all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Brandon coin YouTube channel and look I have a Pergola carport thing anyway I built it to be a carport but I watched chump change's videos on his solar pergola and I'm like man I could throw some solar panels up on this probably could have saved some money on metal and covering and stuff like that but regardless I could throw throw some solar panels up on this I really need to reach out to chump and just see like what the most cost- effective way to do this is um cuz I already have some panels uh and I don't know if like you know doing uh doing the DC to AC conversion out here and then running a line inside and then burning that power cuz I don't know if I want to do a battery backup system or maybe just do like small grid tie I'm not sure but anyway um yeah so this is my little carport that I built I'll get up there in a second and uh I still have some more metal to put on it but I originally built this just to put my Mustang under it's uh 8 and 1/2 ft wide and I did it right at 20 I think it's 21 ft long so I could definitely fit some panels on it and actually I was digging through my pile of junk and I have two perfectly good panels here and they are um see here 22.8 Volt or sorry they're 100 watt at 8 18.2 Vols so I think they're both 18vt panels I don't remember what I was exactly using this for I know I've tried them in different little projects and stuff um but yeah that could this this could be the start of of a a very fun adventure Journey what do you guys think um I'll be right back I'm going to jump up top there and show you all the real estate we got we definitely can put some stuff up there and then uh yeah the possibilities are endless all right so um this to this joint right here is 8T so 8T by about 8 and 1/2 ft and then another 8 ft by about 8 and 1/2 ft and then I got uh about a 3T um extra over there which I'm going to do a little bit of overhang but even if I do some panels right here um the sun rises right here right past these these trees comes all the way through here and then sets right there on the other side so these would be getting I mean 3/4 of the day really really good sunlight in this this area right here um people have asked me why don't I put it on that building I just do not like putting stuff on top of a you know a domicile I just feel like it's a bad juju so I I feel like what uh chump change did with his pergola having it freestanding having it out outside uh it's a lot easier to to work on that is the ticket so anyway um going to do some more brainstorming and uh we'll see where this video goes all right I totally have gone down the rabbit hole of looking at super cheap kits obviously horrible reviews tiny little panels you know an inverter that doesn't even have what's that a European plug or something um in in like the Harbor Freight System somebody told me this was a good deal looked into it this is a horrible deal these panels are ancient $164 you need they need to be paying people to take this um you know Fire Starter Deluxe basically Northern Tool they're close by to me and they seem to have a little bit better panel but um after looking into it apparently these these power inverters are not pure sine wave uh so that is really bad for electronics um so yeah yeah yeah now that's kind of led me to like Google and it's like are you spending a 100 or 200 bucks or are you spending $11,000 um there's like no in between I really don't know what to do I don't really want to buy a battery uh I want to do I guess grid tie I don't know I guess this is where I need to do more research and and then come back if you have any recommendations down below please drop me a comment and point me in the right direction this is crazy it's $11,000 but hold on there's a $300 coupon I've never seen that big of a coupon on Amazon that's wild um solar panel kit 400 WT I I don't know I don't know I'm going to I'm going to bed it's late and before I impulse buy something thing that's going to have me on top of my carport for the next week
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