Sell all your Bitcoin and crypto before The world war well that's what the media Wants you to believe welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I am your host Omar Khan And today we're doing a deep dive on Bitcoin Bitcoin currently sitting at $62,000 down nearly 10% on the week fear And greed index at 49 going from greed To now neutral slowly creeping towards Fear the market is down nearly 4% what The heck is going on with Bitcoin Omar The title thumbnail says sell before the Crash is is Bitcoin going to crash is There going to be a war sell before the War let's talk about it let's go into The news so why is Bitcoin dumping today Bitcoin dumped below 61,000 causing over $260 million in Long liquidations but Here's why BTC dumped okay the first Thing I want to highlight even those not Order is World War III fear for the Fifth time in 2024 there's fear of War Um during times of uncertainty investors Choose not to hold risks on assets which Causes them to dump okay this obviously A massive factor with what's going on in The world right now there's a lot of Fear of potential Wars breaking out and That's the case it could be obviously Risky for people holding a lot of money In assets right we literally see Iran is Trending right now in politics we see uh The elections are going on there's a lot Of crazy things going on and that may

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Cause a slight ShakeOut now that's the Only reason why we saw Bitcoin dumping And that's not necessarily a reason to Sell guys I just we need to grab your Attention here this actually might be an Opportunity to buy and honestly to Dollar cost average in cuz this next Upcoming weeks is going to go to show Either we're going to pump in the upward Direction or the downward Direction Regardless we're going to make money Either way right so why BCC dumping we Need to know this information so we can Take this information and apply it to Our trading strategies so unemployment Rates are rising yesterday the Unemployment rate uh came up to 4.3% Which is higher than expected higher Unemployment indicates that the US Economy could be headed towards Recession which causes the stock market Crash alongside with crypto Japan Yen Strengthening boj raised the interest Rates for the first time in 17 years This is causing investors to pull their Money out of us equities and other risks On assets the reason for that is because Interest rate Rises it could cost Nothing to borrow Yen but now it does Okay and then we already talked about The fear of War number four Mt gov and Genesis distribution MTG BTC Distribution is near end but now the Genesis distribution has started

Yesterday has sent over $1 billion worth Of bitcoin uh 1 billion worth of bitcoin Which Market uh sensed as an upcoming Dump in my opinion all of these events Will push the feds to act faster and Rates Cuts will start once the fear Calms down markets will rebound and the Parabolic run will begin Market only Needs 3 months to send everything okay So that was a big seven news points guys I thought was a great summary of what's Going on we take a look at the overall Bitcoin news and it's pretty bullish News in the in terms of market right we Can see a lot of Donald Trump talking About it uh Morgan stany tells wealth Investors about BTC and E ETF so pretty Much bullish news in the news which is Great to see uh technical analysis Obviously looking bearish CU it's strong Selling moving averag in strong sell OS And neutral giv us a toal summary of Sell uh when we go over to Twitter guys I have so many tweets showing very very Bullish reasons to buy and hold uh BTC Right now we can see the BTC bull market Progression 41% and we see we're Somewhere around this Zone over here Retracing back to 2020 uh being here so It could be just the beginning of the Pum $35,000 per Bitcoin says the news Analyst the FED is going to start easing Here that's great for gold and that's

For Bitcoin but I said is Bitcoin is Growing up and will be eventually half The total market cap of gold so that's About 350,000 so quite a ways to go from Here again he's not saying it's going to Happen tomorrow but a $350,000 per Bitcoin could be absolutely dramatic Right even if you don't half a Bitcoin You could be have a solid bag set up Right which is very very bullish it goes To show guys people make money in these Fearful situations right uh don't take What's going on in the news and current Events as as a reason not to invest Right A lot of people make most of their Fortunes during war in times like this It's just you just have to adjust your Strategy right you don't need to quit Investing you just got adjust your Strategy Bitcoin uh Bull Run will begin Uh expected $200,000 Bitcoin that's a Price prediction just in micro strategy Raises $2 billion to buy more Bitcoin This guy's absolute G always buying in At the dip and seems like entering in at Perfect times maybe we take a page from His book breaking news Donald Trump Suggests using Bitcoin to pay off Country's 35 trillion in debt bullish or Not Community is going absolutely Ballistic over that we can see Bitcoin Is way oversold right now RSI went below 30 expecting a quick uh bounce back to Wreck the late shorts so that's the

Thing guys when it's pump it's dumping Like this and you start loading up and It shoots back dramatically even you Don't who long term but just take a 4% Gain a 10% gain it could be solid Bitcoin is down 10% this week a so you Bought now so you put $1,000 in right Today and in 2 weeks from now it goes Back that 10% it just recovers 10% so Technically it just goes back to zero You would have made $100 for simply Buying and being patient right it's just All about investing strategy right uh The price of homes isn't going up USD is Going down we 640 BTC back in 2016 to Buy home and today 6 point uh 6.6 BTC to Buy the same home US dollar versus Bitcoin okay uh US President says never Sell your Bitcoin that's a tweet we've Already seen in the past now guys There's a bunch of reasons to be bullish For crypto right now and it feels like There's a lot of uncertainty and fear in The marketplace but honestly I think we Are long ways from that I would just Obviously be cautious before entering And selling trades but overall feeling Pretty bullish on what's going on in the Market but like always guys none of this Is financial advice always your own Research and doe diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel let me know how You feeling about Bitcoin in the comment

Section below are you bullish are you Bearish I want to hear it all that the Video until next time it's your friend Umar peace [Music] [Music]

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