SHIBA INU HEADED TO $0.000025?! SHIBA INU PRICE & NEWS | WienerAI NEXT 100X Crypto?!

Hello everyone welcome back to the 99 Bitcoins YouTube channel Sheba unu is Showing once again delightful results as We could see the me marking pumping in Price over $50 billion once again so We're looking at she enu quickly um There has been an increase in the Network fees also a large amount of Token burning as well recently which is Really good to see um over the last 7 Days we're still trying to claw back to That previous local high at 0.0000 025 but we did have a dollar cost Average opportunity down at this low 0.0021 region so still got a way to go We're still about 40% down from the Recent local top which um indeed did Give sheber a nice MC of 21 billion so We're quite away from there we're 40% Down in price as well but you can see is Are trading this very much um very Careful and precise looking almost uh Trading pattern right here and it kind Of just looks like a bit like a falling Um wedge really see it right here on the Chart so just want to talk about Shea Inu Fe spikes 5x what's happening why is Shea pumping right now do subscribe to The night9 Bitcoins Channel if you're New here by the way so in the past 24 Hours transaction fees on sharum she Layer 2 scaling solution has seen a Staggering 500% increase this coincides With a notable 200% jump in active

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Network accounts signaling A Renewed Interest in the project the reasons Behind ch renewed momentum are subject Of debate among experts some analysts Point to the inherent volatility of Memec coins and their suspect ability to Social media driven price fluctuations So Bitcoin did also as we know reach uh A low of 56 like 8K or something over The last few days um there was a blip Down you can't see on these charts but Low $57,000 and since then has made another Bounce to the upside it doesn't mean That we will go back up to astronomical Levels we could still go down but I'm Feeling Keen I'm feeling like you know The markets could look good for us over The next few weeks here may wasn't a Great start the day today does look very Good but the week and the month itself Are still pretty red but we are starting To see the Sirens of euphoria ring once Again and fingers cross we will see more Bullish momentum over here so Sheba Burning rate up 1,312 per if we just look at some recent Burns over here you can see Sheba has Had some big big Burns 36 minutes ago 10 Million sheep tokens 3 hours ago 14.9 Million sheep tokens and yeah as you go Through these Pages you can just see More whale transactions and big Burns Have been taking place so I think Sheba

Inu you know it has had a strong daily Candle here it needs to get back to the 2851 region and battle back into the 3 Region but it's the second time in you Know just a few kind of weeks really a Few days where Sheba has to come down to That 0.00002 region and every time you get These massive whale buys um come flowing In saving the day for sheber again so We're seeing that bullish reversal take Place could be a dead cap bounce but Fingers cross we will start to get that Bullish momentum now to the upside we Want to see kind of this path take place Um and make our way towards the upside Retest the resistance of 255 which we Haven't had a chance to do yet and there May be more continuation but of course If the markets tilt the other way we Could still see the negative and we Could still see 0.0018 and maybe even lower but fingers Cross that isn't going to happen and These are just small shakeouts in the Market designed to trick people to sell Their bags before they go back up in Price that could be exactly what this is A careful precise curation a man-made Kind of chart if you want to call it That so let's also talk about another Thing in the market Weena AI new website Update looks amazing this is a 10x Potential pre-sale I've got a link right

Down below where you guys can buy and Research into this token do do your own Due diligence so we AI now 0.0073 920k raised out 1.23 million Before the price goes up again so WEA AI Revolutionary AI trading bot we can see 1 billion plus tokens are staked with 68% of the supply being staked got some Massive rewards as you can see right Here I've got $6,000 worth of this token By the way that is is not even a joke I Literally bought it I'll show you right Now if you guys do want to see I have Got 8.71 8.77 million tokens so I'm very Very bullish on this one this reminds me Of Scotty the AI I do think we're going To get some upside potential but going Back here we' got 9,000 sorry 1,000% apy That's some big staking rewards there And like I say over a billion of these Tokens are being Stak at the moment not Financial advice but this is very very Cool the supply will be indeed dispersed First over a 2year period that's when We'll slowly see the overall Supply Unlock to a total of 60 um million plus There but it's looking really really Good and I think it's a good good Looking pre-sale you got the wien of Sausage being the character Zero fees me EV bot prot protection so you're not Going to get those front run Bots at all Seamless sausage swaps AI enhanced

Trading outsmart the market with W as Well so really cool bit utility bit of Fun tokenomics at 69 billion tokens over There as you can see here guys um and Then yeah decent breakdown of 30% into Pre-sale 20% to staking 20% on community Rewards 10% on Deck sex liquidity and 20% on the marketing as we scroll down You can see step three of the road map Does hint at a massive massive Global Exchange platform launch which should Help with a lot of fresh eyes boost Volume and trading liquidity into the Project so cool meme coin meme coins are Narrative and meta at the moment And I think you know this could be one As well from zero followers to 6,221 Followers in just a few days you can see Already they've got a lot of changes Happening the website is updated it's Looking more fresh and things are Looking pretty good for this project Right here so check out weener AI the Link is down below if you want to buy Some do remember it's not Financial Advice Shu also looking pretty Interesting at the moment want to see That real bullish reversal take place we Want to see sh beu grow more and more if You're new to the crypto space as well Make sure you check out my Discord Channel we have over 25,000 amazing People in it the link is down below Where we're talking about crypto news

Insights and way loads of other things That could help you potentially enhance And augment your portfolio this coming Bull Run do jump in on the action and Yeah bitcoin's back above 60 so we're Looking good guys Sheba hopefully will Go back up in price soon and yeah guys Let me know what you think down below About Sheba Inu what other memes you Looking at do you think WEA AI looks Cool I want to hear more from your Thoughts bye now stay crypto safe and Have a great day see you soon

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