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hey guys red pen running here hope you're doing well having a really great day this video I just want to start off with a giveaway and we're going to be giving away this ice River I believe it's a al0 this is the alium miner so I want to give it away in this video here very easy we're going to I'm just going to tell you guys right now okay it's going to be this unit right here so all you to do is comment down below your thoughts of I guess alifia Mining and also if you are in USA or Canada so very easy and I will choose the winner after 24 hours after this video is uploaded so get your comments down below to a chance to win this ice River a0 so as I am just trying to pull this out okay just to show you guys this is an ice rer al0 from apexto mining they have given me this ice River Al Z here and I was you know mainly going to keep it but you know I thought let's give this away because as of recording there is a new announcement from Ice River of a new alifia Miner an al2 light and also their Castle Miner they have a ks2 light so right now as of recording this thing is earning about I think about less than $2 a day right now in alium so I don't really know what I want to talk about in this video other than I just wanted to give this away but yeah just there's been a lot of things happening with like Asic mining over the past I don't know this past year actually and there's been a lot of people who have been inquiring about miners getting into Asic mining you know whether it's alifia mining or notably Caspa mining or even Dogecoin mining there's been a lot of competition okay and that's kind of I guess what I'll talk about mainly today I'm not going to turn this on I'm sure this works also the power supply that was given here it's not a North American plug here but uh I will give away uh these things alt together for whoever wins after 24 hours okay so again just comment down below your thoughts of alifia Mining and if you're in USA or Canada I'll choose the winner for this alz 2 24 hours after this video is uploaded and I'll pin your comment then I'll reply then you'll just got to email me your shipping address okay so just to reiterate ice server just announced their new alium uh light series miners okay ice rer al2 light so it does about 2 terahash at about 500 watts which is I believe a 0.25 in efficiency which is pretty much the exact same efficiency as this ice River al0 so relative to what your cost per kilowatt hour is because the efficiency is the same from this to the I guess their al2 now but the main thing I wanted to get at was for those that may have purchased these Al zeros I don't know maybe a month ago and you know they've just been receiving them maybe over the past couple weeks or past week or so and now they announc their new you know light series miners which looks like this like it looks actually looks very similar to the gold shell uh Miner here uh with the integrated power supply and also has Wi-Fi so the ice River al2 light or the uh ks2 light they have integrated power supply as well and also Wi-Fi as well so ice server is trying to compete against gold shell and we did a live stream yesterday already talking about the new models and their pricing and talking about the efficiency you guys should go watch that video more in depth but I'll just put on the screen here right the efficiency of the new light miners it's definitely better and also the price is also better as well when it comes to pricing ice River has always been ahead of the game against their competitors and so even bitm ice River has been competing against bitm and gold shell and it seems like ice River always comes out of the gate with better pricing more efficient units and I'm going to have to say these days maybe quality has been getting better they did fix their thermal paste but to each his own everyone has different experiences so far in terms of reliability of their miners especially with with gold shells and even bitmain as well anyways I've been hearing a lot recently just over the past day people are feeling backstabbed uh from Ice River because they haven't even gotten their Al zeros yet and if they did it's just over it's only been been a couple weeks since they've got them and so they haven't been able to essentially get their initial investment back which everyone is hoping to get back in a certain time frame which I totally empathize for people but I'm going to have to say it hasn't been like a good year yet you know everyone's time Horizon in crypto mining should at least be more than a year so it's kind of hard to say you know we haven't had that price appreciation on alium yet if we're looking at its price right now it's it's kind of been going down since it's previous High you know a couple months back so will there be a Bitcoin Bull Run coming up soon will there be altcoin season you know is the four-year Bitcoin cycle which is supposed to come up in this next year here is that going to play out then if it does and if you've been mining and holding your alium then everything uh might play out but another thing that's also kind of like a nail in the coffin especially for anyone that's boughten any gold shell a leum miners this is the Dogecoin uh mini Doge 3 plus anyone who has bought the like gold shell Al Box 2 plus like I have here or Al box even the first generation like 5 seven months ago I actually have one running and I think it's mined about 16 to 1,700 alium so far so has that gotten its initial investment back of I think $9,000 no I think we're like onethird the way there and so the only saving grace there for all the Alum mind I mind with that first gen Al box is that aum's price has to go up like 3x in in order for me to in theory get that initial break even on that initial th $9,000 investment so I'm still doing that test I'm still doing that long-term test of mining on the albox uh this is an albox uh 2 plus which is one terahash at I think 500 watts here yeah at the wall here I'm at 470 right now on the albox 2 uh plus so that's another thing to think about recently is gold shells pricing has been hasn't been very good so now that ice rers come out the gate with their Al uh to light which again the stats are you know two terahash at 500 watts it's basically five Al zeros and their pricing was about $1,300 so anyways just talking about the gold shell pricing of these now it doesn't make sense to buy the gold shell miners because these cost way too much now so gold shell now that there's the announcement from Ice River Gold shell has to lower their pricing on their miners okay and I touched on this yesterday for anyone that's like buying these like small miners you know for me personally I've already talked about this before but like I'm a I'm going to say I'm a medium scale Miner uh I normally would buy like the bigger boy miners so these smaller ones I personally really wouldn't buy these but the only thing people would buy these for and I've had people talk to me about it and they're like red panda you're not giving a fair Shake about these smaller miners which for people that live in condos or apartments or college dorms who have free power so that's like a segment of the market which I never talk about cuz I I don't have free Power and so I guess there are plenty of people out there who live in those types of situations you know maybe don't have as much money to spend on a big boy minor don't have 240 volt 30 amp circuits like these you know to run in their home uh they don't have the means to do that you know noise is a concern as well then their solution is going to be looking at these types of miners which you know are much smaller but you know no noise they provide a bit of heat great for wintertime nice and quiet that got Wi-Fi got power so all you need to plug in around your house is just the power cable so there is a place for these but you're really not going to make a lot of money with this but if you got free Power and you believe in the tokens that you're trying to mine like Caspa or alium then all power to you if you decide to get into these simply for the fact that it's an easier barrier to entry essentially because you're not spending you know five digits on a big boy Asic minor so in that regard I can then okay say okay fair enough fair enough for people that are in those types of situations free Power condo living need quiet miners can only plug in 120 volt power need Wi-Fi then so be it those are great for people that want to do that and for people that want to provide some heat in their living room bedroom whatever kitchen then I can't fault anyone for that I mean for me like actually I'm in Canada I actually need some of these up upstairs in my house because I can heat my bedroom or kitchen and these types of models not these models specifically but other models in the past I've used the mini does mini Doge 2os as heaters during the winter so there's definitely value there in which I don't need to use my baseboard heaters and so I'd rather spend the electricity money on mining with units that are quieter and at the same time I'm earning crypto which I would have spent on you know heating my house with baseboard heaters or oil base eaters anyway anyways guys that I've been I've just been rambling I I really had no purpose in this video other than to just wanting to give this ice River Al Z away um just let me know your guys' thoughts on alifia mining and again just comment down below Canada or USA and I'll choose the winner 24 hours after this video is uploaded for this ice River a0 specifically all right thank you to apexto mining if you guys are interested to looking for any miners from them link down below to apexto mining okay I'll see you all in the next video have a good one peace out peace out

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