all right what is up ladies and gentlemen if you'll take a look right here we actually have another update for salad so this is one of my rigs right here salad needs an update please update salad to ensure you have the best earning potential with 1.6.1 so we'll click on well actually we're not going to do that cuz I'm I'm remoted inside of a rig right now but um we're going to go back over to earn this one has not been doing anything it is calculating so that's is a perfect opportunity to pause it we scroll up and hit update now all right so oh that was really loud I apologize while it's doing that we'll pull it up and see what this update is actually about let's see here valid update what's new all right so July 12th 2024 1.6.1 fixed a network security vulnerability oh okay well not a lot of information on that we'll close that back out and we do not want Windows 11 remind me later we'll click run salad and something that that I've been doing um but I haven't like made it explicitly clear is after I do a salad update and you know how you can click on run salad again um I don't start it back chopping because you'll see like four out of six sometimes it'll go five out of six cuz I don't have video um streaming enabled but before I I chop I restart the computer don't know don't ask me if it actually helps or not I feel like it just puts it on like a a Fresh Step um so we'll get that computer restarted we'll start it back to chopping and um things are getting it seems like it's getting slightly better with workloads but uh I'm only maybe half rented out of my eight rigs about four of them are rented um so better but not not optimal by any means um so if you're out there doing a lot of calculating you're not alone uh it's it's it's been one of those times one of those calculation times it'll take a minute to get for this rig to get back up online um oh some people did ask me if I was selling 390s uh and I am I think I have two 390s available online and people are asking me why are you selling the 390s well more specifically I think 40 series cards are doing better or at least are going to do better especially once 50 Series drops um I've noticed that there's people with like 40 60 TI 4070 TI supers especially 409s that are getting jobs more frequently than my 309s are I think there's just a lot of 309s on the network and jobs are split up by card so somebody if they select a 4070 TI that's what they're going to get on the customer end they're not going to give that job to a 3090 if they don't have 4070 TI available and then so on at least that's how it's been explained to me so now this one's back up and running we will launch salad we will launch task manager and go from there send it to chop we have a notification you're a star Chef well thank you got it and just to remind you guys I don't have have gigabit up or gigabit down with unlimited bandwidth so I do not do the video sharing or um like bandwidth uh sharing um so that's why my chopping power is five out of six some people asked about that um I only have about 500 down and then 50 up it is unlimited um but I've been told that the upload speed uh makes me not that eligible so it just saves time and effort and stuff on their end for trying to run The Benchmark for the video sharing side of things um it looks like we got vmm up and solad Bowl Services running right away so um it's doing 39 30 29 20 28 it looks like it's potentially downloading a container it's memories at 6.7 6.8 it's going to Flat Line at 6.8 or is it loading more into memory 6.9 okay so it looks like we're loading up a container job that is good some people said that updating to 6 1.6.1 has helped uh their machines that didn't have jobs get jobs so uh only time will tell I do plan on going live tonight for a short live stream just to go over the the revenue of each of the rigs um but I am changing my game plan originally I was going to build out all 3090 Rigs and my 30 60s I was going to pull out and put 309s in I've changed that that's why I'm selling those 390s and I'm actually selling one of my 3090 rigs fully assembled on the website shout out bc-pc doccom and I am going to be building out some 40 series rigs so I really want some 490s uh I want to try to do a dual 490 system and uh do VMS on prox MOX to separate them so they show up as individual rigs so that way I can mine on both of them but on one motherboard um apparently it's been been done and it and it it has been done uh and it works um I reached out to the salad team and they said it's not against terms of service right now um and I don't imagine it's going to be but if anything changes then I'll let you guys know on that as well cuz I don't want to promote anything that would um be against their terms of service so well with that being said I don't think it's going to pick up a job right now Ram actually went back down to 6.7 and it doesn't seem to be downloading so it's just chopping with that being said I hope you all have a good one and I will see you on the next one uh drop it down below how are your salid rigs doing um have you tried different platforms are you going to try different platforms I'd love to know other than that y'all have a good one and I do apologize I am on my laptop uh we went and are visiting some family today but still got to get you know still got to get on YouTube every now and then uh I know the audio and video is less than Stellar I need to get me like a mobile like a really nice webcam and a um maybe like a mobile web mic like a what is it the lapel mics or something something like that anyways yeah later
Salad update 1.6.1