Shiba In Coin SHIB Could Push To New Highs And Dogeverse Could Follow!

The price action on shibba enu coin is Looking amazing today beautiful bottom Left hand side of the screen to upper Right hand side of the screen graph as Shibba enu coin is up nearly 5% but the Good news is Bitcoin is up even more We're going to talk a little bit about The the I guess the relationship between Bitcoin and shibi enu coin in this video And what it could result in because guys If Shibu coin continues to move higher If the meme coin rally is back you are Going to see massive gains in other meme Coins as well it is not going to be just Limited to shib enu coin in fact we Could see shib enu coin soaring back up To those all-time highs on top of that We could see brand new meme coins like Doge verse Rising even higher so let's Discuss it if it sounds like something You're interested in let's get started What's up everybody I'm clay bro and I Want to give a huge shout out over to The guys of the Doge verse team because They are creating something amazing here Here and I'm going to be bringing this Back up in a second but if you guys do Find yourself interested in buying Please use the affiliate link that's in The description below you are going to Pull up the correct website anything That can raise over $15 million has a Lot of scammers out there and I don't Want to see you guys getting scammed by

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Anybody so make sure you use that Official affiliate link out there so you Know you're pulling up the correct Website but we need to jump back in and Talk about this price action just Briefly here Shiva enu Quin is you guys Can see is soaring beautifully today Bottom left to upper right as it is up About 5% on the daily chart it is now Outside of that bull flag pattern and Getting ready to test resistance at the Current level of 24 2450 which is a very strong sign now the Last time that we tested this level we Did not break through but this time Could be an absolute different story Because this time Bitcoin is is soaring Guys you can see the Bitcoin is breaking Up through those previous levels of Resistance here you guys have Bitcoin On The Rise right now Bitcoin UPS 7% on the day today and anytime Bitcoin Outpaces altcoins or meme coins like Shibba enu coin they are very very quick To follow so shibba enu coin may not be Rising as much as Bitcoin today but Usually you do have shib following right Along afterwards and moving beautifully Higher One thing that could also rise Right along and move beautifully higher Is Doge verse here but we're going to be Talking about Doge verse in a second but I just want to touch on this article That shows you shib enu coin's current

Consolidation may be breaking out and we Might be pushing towards that 8,800 Point per coin all-time high Shibu coin Currently trades in an intermission Phase looking to continue the previous Upward Trend in a push towards the All-time high of 8,800 points per coin Cryptocurrency markets in a a period of Heightened uncertainty in the short term And the ship consolidation is a direct Result of the uncertainty with its price Being between 2630 and the low of 2057 Throughout the entire month but with Bitcoin breaking out right now it could Be leading and lending the confidence That shibba enu coin needs to soar and Let me just tell you if shibba enu coin Begins to soar back up to its all-time High you're going to see what roughly a 3X increase in price maybe if we break The all-time high a 4X increase in price Now that's because the market cap is so Ridiculously high already if you're Looking at other meme coins that should Follow right along you have Doge verse Now Doge verse is still in the pre-sale Stages right now but Doge verse is doing An amazing job to raise a lot of money They have already surpassed the $15 Million raise and I believe they're Doing this for a variety of reasons so Like I said at the beginning of the Video If you find yourself at any point Interested in buying Doge verse so that

You can lock in this price of 000031 make sure you use that affiliate Link that's in the description below Because there are a lot of scam websites Out there if you just simply Google Doge Verse I mean you can see you got a fake Instagram account right here you've got Different sponsored websites this is a Fake doers. network no these are all Fake websites and you're going to get Scammed if you go out there so do Yourself a favor and don't worry about Googling it but if you find yourself Interested in buying we'll talk about The reasons why in a second but you can Grab 62 ethereum worth and you're going To walk away with 590 million Doge verse that is a lot of Doge verse you can also buy on the Binance network the madic netk the Polygon Network Avalanche base and Salana not only can you buy on those Networks you can also claim on those Networks and that is where the utility Comes in guys you thought I was just Talking about some sort of a meme coin Cuz it's got a dog as its logo he Thought I was talking about a meme coin Because it's Sheba enu coin is its Mascot or shibba enu is its mascot we're Talking about a utility Bridge here Bridge between the top six most active Blockchains outside of Bitcoin guys We're not talking about some meme we're

Talking about an X account that is Already surpassed 17 and by the end of The day most likely 18,000 followers and People committed to seeing Doge verse Through these guys are extremely active Out on the xplatform posting every Single day and they are getting wild Amounts of Impressions 7,000 32,000 44,000 42,000 these guys are getting Noticed and it's resulting in a massive Amount of sells or a massive amount of Sales for the Doge verse team here so Why are people buying in the bridging Technology the bridging technology Coupled with this meme coin attitude Could create astronomical demand for Doge verse and if it does this price of 00003 it's not going to last very long We might see some launch day volatility Sure but this price of 00003 when people Understand that they can use do Doge Verse to bridge the same as all of these Other Bridges out there simply moving Ethereum over to the salana network usdc Coin all right perfect you want salana All right perfect with a click of a Button you can seamlessly move or will Be able to seamlessly move on Doge verse From one blockchain to another let's Talk about this 62 ethereum buy right Now the whales are pouring in and I Believe the whales are pouring in yes Because of the utility that Doge verse Is building the meme coin attitude but

Also they see shibba enu coin Rising They see these price predictions of Alltime highs being hit and they know That during a bull market the meme coin Euphoria hits all meme coins now Something that has you know three 4 5x Potential amazing but Doge versus Potential is unlimited the market cap is Going to be so small on launch compared To all of these other major meme coins Out there that it is going to be able to It's going to be able to outperform them Simply based on the fact that it is so Small in comparison now if you want to See the whales are buying in 62 ethereum Worth of Doge verse was purchased just a Couple of days ago this is a massive Incredible buy and somebody is gearing Up to make a lot of money think about it If Doge verse just 10xs these guys are Walking away with nearly $2 Million and and if you look at other Pre-sales sloth on sloth on just nearly Hitting a 10x increase Doge 20 Doge 20 Hit it nearly a 10x increase from its Low to its recent Peak these tokens are On the move right now and people are Paying attention which is why full Disclaimer full disclosure whatever you Want to call it I have bought into Doge Verse and I am very excited about the Potential that Doge verse brings not Only because it's an amazing meme coin Because it's got crazy utility as well

That if coupled that Meme coin mentality And the utility the demand could drive That price astronomically higher during A poll Market let me know what you guys Think about it down in the comments Below let me know if you guys are buying In down in the comments below and until The next time I hope to each and every One of you have an awesome day

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