Shibba enu is trending on Twitter their Burn rates are going exponentially crazy Now is your time to load up on some Shibba enu tokens before some massive Price pumps welcome back to 99b YouTube Channel I'm your host Umar Khan and Today we're talking about none other Than a fan favorite Sheba enu Cryptocurrency a top cryptocurrency Across the board it's about to be doing Some crazy things now also having a Massive event upcoming that's going to Be exclusively purchasable through Sheba Enu ecosystem if you haven't load up on Chibba enu now is your chance to load up But before the video I want to ask if You haven't already make sure you smash The Subscribe button down below if you Want to stay tuned to the latest and Greatest crypto and memec Coin News Talking about the market guys markets Are looking pretty poopy we're down 3% Fear and greed index at a 43 neutral Basically at fear Bitcoin losing a $60,000 position ethereum at $2,600 which is looking very bearish However I think there's some light at The end of the tunnel and looks like We're about to see a crazy pump in the Meme coin Market top mcoin we're looking At top mcoin number two shibba enu Currently rate 13 across the board at $8 Billion market cap some interesting Things coming she you up 2% on the week

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Down 1.3% on the day which in my Personal opinion gives a solid buying Opportunity on the month we're down About 24% and again on the one year We're still up 36% however guys we're Highlighting this right now down 24% we Go to the one-ear Chart we can see from Its alltime high this year alone from This cycle alone it's pretty big gains And we're anticipating not only will Shibba euu break his all-time high from This year but it's overall alltime high And if you do enter at this price point You're going to be sitting on a m Massive bag and I have a bunch of news That's going to support this uh Behavior Now before we go into the news I want to Take a second to highlight this coin That's currently on pre-sale right now It's been going absolutely crazy and Taking the Internet by storm this Project is called play Doge it's a play To earn Doge companion game but more Important than the play uh to earn Utility it's on pre-sale right now so This is gives you a chance to buy into a Project at its earliest convenience Imagine buying into the Sheba pre-sale Right and then selling when it pumps to Its ultime highs this is opportunity We're bringing you here on the 99b YouTu Channel and playd Doge it's ultimate Mobile play dur game that brings the Iconic doge meme to a life of a

Tamagachi style virtual pet secure your Play tokens during pre-sale uh to earn Crypto while playing a nostalgic 2D Adventure game this project has already Raised $6 million has been mentioned on A ton of different articles and blogs on In the crypto space solid Bel tab a Great UI as well and a great road map Followed by solid tokenomics plus Staking as well so if you want to buy Now and load up on this project Link in The description below we anticipate is Going to do some crazy things so now is Your chance to load up but back to Shu We're taking a look at technicals Technicals are looking interesting to Say the least oscill are neutral moving Averag are in strong strong sell giv us A total summary of sell but in my Opinion I think it's a buying Opportunity and it gives us a great Discount to load up now for the sh news Some very exciting news so first off uh Listy announcement uh K9 Dow partnered With to integrate uh K9 and a Variety of marketing and growth Activities that's pretty bullish and we Can also see treat yourself to open Spa There at the future con uh a big crypto Event in Toronto going on this weekend I Believe tomorrow is the last day pretty Bullish they've been doing some solid Things over there you can now buy bone And usdc with visa massard on sharum

That's pretty bullish as well and then Massive recap guys on 11-minute video Really highlighting what's been going on With Sheba enu so Sheba grows bigger uh Gets stronger and never slows be a part Of the future be a part of Sheba so Sheba price history we can see it's up a Tremendous amount 25 million plus Lifetime increase a million uh weekly Media impression so sorry not a million 100 million weekly uh Impressions and Over 6 million followers across social Media this is large beautiful recap guys Showcasing some some big things that's Been going on in the ecosystem between The sharum their games their school play To earn nfts you name it they've been Doing so much over the past 3 years as 11-minute video especially if you're Ship holder you may want to give it a Watch they kind of end the video by Hinting towards a massive event that's Upcoming it's only going to be Purchasable with their tokens right day One at futurecon was a blasting sure Every to visit our booth uh it's pretty Cool um and then they're just chilling By Toronto the Toronto skyline that's Pretty cool uh and then an alert for Scammers uh trying to Target sheing some Safety tips just engaging with the Community uh day two Recap uh which is pretty cool in August 2023 we launched ship Arium on L2

Blockchain uh turning Roshi's Vision Into reality so far we've achieved 47 Million plus transactions and 1.8 Million wallets uh created which is Absolutely insane so we can see uh you Can buy bone with the credit cards as Well which is pretty bullish uh reduce Withdrawal uh from 7 days to 45 minutes So that's pretty awesome um we can see Bridge your nfts uh gasless zero fees Which is awesome L3 app chains coming on Sharum and going through their averages And some massive Milestones that they've Achieved it's pretty awesome how massive This project has grown with all that Being said guys plus their massive in IRL event which is coming later this Year we're anticipating some crazy Things to happen within the Sheba enu Ecosystem which makes us very very Bullish but again guys none of this is Financial advice always your own Research and due diligence before Investing any money in the cryptos we Cover on this channel but let me know in The comment section below are you Bullish or bearish for shibba Inu are You excited I think this year is going To be the year we see a massive bull Market pump and shimu is going to really Pump to the moon and all those holding a Bag are going to be the ones taking Those rewards that wraps the video guys Until next time it is your friend Umar

Peace [Music] [Music]

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