to communicate when there's a clear um clear need for a specific type of GPU which we just mentioned uh a few minutes ago right now we have massive needs for 490s 390s uh and even 3080s I believe or or was it 480s 480s um yeah and I think there is a small need for 3080 so that is still true but yeah those are our main our main gpus um so yeah um we we reach out any way we can I was even dming Brandon um like hey 4090 jobs hot need them uh but uh yeah we uh we try to get the word out uh for Fleet should we limit Port speeds to prevent one machine from hogging all the bandwidth all right so um I was just quietening that down for a second um so interesting my I have 309s that are sitting doing nothing although they may be downloading jobs right now but um I knew that they needed 490s I was unaware of 309s and 3080s uh being in demand um I don't know if that means they just need a lot of them or they need available ones because I got some available sitting right over here um let me ask them what it what would be the recommended spec for these 490 year 3090 machines knowes running at the same time all of them are trying to download uh the new version of salad right um yes uh it could benefit you just make sure sure every note can at least uh meet the minimum requirement which I believe um Ang's correct me if I'm wrong is right now at 10 megabits we're more towards 15 20 okay um in both download and upload mhm so as long as you can uh sure that as a minimum yes feel free to limit it uh you think that's for the best saw one from that about Windows Insider not recommended uh I would not recommend it just because that could come with more unstable versions of Windows uh or potentially some features that could in some scenario impact how salad works and we've yet to adjust to those so while there's no like hard rule like don't do it you might encounter uh more ises that that you would otherwise and yes 15 up down per machine um Brandon asks what is the recommended spec for a 3090 4090 machine example of the rigs I'm running eight core GPU 64 GB cdr4 one tbte drive with RTX 390 right so I think the main two things uh is for a 24 gig of bam card uh you would want at the very least 48 gigs of system Ram which essentially means 64 right like who's buying uh mismatch Ram six on this day and age um but yeah 64 gigs of RAM paired with that uh 24 gig card um meeting of course the minimum bandwidth requirements which we just outlined and having at least 70 gigs of um storage space available on your main uh Windows drive wherever WSL is running from so those would be the the ideal specs I would say great answer um just reading through these follow-ups here um so angaro is going to step away for a little bit um so any specific angaro questions uh will hold until he returns um Can an AC unit be sold on the salad store these 4090 containers are hot completely agree yes uh hopefully one day we return to Hardware rewards maybe you could yeah like liquid cooling in there yeah I I would be remiss not to mention the old days back before Ivan and I were even here you know Jared used to fulfill uh reward redemptions individually um and anything that would required a physical like you would someone was just in charge of sending each one that's how many chefs there were at the time it's crazy um thank you for the answer from Brandon does CPU speed matter or is it just core driven from the customers side it's really just core driven uh I think if at some point we get much more sophisticated about CPU workloads uh there could be you know distinction in terms of like clock speeds right now it's really just how many cores would a a given workload require and honestly for like most of the best paying workloads which are GPU workloads it's really just like one core um so yeah I wouldn't fret too much about CP right now sweet uh customers would love my CPU single core single core all core um that's me with a calculator in my hand just doing Ma yeah I'm One Core I'm the one core I guess that's I guess that's true I a single core computer and G says return um it's funny because paper salad posted this as soon as he left and garos how are you and then you know unfortunately you weren't here told them I just told him whatever you know uh uh I think let's see I'm scrolling through did we have any more questions from the Discord to post in or did we managed to hit all of those uh I think I have a couple more or I could post okay to those yeah and just to answer Pepe salad uh doing good bunch of bun of work trying to figure out the predicted earning defect but um I'm doing cool how about you let me take a moment to just let the community know how good uh angr is as at his job and how Relentless he is when he's investigating issues sometimes he would come with an issue that be like uh seems like there's not enough evidence and he won't let that go and he'll come back like months later like I finally have enough evidence there's something going on so he's definitely an asset for the team both uh for you guys and for us uh as a company so kudos to to agaras for sure means a lot