Sell all your Sheba enu now crypto is Crashing it's time to empty your bags Welcome back to 99b YouTube channel I'm Your host Umar KH con and today we're Taking a deep dive on what the heck is Going on with shibba enu even though There has been some B bullish news and Announcements regarding shibba Inu Shibu Is pumping 4% on the day and it is Pumping on the week as well why am I Telling you to sell your Sheba enu That's exactly what we're going to go Into in today's video but before the Video I want to ask if you haven't Already make sure you smash that Subscribe button down below so stay Tuned with the latest and greatest is Crypto news now guys don't actually sell Your she at youu now I just needed to Grab your attention because something Interesting happen in the marketplace There's going to be a lot of Fearmongering and I want to take this Opportunity especially if you're on the Fearful end to kind of get your Attention so first of all fear and greet Index is currently at a 44 creeping more And more towards fear at this rate we're Going to be in fear sometime this week Now that being said is everything over Not necessarily I think some pumps are Yet to come this week we are seeing a Lot of green for the day but we are Pretty much red in the week Bitcoin is

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Basically down to $60 $ range ethereum Has lost his $3,500 title we are seeing Even bance's Ling losing $600 title what The heck is going on but today we're Talking about meme coins specifically Shibba Inu as is down about 1% on the Week but it is up 4% on the 24 hour There's a ton of bullish news regarding Sheba enu and we're taking the news Straight From the Source from their Twitter so first of all we see uh renio Amelia uh Willie France is officially Opening in France we're excited to see Uh to Willie uh experience expanding Into Italy a sorry did I say France I'm Going to say Italy congratulations to Everyone involved we can also see that Was the the big news they got there's Also this as well so coin X list uh bad Uh big win for the bad Bridge um th this Epic victory in the community votes uh Secured bad Wings listing on crypto X Strong partnership with great Communities uh benefits uh everyone in Ship ecosystem everyone wins so nice Collaboration SL friendship there on the Crypto end now this is another massive News they are a golden sponsor I massive Event that's coming up um this is IVs Cryptos uh 2024 and shibba enu will be a Golden sponsor we do see a lot of times When the crypto companies take advantage Of becoming golden sponsors it's usually Great for the project and in this case

They are a golden sponsor at a massive Crypto event if you like Shibu guys You're going to like this pre-sale gem As well this is play Doge a pre-sale gem That's going going absolutely crazy They've raised $5.1 million already and It's going absolutely insane if you're a Subscriber to this channel you know how Much we love pre-sales over at 99b and This one's going absolutely nuts raised $5.1 million it's a play to earn game uh Play doge is Ultimate mobile play to Earn game uh the game that brings iconic Doge meme to a life of a tamagachi style Virtual pet secure your play tokens uh During the pre-sale to to earn crypto Playing a nostalgy 2d Adventure game Which is pretty cool you buy eat usct Card B&B you C your wallet and swap it's Very simple has a cool uh utility but The heart of it is just a meme coin on Top of that you have the utility plus The staking and currently paying a 126 AP even on extra growing the community Rapidly fast with over 5,000 followers Posting pretty much on a daily basis Updating the community and growing the Community which is so important but back To shibba Inu Umar why did you tell us To sell our shibba enu and the main Reason guys is what's going on in the Global market in terms of all the Selling that's taking place currently we Are up 2% on the day but yesterday we're

Down 4% and the F greed index is Something that highly anticipates what What position we're in right now and Right now we're still in neutral but in The grand scheme we're basically in fear Because we were dancing and greed and Extreme greed just a couple weeks ago so The fact that we're gone this far There's a massive sell-off taking place Talking about selloff we look at the Technical analysis and we see ostage on Sell moving a on song Shell giving us an Overall summary of cell now now this Could be a massive opportunity to load Up your bags as people are selling Prices are in the red which gives us a Better opportunity to buy and at the low So you want to take advantage of these Dips now is your chance to strike same Good Playdoh right getting early into Pre-sale these are the times to strike If you want to make profits and win in The crypto space so us seeing a summary For the technical analysis selling Oscillators selling moving averages it Could be a great price point to enter at Again when we look at the one month guys We're down nearly 26% so we're kind of Nose diving a bit we're seeing a nice Resistance here where we're bouncing Back so hopefully we see some some high Actions right we can see two big whals Deposit 25.95 worth of ship and uh pep Bay to binance in the past 14 hours did

The whales become bearish uh with Ethereum and mem coins it's very Possible so as will start entering the Mix as we see crypto going in the green We can see a strong reversal so as Sheba Eno is the number two cryptocurrency in Terms of memecoins when we go to mem Coins we see she has been dominating With a $10 billion market cap it's $8 Billion away from she from Dogecoin Which is insane there is a world where This memin mcoin Rush Shu flips Dogecoin If that happens it's going to go Absolutely insane right so we take the Technicals which are kind of negative we Do see some positive in terms of the News uh and when we talking about news We see shba Inu burn Skyrocket 6000% Sparking optimism over ship price rally So the whole article goes on about shbs Burn rate spiking about 6 6000% today as Memec coin Supply take a take a hit Market sentiment turns optimistic ship Prices noted a significant upturn with Ferly bullish marketing Dynamics Glimmering hope for the future of Memecoins all that being said we're also Seeing Donald Trump potentially speaking At uh Bitcoin uh Nashville conference in July between all this bullish news guys I'm anticipating we see a reversal in The crypto space the crypto space has Been looking more bearish than usual and I'm anticipating we are going to see a

Reversal very soon but if you want to See some of the latest and greatest Crypto news make sure you smash the Subscribe button down below to stay Tuned with the latest and greatest news That pretty much DRS the video guys Until next time it's your friend Umar Peace [Music] [Music]

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