Testing Trade ins RTX 4090

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all right so I'm at the shipping station got lots of stuff of stuff to ship because we had that GPU sale um over the weekend well Friday and then I was going to ship it out all Monday but it was Columbus Day so um yeah my post office was closed and yeah that's a thing but anyway um I did pick me up a thermal printer and um I know this this blown out light right here well it's like blown out by recording not blown out is that actually works but uh yeah these lights are so bright in relation to the building because I don't have any like real lights over here I just have some string lights but I did order some overhead lights so that should light everything up and then these aren't going to be as blown out because they're not going to be as bright in relation to everything else regardless um I also yeah I got me a thermal printer um so I finally can do like just sticky labels um I have another one that I let a friend borrow so uh whenever I get that one back I'll have two uh which that'll be good U potentially if I do end up renting that other retail space I could put one there and one here but um not wasting paper and ink has is going to be just a huge step up but anyway so we getting the weights right here uh I got my old laptop right here that way I can uh enter stuff in um let's see here let's go ahead and do it this is my new my new printing rig because I really wasn't using the laptop very often every now and then if I went on a trip I would take it with me uh but yeah it's just it wasn't used often um so it looks like this one's going to go uh USPS buy shipping label can't show you guys that cuz it's got his address on it but we can flip it around probably need one of the little holders for like the uh the labels but it uh it works like this so we'll hit print wham bam thank you ma'am it was working yesterday so hope oh there we go TAA it worked today um so I'm going to go ahead and pull that off there we'll slap it on here and then we'll move on to the next delivery so this is this is just going to be a little bit behind the scenes of uh delivery stuff there's that epic board that we did some testing on the other day all right what is up ladies and gentlemen I'm back over to the the test bench station and um I'm I kind of got a new process for how I'm going to be test benching stuff so we have a 4090 in right here that I have to get tested and make sure it's up and good so it really doesn't matter like what CPU I have on it I guess technically it could you know a better CPU would let it run better but I'm mainly checking to make sure uh the power the card power on it's got video and it'll make it through a benchmark um it doesn't have to be the best highest new record out there no I just need to make sure that she's good and she's running so let me flip it around and show you what we got so far all right so this test Spence computer is actually the one that I had set up in my office um it is a I think it's a yeah it's x370 so you know basically like what first and second gen ryzen we have no problem with I don't know if this this bios will let me do 5,000 series risen but not really a big deal I'm going to be replacing this with uh probably a b550 um with one of those uh ones that can do all ryzen chips so um anyway but for the time being we'll use this right now because like I said CPU doesn't matter and then when I'm not using the uh this board or say for example I need to test out an Intel CPU I'll just pop one of these open and grab this guy it's got a little mounting plate and then set it down in there and then I can stack up my uh different G different uh motherboard configurations of test benches and I can just keep them down there below uh as for a power supply I'm going to keep this one on hand this is a Corsair HX 1500i this should be able to power anything that I'm going to test right here on this bench so let me get this all plugged in and um for a monitor I'm just using an old HP monitor nothing special there um but yeah let's get it running all right so we got video that is nice I'm going to let this boot into windows and then I'm going to run my favorite Benchmark ever Heaven bench uh which some people told me I need to change from uh and go over to a different benchmarking Suite um so I don't remember exactly what people said but I'm going to use this video as a tool to let me know so Drop it Down Below in the comment section what do you think the best allaround GP U Benchmark is because I have heard some people say that some benchmarks can actually be detrimental to cards and run them um you know too hard is that a thing can you run them too hard I'm not sure um but yeah Heaven bench has been out for a long time so I do know that it is it is an older one so let me go ahead and fire it up we are on Heaven bench 4 let's run [Music] T but yeah so normally this setup is probably going to be open and clear unless I'm actually testing something the only thing that's going to stay here is the actual power supply um I don't like how the cable situation is but I could always just unplug the cables leave the power supply there and you know shove the cables in one of those boxes I do like these boxes for the fact that um you know like they could fit their own motherboard and it keeps them you know nice and safe and and sound uh so probably going to get some more of those uh and then we can stack them up in there so yeah all right let's actually run the Benchmark there we go benchmarking so let's see how this bad boy comes out I'll tune back in in a minute and got high FPS but we're probably we're probably capped out on this CPU cuz I believe it's a ryzen 5 6 core all right so it passed the Benchmark um with a FPS of 236 score of 5965 we are 100% CPU bound so that ryzen 5600 is showing its age cuz this 4090 definitely needs to stretch its legs also we're only testing it at 1920 x 1080 not a big deal like I said I'm not doing this to try to get you know break records and stuff like that mainly just to see if the C will spin up it doesn't overheat it can make it through a benchmark and we're good to go now um I'm going to go ahead and break this one down because I do have three other ones that I have to test these are 490s and 490s as well um the all founders editions but they're all already spoken for so um I don't get 490s in often and when I do I'm kind of nervous about holding on to them so I definitely like play the field and see if anybody's interested before I I pulled the trigger on multiple 409s so if you're looking for bigger cards like that reach out to me on Discord send me a PM uh or send me a DM and uh I do check my my DM request and friend request so once I I get another line on some you know big 409s um I will actually hit you back and and let you know so that being said I'm going to go ahead and uh and pull these off we'll test the other ones and let's see what else I think I got some other stuff to test as well all right I just had to video this cuz this is my biggest single load of packages and mainly due to Monday being a holiday so my post office wasn't open but um we got a bunch of big stuff and heavy stuff in the back uh got a lot of all the the little ones in there got you know I don't know there's there's tons of them um and then up front got all our USPS packages so I got it all in the truck luckily it isn't a truck um it definitely wasn't have fit in my car that's for sure uh but yeah I just had to video this because it was it was tripping me out a little bit cuz I'm like dang I I never have this much but it feels like I haven't dropped stuff off in ages cuz um I missed Friday so Friday Saturday Sunday Monday it's been over 4 days since I've been to the post office they're going to wonder what happened to me

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