yeah propos and working together on a few 4090 Rush ideas it's been a great help to the team um oh here we go so what was used as inspiration for salad or is it totally original oh man well I think the obvious answer is City at home and folding at home which were the ogs of distributed computing uh online yeah I uh I mean that I wish Jared was here he's so closely tied to the founders the old days of salad but I think Ian answered the question pretty well um I think uh yeah I mean the story of salad I won't I won't go into why we're called Salad because we answer that question every time everyone in this call has heard the story so um I'll just hit the next question I know schedule chop is a thing but can we have more granular control what I would like to do is be able to enable mining but only when the sun is shining and my solar is producing on daylight schedule interesting I'll I'll write it down we might get to it at some point it's a little bit of a niche feature but probably wouldn't require that much work to be honest um well maybe my salad machines are downloading 3090 workloads and that's why I have no download speed to watch this stream to know if the sun was providing power we're gonna add a sun dial that pops out of monitor no but likely we would add separate uh Schuler for or a different setting for the Schuler where you be like all types of mining or just all types of workloads are just um container [Music] workloads uh yeah well I thought the same Scythe but I think that uh I think that scheduled chopping is pretty good at like knowing like what time of the day it is but as far as like the state of that day and like the power being provided that's probably the granular stuff he's talking about um okay so another one from angaro here what we really need is a mobile app some kind of AP API control of your rigs interestingly like we've always said like eventually will get a mobile up when it makes sense but interestingly on the second Point um on API control I've we sometimes go ahead and interview trfs of different profiles and something I've heard from several chefs uh that run fleets of machines is that they explicitly don't want API control they'd rather like control it directly in the machine than just get data through the API and the concern really is security not handing uh control to an API or in this case also an app um that could enable or disable a an ongoing process on your PC so you know it's still something that we might make optional at some point um but just having the capability in there could be Troublesome so no no clear answer there uh but I'm currently just leaning to where it's no control but you has to a lot of info in the API mhm oh man I saw something come in okay oh well I just saw this one any 20 Xbox gift cards in the store soon um I'll check in with Armen and you can always um message him on the Discord he'll have the inside scoop on rewards coming um toggleable API control con the rewards sorry go ahead go ahead go ahead oh yeah yeah rewards we also have a rewards request uh Discord Channel you can post um any reward that you want to see on the store and I know Armen checks it frequently now posting it doesn't mean it'll be added necessarily but you can we can check it regularly and if we have a supplier and we can find a way to get it on the store then we will yep usually a lot of it it's not just is there demand for it but it's also oh there's demand for it but there's no good supply for those that makes sense or you know at least not within our current selection of potential suppliers for gift cards so you has a few a few other factors that go into that so about this toggleable API control right the issue is like it's not just oh on the API or on the app for example you would toggle whether you want to control your machine or not it's the fact that then on the actual machine there is logic to listen for control so we would have to make sure that that is what gets struggled um and it's the machine saying like I will not listen for instructions uh from outside of the the machine so that is more the concern but um we'll we'll tackle that when we get closer to it sweet I'll hop in just on on Glu to its uh comment who said Chrome remote desktop works for now I assume what he means is about the um the control rig control uh from a mobile device just be aware that um using remote desktop software can sometimes cause s to fail we've seen it uh well with Chrome remote desktop we've seen it with other applications uh like the the windows builtin feature for remote desktop so if it works for you great uh but just be aware that since it does use virtualization it can sometimes cause issues with salad uh in which case you might have to uninstall it um to get out running properly again thank you for adding color um yeah I remember back in 2021 uh like one of like the first salad offs that I went to my big idea that I brought to the table was a mobile app little did I know they already talked about it and didn't want to do it yet that that is I think I mean that was my experience with a bunch of stuff