what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and this is one of my RTX 3090 salad rigs so if you're not familiar with what salad is it is an AI compute platform uh that you essentially rent out uh your Hardware to now this machine has a xon 12 core in it with 64 gigs of RAM and an RTX 390 this specifically is a EVGA for the win 3 but there's been a new update 1.7.1 so let's go over and see what the new updates actually do all right so salad 1.7.1 was released today at around 4:30 p.m. this is November 19 2024 just for reference it and uh apparently the fixes and improvements were streamlining uh the onboarding of nodes for qualify for containerized miners okay I noticed that some of mine definitely weren't Mining and they didn't have uh container like AI workload jobs so they were just kind of sitting there idling even though I had miners enabled so maybe that'll fix that situation for me um also the app will now warn chefs when they are missing some critical Windows features that's nice for people getting started uh the app will Now notify chefs when Ram allocation for container environment are suboptimal and guide chefs to fix it that's really nice as well uh fixed an issue where nodes with more than 90 GB of RAM and less than 128 GB of RAM would not qualify for jobs that required 64 GB of RAM in the container environment that's very necessary uh improved notifications for high vram utilization uh and then the last one was addresses occasional issues where running workloads were not being reported correctly please update to this version to receive the latest workloads on the network once released read all about the update here click here okay so um yeah ladies and gentlemen I am now just waiting for um the update to get pushed out to all my systems I just swapped this one around it had I had a stick of ram die on me um this is that system that I had showed previously that I had the um dang what was that Ram it was the tforce team group Ram i' had been having nothing but uh in like unstable issues it would just randomly blue screen do all kinds of crazy stuff so I have swapped out and put Samsung 32 gig uh ECC uh dims in there so these should be much better I haven't had any problems out of these out of the rest of my Rigs and luckily these are Zeon platform boards so they do support running ECC Ram so just hopefully uh be even better even more stable right but um yeah so I'm just waiting for those updates to get pushed out let me remote into some of my other Rigs and see if they're ready to update all right so I'm checking in on my one of my 3060 rigs this one does not show it has an update and this one's been running pretty much 24/7 so that is odd let's try to jump into one of my other ones this is another 309 90 machine and this is one that I have the uh the PO shell pulled up in let's see what kind of earnings we're getting uh zero for the last what um 19 last what couple hours uh but if we go over here yeah no available updates on this one as well huh that's peculiar so there is a new update and it's been out for a little over 4 hours but none of my systems have had the update push to them so I guess I would just wait and see whenever I get them and see if it actually helps with any of them uh running and making any kind of Revenue now let me pull up hold on that's my bars Miner bear with me okay there we go I just want to make sure I was grabbing the right screen here so in the last 24 hours I did $5.50 we had a nice Peak right here today where we were doing um about 9 cents per quarter hour so that would be what like you know almost 40 cents an hour um but then it went down and actually right now now it's at like 003 cents per per Candlestick so not not great let's try to pump these numbers up but anyways I'm going to jump off here if you have had any of the updates pushed out to your your rigs I would love to know comment down below and has it helped all right ladies and gentlemen goodbye
SALAD Update 1.7.1 fixed high ram issue