as well when I first joined salad like for the first few months I would be like we should of course do a and like yeah we've discussed doing a like six times in history like okay going to do it yeah uh but yeah it's just one of those extra things where I was like oh yeah you know salad buddy install it on your phone you just know what's going on all in due time um Can salad sponsor a skater so we can see a salad logo mascot hit a kick flip oo I mean do we have a single skater on the salad team I I don't know we might we could just get them a banana costume or the carrot C do a Ki clip yeah yeah yeah that works yeah when when it becomes uh fruitful to sponsor Sports YouTube channels um if that ever if there's a ven diagram where people who enjoy sport uh and extreme sport YouTube want to run Tony Hawk owns 3,49 he probably does he probably his his financial advisor is probably like hey like give me some money trust me bro yeah cut down in the gpus man that sounds like such a thing that rich people are just completely like yeah yeah my my guy's handling that for me uh will Enterprise gpus be supported it they might at some point yeah is that eventually s can support pretty much all comput uh at least all PC compute um but not right now and the reason why is the supply of these so there's not yet a lot of these that are set up in such a way that we could ingest them into the network So in theory right now if you had like I don't know like an H1 100 and you had a Windows machine and run uh Sal on it the h100 would join the salad Network um but it's literally we get like one every three months uh like somebody tries it out but of course there's really since there's enough Supply it's not something that we can go out and sell now what could unlock this and it's something that we discuss often internally is multi-gpu support whenever we can support uh GPU clusters that opens things up on top of that many people who run these GPU clusters of course don't usually run them on windows so there's also the other unlock which would be having like a bare metal a Linux distra that you could run that would essentially be salad as a Linux distra um so whenever we have those two things for sure I think that's when we go out and try and get as many um of these Enterprise gpus as we can but I I think those would always be a niche offering in network the real differentiator of salad as a business is that we can leverage your spare compute as consumers um otherwise like there's already tons of other marketplaces for people with Enterprise sh us to go ahead and rent those um so yeah whenever it makes sense we'll build it I did from Pepe I did make that thing which electron injected an API handshake into the widget to report and receive controls from a flask server but I got in trouble for another utility that read l so I privated the repo and nobody noticed that it existed damn if yeah if you're just doing it for yourself I think that's fine I wouldn't I wouldn't feel right uh allowing that to be widespread in the community because then you know somebody slips in some M into the repo and suddenly you're stealing a bunch of uh people's credentials a bunch of stuff could happen so that's what we take the stat right now of like maybe don't do it but if you want to tinger Tinker with it on your own machine go for it great um let's see um all right any more questions coming in we are getting towards the latter part of the hour here um thanks everybody who has participated and and asked questions so far and um I see we have 23 viewers so we're back we're so back we're so back that's the theme this week and for the rest of the year is we're so back Brandon one more question one more question while Brandon put that question up let me remind everybody who's watching us we're right now um in under Supply we desperately need more 490s 309s 3090 TI even some like 480s uh in the network right now if you have one of those um put it on the network you'll get a workload guaranteed so yeah spread the word yeah 490s 390s 48 80s and there are some there is some need for 3080s um and 4070 TI supers also but the main the main job shortages for these 490s 390s those those high power gpus um all right Brandon this is the question is there any standard breakdown for the tier pay system is it like a percentage or just varies from tier one two three Etc on each GPU Al let me ReRe is there any standard breakdown for the tier Pace system is it like a percentage or just varies from T um I think it's you can view it of course this is on the on the cloud side and it's essentially what we charge for those but you could get an idea of uh what those are specifically with the you like pricing calculator over on the the cloud website um as to the logic behind the those uh that is outside of my prview um so I'm not exactly sure how those were priced I saw someone mention oh it was cursed Adam um you have a 4070 TI super that's uh idle right now um I know that we do have some system Ram requirements for some of these jobs I believe 30 uh 30 gab for those 16 gab cards uh for system Ram um and then for the the 4090 3090 3090 TI jobs we'll need 48 Gigabytes of system Ram um and um just to go through the other requirements you typically need um 50 to uh uh 75 or 70 to 100 gigabyt of disc space available um if you need any help getting your machine container ready I imagine most people in here are but if you're watching this and you're interested let me know uh DM us on Discord and we have a link that will help you get set up um anyways I saw another question come in earlier before Brandon's um any updates or comments on tear for computers that have a higher up time so uh there's really only one tier which is our us star Chef or not uh and that's based off of higher average to uh chopping time over a week's period so uh that's still ongoing no changes there um we'll eventually add different qualifiers to the star shft status but for now it's stable just chop as much as you can uh kirsta as far as your you mentioned you have 64 GB of RAM so that should put you in place for that that it might be that um because when I see these needs for gpus sometimes the client is cycling gpus and so when I see that we have some missing on the Network um I figured it was pertinent pertinent to mention simply because it was getting a little higher but it is still in the range where it might be that they're cycling gpus and and therefore there're isn't as high of a need for that specific card um but um I always try I always try to put the word out regardless because if there is even a chance that you'll get in I want you to have that chance but I'll keep you posted um and as I said earlier like really it's those 490s and 309s that we're that we're really gunning for right now um but but the 470 TI super is still definitely um you you'll likely get a job soon if you if you stay on um I saw this one come in twice so I'll go ahead and hit it um can we somehow delete old machine IDs in their earning history and where can I see my machine ID in salad app on the machine oh this one hits it's close to home um so for the first part of it they naturally expire if those machine IDs have not reported uh earnings uh and I believe it's set up 32 days so if the 32 days of those not showing up they'll naturally be pruned from your uh machine data on the earning summary now the second part of it where can I see my machine8 on the app app this is sadly one of those things that you would uh yes I believe it's 32 days um or 36 somewhere around there when we release the feature that allowed you to see per machine earnings um we assumed that there was a way an easy way for us to just simply add the machine ID on the inter interface of the app uh we have had it all mocked up it's actually like the code is there ready to receive it um the sorry the issue comes from when does not salad not the widget not the app but salable the windows process when the salad B get access to the machine ID and it is not always consistent um so there's been some back and forth internally as to well would you be okay with the UI not always showing the machine ID if it's you know not yet available um or should we just wait until we can Ure that you'll see it 100% of the time um it is still uh an internal discussion and it's also not super high on the salid BS priority list uh it is pretty high on on the widgets priority list but it's not for us to do they need to uh communicate that to us whenever that's ready uh we'll show it to you guys and you'll be able to make more sense of your per machine uh earning data uh and again this is let be super clear the priorities for the salable team make a lot of sense they're trying to make getting more workloads into the network as easy as possible have our Cloud customers uh find success much more often much more reliably so all of that of course takes precedence over sending us that piece of data but we'll get there eventually and I know it's frustrating like I think Angar and I discussed this at least once to rec all right guys I think they're going to they're they're tapering that down um but yeah so what recap the live stream um they need 309s and 480s I believe and some 3080s I don't know uh apparently 490s though if you got a 4090 you can make five bucks a day if you have 64 gigs of RAM at least an 8 core CPU and um a decent internet connection so buffering what's buffering get rich quick um but yeah so hopefully everybody had a good even even and um I mean salad's back they're they're live streaming now so only just going to get better um I know personally my salad setup has been doing better over the last couple days than it has in weeks so I don't know if that's you know due to them getting more customers more people are coming online I was told that you know now that schools coming back into session or schools back in session uh that universities and that kind of thing are using it I have no idea um yeah somebody said like a adult content um has a lull in the summertime and picks back up in the wintertime and um so that will drive a lot of salads profit and growth because apparently they have a lot of adult content uh customers I I don't know I I don't know anyway I lagged missed all that you lagged I lagged yeah well I'm sorry it will re-upload as a video after I'm done with this um I'm going to jump off here because my internet is frustrating yall have a good day I'll see you on the flip side you want to talk about salad stuff or you have any questions comments concerns you can always join the Discord go to any of my recent videos and there'll be a link Down Below in the description to a Discord page um and then there's a channel in this Discord called Salad Bowl I believe and that's where everybody goes to complain about salad um uh Andrew adult content um yeah when you set up salad it asks you if you would allow your system to run adult content and I'm pretty sure yeah that's that's what's happening that's where the money's at I've actually never done a test where I turned it off and saw if I like lost a job but I wonder if you have a job and you turn adult content off if you lose the job that means literally you know there's like you know it was right there on your system doing it you know um can't wait for fiber in the next month or two yeah Andrew or uh sorry AR Gorn um I I need I need fiber as well anyway Todd red panda mining Andrew aorn Chase Mage coniferous that I know I missed a bunch of people in here um thank you all for coming out I really appreciate it we're going to try to restream their live streams as long as they keep doing their live streams um and maybe maybe things will get better if not we do have other platforms that are coming out I am expanding you know it is just do them all right just do everything um yeah anyway y'all have a good one I'll see you on the flip side adios at here in the Stream he there we go streaming goodbye we have the perfect amount of viewers right now oh no down to 59 now why are 59 people still here right now the stream is ending you ain't got to go home you just got to get off here I ain't leaving until the stream stops I heard that joker says his 470s and 4060 ti no jobs at all today my 460 TI has had zero jobs yesterday and today as well red p mining Adidas Adidas Adidas retro mic kindly restart I just got here well I'm about to click that button and it's about to be over and then it'll restart so then you can go back and watch it all again Mage you had more than the actual salad live stream yeah I mean that's that's been pretty standard they don't get a lot of views on there and that's why I started restreaming hold on let me I'm talking to a empty dag on thing that's why I started restreaming their live streams cuz you know there's there's like golden nuggets of information mixed in and I was like um if you don't restart I'm gonna ban RP well that's between you and red panda um red panda's building salad rigs right now he's about to eat up that available uh um 409s anyway uh there there's golden nuggets of information inside of these streams but a lot of people don't watch them so that's why I started restreaming them and then they went on like a 2 3 week vacation so we haven't had any live streams for multiple weeks now um we've been itching for the old salad you know what I'm saying Brandon coin you need as many rigs as the dude you have us all watching your Mike's banned um you Joker you need as many rigs as the dude you have us all watching who who are we what Joker uh my English oh 29 is a lot of machines yeah yeah that's uh that's will right um will Tech uh anyway he's got a really good Channel um I I think I linked to it in the past he's got a bunch of rigs he actually got his power knocked out due to the hurricane yesterday so I'm curious to see how his rigs come back online and what gets picked up and rented right away because I would imagine he got docked some kind of uptime or performance um um hit because all of his rigs going dead um yeah will yeah yeah he's really cool dude I'm going to reach out to him and see how he's doing um with the the whole hurricane mess that went by anyway for real the stream is over now I'm sorry retro mic cook Mage red panda aorn all you guys have a good night Joker peace all right goodbye e [Music] guys retro with real red panda chasing dreams High Krypto all night vies breaking counts cryto STS flying like a fo Nevers brand and coin in the mix rabit driven no fix he trades life full of [Music] Tricks solex Joker freaking my count crypto STS flying like a [Music] foxer never stops Co in the mix rabbit D no fix keep TR I full of Tricks my teams no [Music] conflicts breaking box M counting crypto stocks jump CH flying like a fox h never STS 22 lives so many M dreams so big stars align Electro beats heartbeat shine future Bri next in line Joker mining a freaking box M count crypto stun flying like a fox M Nevers talker Miner breaking blocks Cher Miner breaking block next in line [Music] Cher Cher two lives so many M dreams so big stars align Electro beats heartbeat shine future bright next in line Joker M [Music] freaking cryp F like a fo never stops next in line joer Cher Cher next in line

As found on YouTube

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